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Reply #20 on: November 28, 2018, 11:42:22 PM
Me: Are there any star wars movies coming out next month?

Wifey: No, white girl, no star wars next month.


Wifey: Not until next year anyway.



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Reply #21 on: November 29, 2018, 01:23:52 PM

Star Wars movies and World War II.

CJ is one very intriguing young lady.  ;)


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Reply #22 on: November 29, 2018, 04:16:45 PM
Watcher wonders if he is the only person who has never seen any Star Wars movie.

My daughter-in-law and I were bringing drinks to the pool and waited when we saw a man in his 20s approaching, thinking he would hold the door open at least for my daughter-in-law. Wrong. He opened the door and proceeded to walk right past us. Where have manners or common courtesy gone?

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

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Reply #23 on: November 29, 2018, 04:32:09 PM
Watcher wonders if he is the only person who has never seen any Star Wars movie.

My daughter-in-law and I were bringing drinks to the pool and waited when we saw a man in his 20s approaching, thinking he would hold the door open at least for my daughter-in-law. Wrong. He opened the door and proceeded to walk right past us. Where have manners or common courtesy gone?

I'm not a Star Wars Fan......"BUT" I really liked the TV series "Babylon 5". I thought that was a great show.


Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #24 on: November 29, 2018, 04:39:31 PM

Watcher wonders if he is the only person who has never seen any Star Wars movie.

My daughter-in-law and I were bringing drinks to the pool and waited when we saw a man in his 20s approaching, thinking he would hold the door open at least for my daughter-in-law. Wrong. He opened the door and proceeded to walk right past us. Where have manners or common courtesy gone?

I've only seen the first three, and I've never seen any of the prequels, sequels, or spinoffs. Nor do I have any desire to see them.

And it's a far greater problem than a lack of manner or common courtesy. It's a creeping narcissism that leads people to be increasingly unaware that there are other people around them. It's quite possible that that guy would have held the door had be been conscious of you and your daughter's presence. But, being in his own world, he likely didn't even notice. Or, I suppose, he was simply a garden-variety asshole.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #25 on: November 29, 2018, 04:48:57 PM

And it's a far greater problem than a lack of manner or common courtesy. It's a creeping narcissism that leads people to be increasingly unaware that there are other people around them. It's quite possible that that guy would have held the door had be been conscious of you and your daughter's presence. But, being in his own world, he likely didn't even notice. Or, I suppose, he was simply a garden-variety asshole.

Kinda like the person that has his head buried in his / her cell-phone and walks right in to you simply because they didn't look up to see where they were walking..??
On that note above:  in my town a 16 year boy was hit and killed when he walked right out in front of a truck (he was more intent on looking at his cell phone than his own safety).


« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 06:05:26 PM by Katiebee »


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Reply #26 on: November 29, 2018, 04:53:35 PM

Star Wars movies and World War II.

CJ is one very intriguing young lady.  ;)


CJ hates star wars. Wifey has been obsessed with it since we were little.  :roll:

She forces "pun intended" to watch that shit with her. Dragged meto see lamest Jedi when we were in New York last year. Dragged me to see soylo too.  :facepalm:


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Reply #27 on: November 29, 2018, 04:56:05 PM
Watcher wonders if he is the only person who has never seen any Star Wars movie.

My daughter-in-law and I were bringing drinks to the pool and waited when we saw a man in his 20s approaching, thinking he would hold the door open at least for my daughter-in-law. Wrong. He opened the door and proceeded to walk right past us. Where have manners or common courtesy gone?

I'm not a Star Wars Fan......"BUT" I really liked the TV series "Babylon 5". I thought that was a great show.


I've been watching on Comet.

CJ wasn't old enough for it back then. It's ok. Better than most of the garbage out today.


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Reply #28 on: November 29, 2018, 05:14:10 PM
It's a creeping narcissism that leads people to be increasingly unaware that there are other people around them.

Strangers don't owe you their attention.  Any more than guys are entitled to sex because they think you're "Hot."  Not paying attention to everyone around you while you go on with your life isn't creeping narcissism, it's finite attention span/awareness.  I seriously doubt that anyone is completely unaware that there are people around them out in public, unless they're walking with their eyes locked onto a cell phone.

If so, so what?  That's narcissism?  It's at best a minor annoyance if they bump into you, instead of a light pole, or step off the curb, and twist their ankle.  I won't call it narcissism, but the idea that people owe you their attention is at least Entitlement.  Why should they care about you, a stranger on a street, more than they care about their own safety?

It's just possible that cell-phone dude is going to help his friend, and keeping her on the line to reassure her by Text.  She might be suicidal, or just lonely, it doesn't matter.  You don't know, you just quietly, or loudly resent them for having something more important, or interesting to care about than you?

