1 ) Does your Kristen's password have to do with a boy/girl?
2 ) Are you a girly girl?[/quote]
Big time.
3 ) Do you prefer small or big purses?
4 ) Do you sleep in a bra?
No, I' not so well endowed. Also, it's a record summer, and I live in a van without air-con.
5 ) Which would you rather get as a gift; a Coach bag or Sports tickets?[/quote]
The tickets would be easier to cash in. Not a big fan of Coach as a company. However, I love the pun!
6 ) Do you enjoy drama?
Vicariously. Other people's drama, I don't like to get into it personally, but it's entertaining to watch.
7 ) Did you dress up on Halloween?
I dress down. As normal as possible, because of how outlandishly I dress the rest of the year. I let the normals have their 1 night. (Also, I have a bunch of rote responses: "I'm a human. Like my costume?")
8 ) Do you call anybody by their last name?
Mostly military buddies. Also, anyone with a common first name like Chris. There's too many Chrises in my generation, of both genders.
9 ) What's the most sexual partners you have had at one time?
3 is about as many as I can get in at once, not counting the ones lined up behind them. (2 hands, and a mouth.) I think the largest gangbang I starred in was about 20-25 guys. I lost count, and I was pretty drunk.
10) Do you wear makeup?
I have to. I'm not naturally pretty. I also have a heart shaped beard.
11) Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
12) Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Not as an adult.
13) Do you prefer American Eagle or Hollister?
14) Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats. I'm 5'12" tall.
15) Do you prefer jeans or skirt?
Denim skirts. Again, pockets. Also a major Cotton fetish.
17) Do you prefer straight or curly hair?
No preference. It's not all that hard to curl, or flat-iron. Really depends on the face. Natural curl on Melanists.
18) Do you prefer light or dark haired guys/girls?
Again, depends on the rest of them. I hate the bleach blond/tan beach look, where their skin is darker than their hair. It just looks wrong.
19) Do you have a best friend?
I wish.
20) Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
I wish I could afford it.
21) Do you like your life?
It's not easy.
22) Have you ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
I have to, for legal reasons. I've gone to the wrong jail, for being in the right restroom. (They wrote that law for me. I'm from Raleigh.)
24) Have you ever slapped a boy/girl in the face?
Only if they deserve it, or really want it.
25) Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Sigh, yeah.
26) Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?