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File Name Change Suggestion

Mchambers · 1131

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Offline Mchambers

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on: February 18, 2016, 09:20:33 PM
I would like to suggest a change in txt file naming convention used in the main archive Directories.

The naming format currently used in the archive directories is fairly terse, such as:

Meanwhile the naming format used in the bookshelves is quite descriptive, such as:
Magician - 1 (school, 1st, teens).txt

I'd like to suggest (or at least raise for discussion), that the file naming for future additions to the archive Directories be changed that used in the Bookshelves.  There are several reasons:

1. The titles are much more informative, particularly when contributions in a directory are very similarly named.

2. They allow downloaded files to be easily perused for reading on a user's computer or mobile device.

3. They would allow searching on the user's device by keycode. This not only aids selection of why to read next; it makes it possible to easily select and organize downloaded files by major keycode.

I don't see any particular disadvantages to adopting this approach (provided that additional parts to stories already in the directories maintain the older naming for consistency.)

Does anyone else see a disadvantage I've missed?