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Just for the girls here: Breeder or Lesbian...

Gina Marie · 11180

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Offline Well Behaved Lady

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Reply #40 on: November 28, 2016, 05:53:45 PM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?
I never reveal anything about my passwords

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
It depends on the occasion

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
Sports tickets

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
Not this year

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

10) Do you wear makeup?
yes but not on a daily basis

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
yes, I can be a bit of a joker

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Depends on the occasion

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Depends on the occasion

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls
no preference

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
yes, but would never do it

21) Do you like your life?
yes, there are times I want to scream but you just have to get on with it.

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
yes when the ladies has been busy

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?
no as much as I might have been tempted

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
yes, I'm an emotional person

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Offline Lois

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Reply #41 on: January 07, 2017, 05:07:25 AM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
no, I mean eeeeeewwww

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
Depends on the team

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
In life no, in the movies yes

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

10) Do you wear makeup?

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
I never checked

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Oh yes!

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats, heels on the rare occasion

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Depends on the occasion

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
straight with a natural wave

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
no, but with age I am reconsidering

21) Do you like your life?
Most times

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?


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Reply #42 on: July 25, 2018, 08:59:08 PM
Now don't wimp out here ladies... have some fun with this!

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

10) Do you wear makeup?

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Yes  my tits are to small

21) Do you like your life?

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Offline MintJulie

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  • Madame Sheriff
Reply #43 on: July 25, 2018, 09:48:35 PM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
I have a clutch that is with me 99% of the time.

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
It usually comes off when I walk in the door from work if I'm not going out of the house for the evening.  So, definite no.

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
Not excited about either.  Sports tickets to watch people and eat unhealthy. (Nacho chips & cheese, popcorn, giant pretzels)

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
I have NEVER missed dressing up on Halloween.

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?
Only because that's how they prefer to be addressed.

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

I almost didn't reply to this quiz because of this question.  I could lie, but I won't.
My best friend and I were on vacation in Florida, and there were maybe 11 guys.
It was a long long long time ago.  I've told a couple of people here about it in message.
So now you can all think the worst of Julie.

10) Do you wear makeup?
Yes, 360 out of 365 days a year.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
Yes, because when friends and I were experimenting putting on makeup in our early teens, we all commented on how silly our moms looked when they have their mouths open putting on mascara.  None of us opened our mouths after that.

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Jeans in the winter when I can.
Skirts in the summer whenever possible.

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls
I've never thought much on this.  But most every guy I've dated was darker haired.

19) Do you have a best friend?
3 best friends.  We're all friends together too, it's not 3 separate best friends.

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

21) Do you like your life?
Currently, yes.
Age 22-38, no, I hated it.

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
Numerous times.  Not accidentally either, but to use it because the ladies line was too long. 

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yes, numerous times.

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
In my whole life?  Yes, numerous times.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
Version 9.15
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Reply #44 on: July 25, 2018, 10:38:36 PM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?[/quote]
Big time.

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
No, I' not so well endowed.  Also, it's a record summer, and I live in a van without air-con.

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?[/quote]
The tickets would be easier to cash in.  Not a big fan of Coach as a company.  However, I love the pun!

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
Vicariously.  Other people's drama, I don't like to get into it personally, but it's entertaining to watch.

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
I dress down.  As normal as possible, because of how outlandishly I dress the rest of the year.  I let the normals have their 1 night.  (Also, I have a bunch of rote responses:  "I'm a human.  Like my costume?")

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?
Mostly military buddies.  Also, anyone with a common first name like Chris.  There's too many Chrises in my generation, of both genders.

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?
3 is about as many as I can get in at once, not counting the ones lined up behind them.  (2 hands, and a mouth.)  I think the largest gangbang I starred in was about 20-25 guys.  I lost count, and I was pretty drunk.

10) Do you wear makeup?
I have to.  I'm not naturally pretty.  I also have a heart shaped beard.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Not as an adult.

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats.  I'm 5'12" tall.

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Denim skirts.  Again, pockets.  Also a major Cotton fetish.

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
No preference.  It's not all that hard to curl, or flat-iron.  Really depends on the face.  Natural curl on Melanists.

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls?
Again, depends on the rest of them.  I hate the bleach blond/tan beach look, where their skin is darker than their hair.  It just looks wrong.

19) Do you have a best friend?
I wish.

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
I wish I could afford it.

21) Do you like your life?
It's not easy.

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
I have to, for legal reasons.  I've gone to the wrong jail, for being in the right restroom.  (They wrote that law for me.  I'm from Raleigh.)

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?
Only if they deserve it, or really want it.

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Sigh, yeah.

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Offline teenbifreak

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Reply #45 on: April 21, 2021, 01:56:01 AM
Now don't wimp out here ladies... have some fun with this!