Oh, and one other thing.  Just assuming you didn't have your eyes locked on a phone, and you ran into them.  What's your excuse, you didn't see them coming?  Oh, right, they ran into you, because "Creeping Narcissism," and being completely unaware that there are people around them.  Since you're so aware, maybe you should try getting out of their way.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 07:28:15 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #29 on: November 29, 2018, 07:17:23 PM
It's a creeping narcissism that leads people to be increasingly unaware that there are other people around them.

Strangers don't owe you their attention.  Any more than guys are entitled to sex because they think you're "Hot."  Not paying attention to everyone around you while you go on with your life isn't creeping narcissism, it's finite attention span/awareness.  I seriously doubt that anyone is completely unaware that there are people around them out in public, unless they're walking with their eyes locked onto a cell phone.

If so, so what?  That's narcissism?  It's at best a minor annoyance if they bump into you, instead of a light pole, or step off the curb, and twist their ankle.  I won't call it narcissism, but the idea that people owe you their attention is at least Entitlement.  Why should they care about you, a stranger on a street, more than they care about their own safety?

It's just possible that cell-phone dude is going to help his friend, and keeping her on the line to reassure her by Text.  She might be suicidal, or just lonely, it doesn't matter.  You don't know, you just quietly, or loudly resent them for having something more important, or interesting to care about than you?

Oh, and one other thing.  Just assuming you didn't have your eyes locked on a phone, and you ran into them.  What's your excuse, you didn't see them coming?  Oh, right, they ran into you, because "Creeping Narcissism," and being completely unaware that there are people around them.  Since you're so aware, maybe you should try getting out of their way.

I hate to bother you, but that's NOT my quote......I never said that at all.
You need to go check it again.
Sorry about that....



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Reply #30 on: November 29, 2018, 07:29:15 PM
I hate to bother you, but that's NOT my quote.

Holy shit.  I don't even know how I botched it that bad, seeing as you weren't even quoted in the string I replied to.  Edited, with apologies.

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Reply #31 on: November 29, 2018, 10:16:41 PM

And it's a far greater problem than a lack of manner or common courtesy. It's a creeping narcissism that leads people to be increasingly unaware that there are other people around them. It's quite possible that that guy would have held the door had be been conscious of you and your daughter's presence. But, being in his own world, he likely didn't even notice. Or, I suppose, he was simply a garden-variety asshole.

He walked through the door as if we weren't there. He wasn't on his cellphone or Bluetooth. Guess he just wanted to go inside no matter what. Still, how can one not see two adults in the doorway, loaded down with trays of refreshments and not at least hold the door?  Narcissist?  Maybe. Asshole. Positively.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.


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Reply #32 on: December 01, 2018, 12:24:41 AM
My daughters dad told his wife I look just like some porn whore, and she just told me.  :roll:

Yet she doesn't seem at all phased that he was looking at porn.

CJ looks like a porn whore. And after looking her up, I have to kind of agree on some level.  :facepalm:

She said I should take it as a compliment because she's a hot porn whore.  :roll: I kinda do, and kinda fucking don't.  :P


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Reply #33 on: December 01, 2018, 12:31:36 AM
"Take a compliment."

No, you're under no obligation to take backanded compliments, especially when they're worded likeat.

I mean, at least "Porn Star" is a compliment.  Woman to woman, she should know that Whore is about as potentially offensive as bitch, or cunt.  Even if she doesn't know you personally (As well as she obviously thinks she does.)



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Reply #34 on: December 01, 2018, 12:36:07 AM
I've known her forever.

CJ the porn whore. I probably woulda been a billionaire if I was though.  :roll:


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Reply #35 on: December 01, 2018, 01:23:47 AM
Unless you blew it all on jiggalos, drugs, and abortions.

At least save up for a tit job, and a face lift when you need them?

I know, just porn whore stereotypes.


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Reply #36 on: December 01, 2018, 01:47:47 AM
Younger CJ woulda spent it on drugs.  :facepalm:

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #37 on: December 02, 2018, 02:16:07 AM
Purple prose is one thing, bad writing is another.

The Guardian published these examples.

Scoundrels: The Hunt for Hansclapp by Major Victor Cornwall and Major Arthur St John Trevelyan
“Empty my tanks,” I’d begged breathlessly, as once more she began drawing me deep inside her pleasure cave. Her vaginal ratchet moved in concertina-like waves, slowly chugging my organ as a boa constrictor swallows its prey. Soon I was locked in, balls deep, ready to be ground down by the enamelled pepper mill within her.
Katerina by James Frey
I’m hard and deep inside her fucking her on the bathroom sink her tight little black dress still on her thong on the floor my pants at my knees our eyes locked, our hearts and souls and bodies locked.
Cum inside me.
Cum inside me.
Cum inside me.
Blinding breathless shaking overwhelming exploding white God I cum inside her my cock throbbing we’re both moaning eyes hearts souls bodies one.
I close my eyes let out my breath.

