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Offline staci

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on: March 10, 2008, 08:30:14 PM
Being new to the scene and having limited experience, I've been wondering if youth makes a difference in choosing a partner for bit of fun. Is it better and more fulfilling to try a novice or is the challenge and chase not worth the hassle? One that has been in the lifestyle could be considered a "bird in the hand" and a more pleasurable choice. Here's hoping some of you will say, they're never too young to learn. Comments? Past Experiences? Wishes? Dreams? Inquiring minds want to know. Kiss

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Offline Gina Marie

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Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 08:46:45 PM
Well S, my first time was all about 3 things:

1) Being nervous

2) Being scared

3) Being seduced

it was wonderful, and I have many fond memories of my introduction to the Sapphic love. My partner was my age but she knew way more than I did!

Over the next several years, I got the chance to pass on what I had learned to a few willing but scared young ladies. I am not one to say "never too young", but to each her own. I think the onset of puberty is a key factor. This is not a judgement, but IMHO, I feel that a girl is not ready if she is pre-pubesent. I find a girl who is exploding with teenaged hormones far more erotic.

But as I said, to each her own....

« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 08:53:23 PM by Gia1978 »

Offline Angie_UK

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Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 12:32:39 AM
Without a doubt staci...a woman in  her 40's is the perfect choice.. :)....experienced. :)..gentle....loving..... :)... need I say more?

Me biased???..... never... :-*.

Offline jeneee

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Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 03:32:19 AM
Well, Staci, an older, experienced lover can be 'just what the doctor ordered' in the case of a younger, shy, scared but curious and willing partner (curious and willing being the key words).  ;)
And the delights of such an encounter, for both parties, can pave the way for a lifetime of sensual enjoyment. In My Humble Opinion   :P

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Offline staci

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Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 07:04:56 PM
Thanks ladies, the key words are curious and yet afraid. Kind of puts the load on the seducer. I have seen many women that piqued my interest, but honestly had no idea how to proceed.

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Offline Angie_UK

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Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 09:28:49 PM
Staci ..just be yourself...your natural  bubbly self...that will atract any woman with any sense
 The rest will follow..... :) :-*

Offline Nadi

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Reply #6 on: March 14, 2008, 11:16:46 PM
Being new to the scene and having limited experience, I've been wondering if youth makes a difference in choosing a partner for bit of fun. Is it better and more fulfilling to try a novice or is the challenge and chase not worth the hassle? One that has been in the lifestyle could be considered a "bird in the hand" and a more pleasurable choice. Here's hoping some of you will say, they're never too young to learn. Comments? Past Experiences? Wishes? Dreams? Inquiring minds want to know. Kiss

Het Staci

I know how you feel, i was where you are, but i was lucky.

I had a great best friend and we explored and experimented with each other. I do sometimes wish we had someone a few years older, someone like Gia would of been great, to help us and guide us, but to be honest we had a lot of fun learning from each other.

I know things can be scary but i hope you find someone who you can be open and honest with and have the fun i have had over the years.

Kisses and licks

Offline shane

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Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 08:18:33 AM
Staci. As an older male I wish I could be there to watch you on your sapphic journey of love. Experience as much as you can but keep in mind, you should be in control of your own body and your own destiny. 

Offline staci

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Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 02:17:37 PM
Thanks to all who responded. I am going to get a three sided sign that says - Ready - Willing - Anxious

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Reply #9 on: December 12, 2008, 12:08:10 AM
I am definitely attracted to younger partners. Though I do appreciate the maturity that comes with age.

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Reply #10 on: December 12, 2008, 03:16:31 AM
well i am not a hot horny lesbian but i am a hot horny bisexual nympho.  i kinda like that.  i call it non discriminatory sexual deviancy heehee....but in all seriousness my first time was when i was well in my adolescence(i hit puberty boobs, monthy ritual of roses, hormones around 9 go me) but anyways when my girl friends would spend the night i would suck on breasts, kiss them, always too afraid to go below the panty line.  Now as i look back that was not right, but it was my curiosity and hormones.  My first fulfilling relationship with a  woman was when i hit college.  My best friend became my lover.  Now we are still lovers but not in a relationship.  We're just better friends and i like men way too much.  She is 26 i am 22.  Now the reason i am telling this is to make the point that sometimes you just got to follow your heart.  sure i have had women turn me down.  Loads of times in fact, but i just smile, remember that they are the ones missing out and move along.  i just want to remind you darling that all of us are different in our needs and our experiences.  So, if you are nervous, be honest about it with a perspective partner.  It usually makes the experience so much better.

all my well wishes



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Reply #11 on: October 15, 2018, 04:43:29 PM
Hi I'm new to all this but have be curious since I was a young girl I just never tried anything. Now the older I get I'm thinking I missed my opportunity. Life gets so busy with work and family it's seems impossible to even enjoy myself let alone explore these desires. I would not know where to begin to look for someone and how would I approach them . Plus with a husband ( I use that term loosely)  and 3 children at home it's pretty hard to get away. Thanks for listening

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Reply #12 on: October 16, 2018, 03:06:19 PM
Timing is always a key factor. But when you find someone you will find a way.

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Reply #13 on: October 16, 2018, 04:05:59 PM
I prefer maturity, experience, stability...  Honestly, I spend more time with married women, and couples (When the husbands are into it too.)  Youth are pretty.  That's about it, with some exceptions, but by and large, they don't generally bring a whole lot more to the relationship.  It's hard to even have a decent conversation with someone, who only has a decade of life experiences under their belt.

Especially with Virgins, I never really got the fetish for that.  You basically have to teach them everything.  I'll trade a young, lithe nubile pretty body for someone with wrinkles, and  scars, who knows what she's doing.  Any day of the week.

It's funny, because I typically write stories about Youth, because of the discovery.  The learning, that gives something for the reader to discover, and learn.  It's hard to write a married couple, that knows each other so well that they don't have to say anything, and still keep it interesting.  (Granted, most of the LGBTA couples haven't been together as long as the straight ones.)

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #14 on: October 16, 2018, 05:56:04 PM

I prefer maturity, experience, stability...  Honestly, I spend more time with married women, and couples (When the husbands are into it too.)  Youth are pretty.  That's about it, with some exceptions, but by and large, they don't generally bring a whole lot more to the relationship.  It's hard to even have a decent conversation with someone, who only has a decade of life experiences under their belt.

Especially with Virgins, I never really got the fetish for that.  You basically have to teach them everything.  I'll trade a young, lithe nubile pretty body for someone with wrinkles, and  scars, who knows what she's doing.  Any day of the week.

It's funny, because I typically write stories about Youth, because of the discovery.  The learning, that gives something for the reader to discover, and learn.  It's hard to write a married couple, that knows each other so well that they don't have to say anything, and still keep it interesting.  (Granted, most of the LGBTA couples haven't been together as long as the straight ones.)

Those are great points, and I think they perfectly answer the question in the OP (which was posted over 10 years ago, but is still perfectly relevant today).

Everyone had a "first time." In most cases, it occurred when they were still relatively young, and in many cases, one or both partners were completely or relatively inexperienced. So it was filled with stops and starts, fumbles, miscues, failed experiments, and the like. And that's true regardless of one's sex, gender, or orientation.

And your other points are equally germane, and they refer directly back to the OP. In terms of personal fulfillment, an experienced partner is always the ticket. Yet there's something intriguing for an "older" person to get together with a younger and inexperienced partner. Yes, as you put it, "You basically have to teach them everything." But there's a joy in that, in teaching, opening eyes, introducing to new experiences, and the like.   

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline MonicaJ

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Reply #15 on: October 16, 2018, 08:32:19 PM
Everyone has such wise things to say and I feel very encouraged by them. I will just have to wait and see what opportunities present and then take that leap of faith and hope I land on my feet 

Girls just wanna have fun.