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?
no lol

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

yeah i’m definitely girly i love designer brands and fashion. and i’m very feminine.
3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
sometimes, but not usually

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
coach bag

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
not in real life, but on tv it’s so entertaining

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?

always, last year i was a sexy cheerleader
8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

yeah my guy friends that i flirt with
9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

1... i wanna go to an orgy so bad tho
10) Do you wear makeup?

almost everyday unless i’m lazy or i don’t need it that day
11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
flats because i’m on the taller side and heels make me taller than everyone else

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

skirt right now
17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls

19) Do you have a best friend?
yeah 2

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

yeah i want a bbl and lip fillers and i’m getting minor chin reconstructive surgery in august. also after i have kids i wanna get a mommy makeover.
21) Do you like your life?
most of the time i’m very blessed, but a lot of fucked up shit has and does happen to me.

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

only when i really had to pee and couldn’t wait in the line for the women’s. i want to now tho
24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

yes and i’ll do it again they all deserved it
25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
yeah i used to have bad depression so that was an almost every night occurrence

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
yeah a girl who makes me cum like no one else that i wanna fuck again and some of my exes but eventually i got over them and forgot they existed

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #46 on: April 21, 2021, 03:35:31 AM
Don't come to this part of KB, so I never knew this existed until now.

Now don't wimp out here ladies... have some fun with this!

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

Yes it is made up of two different boys names combined.  Oh yeah, and they were dogs too lol

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

I'd lean more towards yes. I enjoy wearing dressing but don't do it that often, and getting my hair done. I love just getting together with friends over coffee and just chatting. But there are plenty of things that I do that are not girly like watching football or going to outdoor parties/concerts and running in mud.

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

Small. I have an overnight bag in my car that is filled with all my essentials, bot for unexpected overnight stays or the occsional incident at work so no need for a big purse. I'm happy with a small clutch

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

When I'm alone, sometimes.  Never wear one when I have company.

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?

Definitely the bag. As long as it isn't too big... wait, where am I sitting during this sporting event? 50 yard line and right behind the players close enough I can see the sweat glistening off their arms... more specifics are needed.

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

No. Yet I always neck deep in it.

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?

Sometimes, other times I dress down on Halloween.

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

I was in the Army for 6 years. I call a lot of people by their last name.

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?


10) Do you wear makeup?

Only always. I dont always go full primer, foundation and such, but a little concealer, a bit to the cheeks, lips, and lashes.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

I can, but I don't

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?

Oh yes. A guys mother, and I do believe that she was right.

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

American Eagle

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. flats

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

Jeans, but skirts are more fun.

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

Curly only for special occasions

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls


19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

Yes, I hate my nose, I think it is a bulbous monstrosity.

21) Do you like your life?


22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

Yes I have, recently actually at a JCpenny. There wasn't a single guy in the entire store and the ladies room was being cleaned. So I told my friend to keep an eye out for any men, which got a laugh from her, and i went in. It had to be the cleanest public bathroom I had ever seen.

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

Yes, and I've also been slapped.

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Too many times.

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Oh definitely. BIG Ben was the most recent of this phenomenon. ESPECIALLY after that first time with him. It still creeps into my thoughts from time to time.


Offline MintJulie

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  • Madame Sheriff
Reply #47 on: April 25, 2021, 03:49:52 PM
I'll have to change my answer to number 10.

10) Do you wear makeup?
Yes, 360 out of 365 days a year.

Since the pandemic hit 13 months ago, I have put makeup on maybe 30 times.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
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Reply #48 on: April 25, 2021, 04:00:10 PM

It has been a pleasure reading yours and others stories over the last week, Julie. Perhaps you can add a story about your answer to number nine.

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #49 on: April 25, 2021, 05:13:51 PM

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

I almost didn't reply to this quiz because of this question.  I could lie, but I won't.
My best friend and I were on vacation in Florida, and there were maybe 11 guys.
It was a long long long time ago.  I've told a couple of people here about it in message.
So now you can all think the worst of Julie.

The worst? No.. while I don't know the details, what you wrote above just makes me think you're open minded.

Sexual double standards are bullshit. If it were two guys vs 11 girls, everyone would think those two are studs. Why should two women not be equally entitled to some fun?

Offline MintJulie

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  • Madame Sheriff
Reply #50 on: April 26, 2021, 04:48:52 PM

I had forgotten I had made mention of that.  Had I remembered, I would have deleted or modified that post.

I saw this comment last night but refrained from answering.  And since then I have thought about that time, and decided I'm willing to tell a portion of that experience.  But not all of it.  I have it in my PM, I will do some editing to it when I have time.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
Version 9.15
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Offline staci

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Reply #51 on: July 31, 2021, 04:51:51 PM
Bump for new members

one of the originals

Offline Sarah_1964

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Reply #52 on: July 31, 2021, 05:41:21 PM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?


2 ) Are you a girly girl?


3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?


4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?


5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?


6 ) Do you enjoy drama?


7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?


8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?


9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?


10) Do you wear makeup?


11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

Don't know

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?


13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?


14) Do you prefer heels or flats?


15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?


17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

Straight, for me

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls


19) Do you have a best friend?


20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?


21) Do you like your life?


22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?


24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?


25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?


26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?


Try me...

Offline Sweetums

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Reply #53 on: July 31, 2021, 11:10:46 PM
Why do vagina-havers get to have all the fun with this survey?

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?


2 ) Are you a girly girl?

That's for others to judge.

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

When I purse my lips, it's a big purse.

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

No. My breasts are cute and pert and need no propping up.