Connect by Julian Gough
He drops the bra to the floor, looks up, into her eyes, it’s too much. He kisses her chin, her mouth, and their tongues touch, oh, too much, he slips his lips free with a soft suck. Moves up to kiss her strong nose, on one side, then the other, it’s hard and soft at once. He moves back down, till he is level with her breasts.
‘They’re small,’ she says, surprisingly shy, apologetic.
‘They’re perfect,’ he says.
He kisses them. Teases a nipple with his lips. It’s so soft; and then, suddenly, hard.
He sucks on the hard nipple.
He has never done this before, and yet; no, wait, of course, it is totally familiar.
The first thing he ever did.
He feels the huge change in meaning, in status; it is as though he had grown up in a single suck. Everything transformed. And yet nothing has changed at all; he sucks at a nipple as he lies on a bed, and it’s eighteen years later, and he sucks at a nipple as he lies on a bed, and his childhood falls away from him like a burned-out booster stage from a rocket. Its fuel used up. He is now in orbit around a different planet.

Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami
My ejaculation was violent, and repeated. Again and again, semen poured from me, overflowing her vagina, turning the sheets sticky. There was nothing I could do to make it stop. If it continued, I worried, I would be completely emptied out. Yuzu slept deeply through it all without making a sound, her breathing even. Her sex, though, had contracted around mine, and would not let go. As if it had an unshakeable will of its own and was determined to wring every last drop from my body.

Kismet by Luke Tredget
She shuffles her head closer to his cock, close enough to smell her own residue, and then takes it in her mouth, with the vague idea of cleaning it. Geoff mirrors this gesture by burying his head between her legs, and gradually she can feel his cock pumping up with blood, one pulse at a time, until it is long and hard and filling her wide-open mouth. They stay in this position for a long time, Anna sucking and slurping with the same lazy persistence you’d use on a gobstopper or a stick of rock. Eventually she loses her sense of the context altogether – of what she is doing or who she is with or where they are – and becomes an empty vessel for what feels like disembodied consciousness. She looks at the window and wonders how the glass feels encased within its wooden frame, what the shaggy clouds feel like being blown across the sky, what the walls felt like being splattered and smeared with wet paint …

Grace’s Day by William Wall
He’s almost weightless. When he enters me it hurts and my pain belongs to the subterranean world, primitive as the clay. His body is slacker than I expected, a small paunch begins at his waist and settles in a downward parabola to his groin. His pubic hair is red. His erect penis is a surprise although I had imagined what they would feel like, read about them, seen them represented on toilet walls and magazines. I didn’t see it before he entered me, but afterwards it is small and sticky and amusing. I want to touch it but I don’t dare. I don’t know the etiquette. He is twenty or more years older than me. This is sex.

The Paper Lovers by Gerard Woodward
He was aware that she was making a mewling sound as he put his lips to her tightened nipple and sucked. Her mouth was at his ear, her tongue travelling along its grooves, voice filling it. His mouth tugged at her, extended her, she snapped back, there was a taste of something on his tongue. In his mind he pictured her neck, her long neck, her swan’s neck, her Alice in Wonderland neck coiling like a serpent, like a serpent, coiling down on him. She had found a way through his clothing and her fingers had lightly touched his cock, then slowly began to take a firmer hold. He wanted to cry like a baby. He felt helpless, as though his body had come undone and she was fastening it. He felt as though he was bleeding somewhere. Then he felt powerful, gigantic. He would have kicked a door down.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.


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Reply #38 on: December 02, 2018, 12:53:09 PM
Vagina Ratchet?  That doesn't even sound fun!  I can't help but imagine intermeshing gears, and an escapement.  You know, like a ratchet?  Why would anyone ever think that a clockwork cunt was a good idea, or sounds sexy at all, under any circumstances?


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Reply #39 on: December 02, 2018, 07:56:58 PM
I know this will sound awful, but I need to say it.

Old people should not be allowed to shop at grocery stores.  :roll:

Kroger always has some kind of 5 for $5 or discounted items you can buy 5 of. Old people do not understand you have to load the coupons onto your card from their website or their app. So when they get these things they always complain they don't get the discount even though there's a sign that clearly tells you what to do. They'll stand there for ten minutes arguing and not understanding. I'm not trying to be mean but they just don't understand. I waited ten fucking minutes yesterday waiting on an old couple to figure it out. I couldn't go anywhere else because the self checkouts were all full up and no other lanes were open. The baby Latina was even getting sick of waiting. This isn't even the first time this has happened to me. If I don't get stuck behind the elderly who don't know what apps and digital coupons are, I get stuck behind elderly who pay down to the last penny. I have nothing against old people. I hope to live to be old. But there's gotta be a line drawn somewhere. They're just too fucking old to be out doing things. It wasn't that long ago a very elderly woman slammed a moterized shopping cart into the door trapping people behind her. No, she actually backed up and rammed the fucker again.  :roll:
