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huyle23 · 126844

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Reply #120 on: November 07, 2018, 01:22:01 PM

Well, this was certainly a busy thread yesterday.

[sigh] My life is so boring that all I have to confess is that I enjoyed the hell out of reading all your confessions. I mean some really great stuff!

Now, since yesterday was election day (in the US) and I'm still in a voting mood, I'm going to cast a ballot for my favorite confessor.

And the winner is...

[waits for drum roll]

[damn, there is no drum roll]

Screw it, the winner is ChirpingGirl!  :sign_woohoo:

CJ is really baaad! I'm so proud of you Chirp!

[mentally patting the top of her pretty blonde head in a totally innocent and non-threatening manner WHILE being careful not to invade her personal space]

Now CJ,  ;D about those videos...


Offline MintJulie

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Reply #121 on: November 07, 2018, 01:37:33 PM

Littlebit must have noticed some of the recent discussion when posting this image in "I Can't Figure Out Where To Post This."

Well, right here, would be the answer.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
Version 9.15
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Reply #122 on: November 07, 2018, 01:55:42 PM

Well, this was certainly a busy thread yesterday.

[sigh] My life is so boring that all I have to confess is that I enjoyed the hell out of reading all your confessions. I mean some really great stuff!

Now, since yesterday was election day (in the US) and I'm still in a voting mood, I'm going to cast a ballot for my favorite confessor.

And the winner is...

[waits for drum roll]

[damn, there is no drum roll]

Screw it, the winner is ChirpingGirl!  :sign_woohoo:

CJ is really baaad! I'm so proud of you Chirp!

[mentally patting the top of her pretty blonde head in a totally innocent and non-threatening manner WHILE being careful not to invade her personal space]

Now CJ,  ;D about those videos...



They're for sale. 10 million each. I take dollars, pesos, Bitcoin and Reichsmarks.  :emot_laughing:


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Reply #123 on: November 07, 2018, 02:01:36 PM
Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

Offline Dirtymind

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Reply #124 on: November 07, 2018, 02:03:40 PM
Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

Pity. We should have a members only pic page.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 02:05:51 PM by Johnny »

Offline Jed_

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Reply #125 on: November 07, 2018, 03:34:52 PM
Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

I know what hot/dumb blonds look like Chirp, and I don’t ask for pics cuz it’s rude.

If offered, I do accept them though  :o  ;D

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Reply #126 on: November 07, 2018, 03:59:48 PM
Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

Sure, CG, tease us with personal pictures former members have seen.....lucky KitKat.  ;D

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.


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Reply #127 on: November 07, 2018, 04:17:31 PM
Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

I know what hot/dumb blonds look like Chirp, and I don’t ask for pics cuz it’s rude.

If offered, I do accept them though  :o  ;D

CJ is both hot and dumb.  ;D Or "Stupid Hot" as someone said.  :roll:

Confession. FORMER members of this forum have seen personal pictures of me. Both expressed feelings and "extreme desire"  ;D for me, and then disappeared. CJ will never, ever share pics again.  :roll:

Sure, CG, tease us with personal pictures former members have seen.....lucky KitKat.  ;D

I'm not naming names.  :facepalm:

I almost sent Jules one, but we can't lose Jules so she gets nothing. Ever.  :D


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Reply #128 on: November 08, 2018, 09:20:37 AM

Pity. We should have a members only pic page.

I'll bet you a nickel people would pay good money for access to that!



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Reply #129 on: November 09, 2018, 08:20:49 PM
I'm a little tempted to ask for these (Alleged) pics just for Chirpy to shoot me down.  I bet she'd get a kick out of that.



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Reply #130 on: November 09, 2018, 08:23:29 PM
I'm a little tempted to ask for these (Alleged) pics just for Chirpy to shoot me down.  I bet she'd get a kick out of that.


Betraying CJ's trust has consequences.  :roll:

Offline Dirtymind

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Reply #131 on: November 09, 2018, 10:59:58 PM
I'm a little tempted to ask for these (Alleged) pics just for Chirpy to shoot me down.  I bet she'd get a kick out of that.


Betraying CJ's trust has consequences.  :roll:

Does it involve spanking?


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Reply #132 on: November 09, 2018, 11:01:54 PM

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Reply #133 on: November 09, 2018, 11:03:01 PM
***gets in line ***


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Reply #134 on: November 10, 2018, 02:26:19 PM

***Takes a ticket to watch***




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Reply #135 on: November 10, 2018, 02:52:59 PM
I'll hold the camera.  Where do you want the goat?


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Reply #136 on: November 14, 2018, 01:45:25 PM

Ever since I posted my rant about courtesy the other day, my stupid conscience has been nudging me to confess something I said once that wasn't very courteous at all, it was in fact, rude and inappropriate, among other things.

This incident happened half-a-lifetime ago; I don't think I was even 30 yet, but it's something I've never forgotten. Her name was Amanda. She was a telemarketer, and judging from her bright, bubbly and enthusiastic voice, she was probably pretty good at it.

I don't remember what she was selling, a credit card maybe, or long distance service. For those of you who are too young to remember, we used to have to pay for long distance calls, apart from our regular phone bill. A long distance plan was a monthly fee for so many minutes, as opposed to a flat per-minute charge for each call that wasn't local.

Back to Amanda. She started off with a greeting and was talking a mile a minute. Back then I was too polite to just rudely hang up on people, even telemarketers (something I've since gotten over  ;D) so I listened and waited for a chance to get a word in.

It took a surprisingly long time, she just went on and on it seemed like, but finally she had to take a breath and I was able to say, “Listen, Amanda. Before we go any further, can I ask just one question?”

In her bright bubbly voice she said, “Of course Mr. Remmy. What would you like to know?”

So I told her what I wanted to know.

“What color panties are you wearing Amanda?”

The line went silent.

Stone cold silent.

Two seconds.

Four seconds.


All these years later I hate to admit it, but as I hung up the phone, I was grinning and I pumped my fist in the air. A telemarketer had hung up on ME!

What can I say, I was young and stupid. Now I'm older and... well, I'm older. I do realize now that what I said back then was rude and inappropriate so maybe I actually am a wee bit wiser.

So there's my confession. Now I just have one question for any female members of KB that happen to read this.

Will you—on behalf of Amanda—accept my apology for treating her so horribly all those years ago?



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Reply #137 on: November 14, 2018, 03:07:53 PM
I accept on her behalf.  ;D

Offline Dirtymind

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Reply #138 on: November 14, 2018, 03:11:49 PM
In fairness, telemarketers just don't get the message. I've resorted to such tactic to get rid of 7th day Adventists that wouldnt leave. First I flirted with a girl. Nothing. Then I changed tactics a flirted with the guy.  The whole pack of them left within 5 seconds. 

Offline MintJulie

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Reply #139 on: November 14, 2018, 04:30:55 PM

I do realize now that what I said back then was rude and inappropriate so maybe I actually am a wee bit wiser.

So there's my confession. Now I just have one question for any female members of KB that happen to read this.

Will you—on behalf of Amanda—accept my apology for treating her so horribly all those years ago?

Yep, that was pretty low, Remmy.  While she was a telemarketer, she is also someone that is just out trying to make a buck.   I get it though.   And you're forgiven.

I used to work for an insurance company.  I had to call on claims and try and poke holes in their stories.  One particular client wasn't liking my line of questioning and knew he was caught.  He started getting more upset.  When it was at the point of him realizing he wasn't going to get his way, he said, "You've really got your panties in a bunch today." I didn't respond when he added, "Or is it that your dildo got stuck in your ass today."    I was furious but didn't say anything.  My customer service training taught me to take a breath and never raise your voice at a customer.  So, I took a deep Breath, then, "Mr Smith, no my panties are not in a bunch because I didn't wear any today, and I just checked, my dildo is still in my purse."   The look on my male supervisors face, who was sitting across from me was priceless.  I only got in a little trouble when we reviewed tape and he heard what was said to me.  After all, I had just saved the company on a $3000 claim.

The thing is, we've all done things that we regret later.    When in situations like this, think of the person on the other end of a phone call as being your daughter, niece, grand daughter, grand son etc.    Just nicely interrupt them when you realize it's a sales call, tell them you're not interested and wish them luck with their next customer and tell them to have a good day.  They'll appreciate it your kindness.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
Version 9.15
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