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?


6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

Not real drama. Just make-believe drama.

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?


8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

Not at present

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

Only one other person in the same lovemaking session.

10) Do you wear makeup?

Rarely. Only for Burning Man.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

I've been told I have very good motor control. I bet I can. Now if you'd asked me if I think I could put it on without stabbing myself in the eye, you might get a different answer.

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?


13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?

Hollister. I used to drive through there all the time. My mom used to teach there.

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?

Absolutely flats. If I wore heels or platforms of any kind, people would no doubt run away in abject terror.

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

Skirt. I love my utilikilt. Everybody I know loathes it when I wear it though (soft weeping noises)

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

Wavy all the way, man. My hair does its thing, and nobody had better try to stop it. (Which is mostly stick straight up these days).

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls

I like variety. If I had to pick just one, I'd daydream about the other.

19) Do you have a best friend?


20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

Never. I've come by my scars honestly.

21) Do you like your life?


22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

All the time. Women's? What can I say, I have gotten confused from time to time. Like those restaurants that give their bathrooms cute foreign language names. It's hard to translate a language I don't know while needing to pee really badly!

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

It was a major hobby of mine for over thirty years.

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Abso-fucken-lutely. You haven't lived unless you've been through that wringer.

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

All the time. I try not to act like a maniacally crazed and obsessed 6'4" 250 lb juggernaut of a man while being just that. I'm... enthusiastic. Poor combination, I suppose. The thought of a chronically laid back me sends me into fits of giggles.

I enjoyed this survey! Let's do it again!

Offline staci

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Reply #54 on: August 01, 2021, 12:04:27 AM
Good Job.

Now you know why.


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Reply #55 on: January 14, 2022, 06:21:09 PM
Now don't wimp out here ladies... have some fun with this!

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?
Yes. Even when I do ungirly stuff

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
Big, in most situations.

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
NO: I hate drama and drama queens

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
Oh. yes. We had a party

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?
one of my teachers and one of my girl freinds.

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

10) Do you wear makeup?
Almost always, but very discrete.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Only 3 or 4 times a week by my mother.

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?
Holister Super Skinny

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats for most and heels for party.

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Skirts and dresses when it is warm enough.

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
For me straight, but I can curl up for a party. For my partner, I don't care

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls
Yes, yes/yes

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

21) Do you like your life?
Yes. 95% of the time.

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?
Yes. Once

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Only in a short, sad period of my life

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
YES. Eg. right now.


Offline ariannak

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Reply #56 on: February 19, 2022, 03:39:45 PM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?


2 ) Are you a girly girl?


3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?


4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?


5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?


6 ) Do you enjoy drama?


7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?


8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?


9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?


10) Do you wear makeup?


11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?


12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?


13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?


14) Do you prefer heels or flats?


15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?


17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

curly, but actually both

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls


19) Do you have a best friend?


20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?


21) Do you like your life?


22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?


24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?


25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?


26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?


Offline Jenni

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Reply #57 on: June 06, 2022, 04:48:33 PM

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
I don't really sleep in anything.

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
A bag, please.

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
Not really.

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
Yes. This year I'll be an angel.

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

10) Do you wear makeup?
Only at work, school, and partying.

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Oh, yes.

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?
Eagle, but they are closing here.

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats when I'm not working or partying.

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Skirts. Jeans scratches.

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls
I would never choose from hair color.

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

21) Do you like your life?

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Let me give it to you straight, I’m not.

Offline Paige

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Reply #58 on: August 03, 2022, 03:04:59 AM
1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

2 ) Are you a girly girl?
I'll deny it, but yes

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
Small, normally none

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?

5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?
Bag for sure!  Doesn't matter if I won't use it.

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
At times

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?

8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?
A few guy friends

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?
This feels like a trap, does being able to call them to have sex and doing so every now and then count as a partner?

10) Do you wear makeup?

11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
Maybe? I feel like I will look too stupid trying it now.

12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?

13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?
AE out of the two

14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Heels... well flats, but I am short and have low self esteem.

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls
Dark for both

19) Do you have a best friend?

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

21) Do you like your life?

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?

25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

❤️ Always Be Kind To The True You ❤️

Offline Melanie00

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Reply #59 on: August 19, 2023, 09:41:21 PM
Now don't wimp out here ladies... have some fun with this!

1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?

Not really.

2 ) Are you a girly girl?

Yes very much

3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?

Prefer big when I go anywhere with the kids and family but small when they aren’t going.

4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?


5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?

Bag by far

6 ) Do you enjoy drama?

Not at all I’m very non confrontational

7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?


8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?

9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?

Not sure I want to answer that one honestly. Lol but let’s say more than one lol

10) Do you wear makeup?


11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?


12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?


13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?


14) Do you prefer heels or flats?

Heels looks better and prefer them if a lot of walking isn’t involved

15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?

Depends on weather but mostly skirts

17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
I prefer mine straight

18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls

Doesn’t matter as long as their personality is bright

19) Do you have a best friend?

Not really but several close friends

20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?

Yes a lot

21) Do you like your life?

For the most part

22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?


24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?


25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

A lot

26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

To many times