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Reply #40 on: December 02, 2018, 09:49:36 PM
They should have more broad reaching delivery services for the elderly, I'll say that.  Not disputing your opinion/rant, just saying if everyone did it like HEB (Just look it up on their website, if you're interested) then this wouldn't be a problem in store for the technically literate. 

Also, the checkout system needs to be streamlined, and those people need seats.  There is absolutely no reason, whatsoever that cashiers have to be standing up throughout the shift.  In fact, it's not particularly good for them doing their jobs, if they need to stand up (To ring up that 40lb bag of dogfood for Great Dane-to-Mastiff diets) then they can.


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Reply #41 on: December 03, 2018, 12:22:01 AM

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Reply #42 on: December 03, 2018, 06:42:50 AM
I know this will sound awful, but I need to say it.

Old people should not be allowed to shop at grocery stores.  :roll:

Or kids, but not for the reasons stated below.

Old people and kids obliviously meander in the aisles.  You try and pass them on the right, and they meander directly in your way, so you move to the left, and they do too.  After this happens 4-5 times, you finally cough and say, “Excuse me!”  Just to have them stop dead and look at you perplexed as to where you came from.  ‘I’ve been trying to get by you for the last 10 minutes!’

Kroger always has some kind of 5 for $5 or discounted items you can buy 5 of. Old people do not understand you have to load the coupons onto your card from their website or their app. So when they get these things they always complain they don't get the discount even though there's a sign that clearly tells you what to do. They'll stand there for ten minutes arguing and not understanding. I'm not trying to be mean but they just don't understand. I waited ten fucking minutes yesterday waiting on an old couple to figure it out. I couldn't go anywhere else because the self checkouts were all full up and no other lanes were open. The baby Latina was even getting sick of waiting. This isn't even the first time this has happened to me. If I don't get stuck behind the elderly who don't know what apps and digital coupons are, I get stuck behind elderly who pay down to the last penny. I have nothing against old people. I hope to live to be old. But there's gotta be a line drawn somewhere. They're just too fucking old to be out doing things. It wasn't that long ago a very elderly woman slammed a moterized shopping cart into the door trapping people behind her. No, she actually backed up and rammed the fucker again.  :roll:


OK, fairly certain that would completely befuddle this 56 year old too.  The difference being I will starve before I use coupons.  Coupons are for crap food I never buy.  If they issued coupons for fresh meat, vegetables and fruit, I would use them, but it’s always some box of crap I would never eat.  The rare coupon for something like toothpaste I might save expires long before I need toothpaste.  And, I would never bother with any kind of e-coupon; again, rather starve than try and figure it out.

Great way to avoid the elderly in line is I use the self checkout.  There’s 6 of them, and the elderly can’t block them all trying to figure things out, although they often try.


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Reply #43 on: December 03, 2018, 01:05:00 PM
I know this will sound awful, but I need to say it.

Old people should not be allowed to shop at grocery stores.  :roll:

You came to the right place Chirp. This is exactly why we needed a rant thread. It helps to sound off about things like that. Not that it changes anything mind you, but it usually helps you feel better after getting it off your chest.

I don't have a problem with old people at the grocery store (hell, I am an old people at the grocery store) but I agree with Jed_ about kids.

More specifically, kids in restaurants! I wish they would start having kids or no kids sections. Dropping fifty bucks on dinner isn't much fun when some brat is kicking the back of my seat from the booth behind me.

I'm probably more tech savvy that most people nearing 70, but I refuse to have store apps on my phone because they all want an email address. No thanks, I get enough shit in my inbox already.

Of course it's hard for you to imagine now, but someday, you too will be one of those old people. Maybe it would help a little to think about being in their shoes. Or maybe not.  ;D

Enjoy your youth while you can sweetie. It won't last forever.



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Reply #44 on: December 03, 2018, 02:57:48 PM
CJ is sadly aware youth won't last. My baby turns 9 in a few weeks.  :roll:

I want her to be 5 forever. Now she's almost a teenager.  :facepalm:


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Reply #45 on: December 03, 2018, 05:32:49 PM
More specifically, kids in restaurants! I wish they would start having kids or no kids sections.

Capital idea!  Also, the hostesses were able to handle smoking, and non smoking without touch-screens, and pagers, so it should be fairly easy to seat kids in the Family sections (Booths, booster seats...)  The adults around the Bar.  What i love so much about this is it would be easy to implement with the dining system we already have.

Just call it the Family section, that way it's something you can offer parents, so they don't feel discriminated against, and it insulates their kids from the Adult environment around the Singles section.  Win/win!


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Reply #46 on: December 03, 2018, 05:46:53 PM
My kids don't misbehave when I'm out with them. The babies don't scream their heads off. I hate going shopping and some dumb bitch is blabbing on her cell phone while her kid is screaming it's head off. Not long ago I was shopping with the baby Latina and some kid was screaming so loud the whole store could hear while the dumb shit mother was on her phone. My girl covered her ears.  :roll:

Offline Jed_

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Reply #47 on: December 03, 2018, 06:17:03 PM
The many times I’ve been to Europe, I noticed how well behaved the children are in public in comparison to the U.S.  European children not only are quiet and well behaved in restaurants, they have perfect table manners and use their utensils with better skill than most American adults.  I actually found it embarrassing eating next to kids that used a knife and fork on their food better than me, so I practiced until I got better (I grew up cutting everything with my fork instead of a knife.  Now I eat with a fork in my left hand and a knife in my right).  I also got criticized by my late Polish wife on how I ate until I improved.  I don’t know how this geographic disparity occurred (maybe we Americans eat too much food with our hands?), but what is even more perplexing is people’s dogs are also far better behaved in Europe?

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Reply #48 on: December 03, 2018, 07:51:50 PM
On a business trip down to Florida, I had forgotten that the week I was flying down there was also the week of spring vacation for the area schools. Needless to say, the plane had many families with young children. Anyone who has ever flown knows that, on occasion there may be a loud noise or a sudden dip of the plane.  Though scary, one is really not in any danger. On this flight down to Orlando, not only was there a loud thunk but the plane dropped in altitude before steadying itself. In the cabin, someone yelled. "we are all going to die" and then the moaning and wailing of kids and families began. It did not subside until the captain came on to say everything was okay and that we just had hit a pocket of turbulence.

From then on, I made sure I did not fly during spring break.

CG - Most seniors I know never shop on the weekends. We mostly shop on weekday mornings. But there are some seniors who park their carts in the middle of the aisles while they go off and look for items. That, and stores that choose to stock their shelves during the morning, leaving aisles cluttered with skids of merchandise.  Also, having only one cashier on duty while there are a dozen closed checkout lanes is another pet peeve of mine.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.


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Reply #49 on: December 03, 2018, 08:19:11 PM
When I worked in Mexico, I was frequently a guest at dinner parties.  I was always amazed when the children came to the table to say goodnight.  Invariably they would be instructed to walk around the table and give each guest a goodnight also, accompanied by a kiss on the cheek.  No smart phones. No complaints about bedtime.  It was a scene not witnessed in my country in a 100 years.


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Reply #50 on: December 04, 2018, 02:55:28 AM
I've always said how wonderful it would be to murder my father. I don't want the wrath of Jules, so I won't be going into details. Suffice it to say I was little more than a certain type of toy to him my whole life.

I once stood over him with a knife in my hand after he.... well guess to me, and I was going to kill him. He's one of the reasons I thought about killing myself when I was little. He has always been the epitome of evil to me and I've always said I won't miss him when he's gone.

But I wonder if I'll cry for him, because when he's gone the hate will be gone and there'll be an emptiness. For all the evil, vile, disgusting and horrific things he did to me, made me do to him and let others do to me, when he's gone there'll be nothing left to hate. I wonder what that will be like.  :roll:

Offline Jed_

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Reply #51 on: December 04, 2018, 03:45:41 AM
I've always said how wonderful it would be to murder my father. I don't want the wrath of Jules, so I won't be going into details. Suffice it to say I was little more than a certain type of toy to him my whole life.

I once stood over him with a knife in my hand after he.... well guess to me, and I was going to kill him. He's one of the reasons I thought about killing myself when I was little. He has always been the epitome of evil to me and I've always said I won't miss him when he's gone.

But I wonder if I'll cry for him, because when he's gone the hate will be gone and there'll be an emptiness. For all the evil, vile, disgusting and horrific things he did to me, made me do to him and let others do to me, when he's gone there'll be nothing left to hate. I wonder what that will be like.  :roll:

It will be what it will be Chirp.  I’m not sure how many girls I’ve talked to in your situation.  I know a couple that went through the death of their abusive father.  One dear friend, I know details that might even shock you.  She took it all in stride and seemed to be even stronger after his death.

Point is, while you may need to talk to someone, you’ll be fine.  I’ll try and let you know when I off the fucker, so it’s not that big of a surprise.

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Reply #52 on: December 04, 2018, 04:43:24 AM
It was a scene not witnessed in my country in a 100 years.

Damn, you're old.


Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor



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Reply #53 on: December 04, 2018, 05:19:10 AM
I've always said how wonderful it would be to murder my father. I don't want the wrath of Jules, so I won't be going into details. Suffice it to say I was little more than a certain type of toy to him my whole life.

I once stood over him with a knife in my hand after he.... well guess to me, and I was going to kill him. He's one of the reasons I thought about killing myself when I was little. He has always been the epitome of evil to me and I've always said I won't miss him when he's gone.

But I wonder if I'll cry for him, because when he's gone the hate will be gone and there'll be an emptiness. For all the evil, vile, disgusting and horrific things he did to me, made me do to him and let others do to me, when he's gone there'll be nothing left to hate. I wonder what that will be like.  :roll:

It will be what it will be Chirp.  I’m not sure how many girls I’ve talked to in your situation.  I know a couple that went through the death of their abusive father.  One dear friend, I know details that might even shock you.  She took it all in stride and seemed to be even stronger after his death.

Point is, while you may need to talk to someone, you’ll be fine.  I’ll try and let you know when I off the fucker, so it’s not that big of a surprise.

I assure you, nothing could possibly shock me.  :roll:

Offline Jed_

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Reply #54 on: December 04, 2018, 01:53:26 PM
I've always said how wonderful it would be to murder my father. I don't want the wrath of Jules, so I won't be going into details. Suffice it to say I was little more than a certain type of toy to him my whole life.

I once stood over him with a knife in my hand after he.... well guess to me, and I was going to kill him. He's one of the reasons I thought about killing myself when I was little. He has always been the epitome of evil to me and I've always said I won't miss him when he's gone.

But I wonder if I'll cry for him, because when he's gone the hate will be gone and there'll be an emptiness. For all the evil, vile, disgusting and horrific things he did to me, made me do to him and let others do to me, when he's gone there'll be nothing left to hate. I wonder what that will be like.  :roll:

It will be what it will be Chirp.  I’m not sure how many girls I’ve talked to in your situation.  I know a couple that went through the death of their abusive father.  One dear friend, I know details that might even shock you.  She took it all in stride and seemed to be even stronger after his death.

Point is, while you may need to talk to someone, you’ll be fine.  I’ll try and let you know when I off the fucker, so it’s not that big of a surprise.

I assure you, nothing could possibly shock me.  :roll:

While we’re not going to challenge that assumption with any details told to me in confidence, don’t be so sure Chirp.


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Reply #55 on: December 04, 2018, 02:07:27 PM
If you had done it at the time, then it wouldn't have been Murder, it would have been self defense.  Now, after the fact it would be revenge.  I hate to say it, but that wouldn't make you feel any better.  At the time, it might have made him stop, but now, it sounds like a residual fantasy left over from when you couldn't think of anything else.

I wish I could tell you anything, to make you feel better, but murder won't do the trick.  There is no magic trick that will make something so wrong all right. 


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Reply #56 on: December 04, 2018, 02:18:22 PM
CJ is sadly aware youth won't last. My baby turns 9 in a few weeks.  :roll:

I want her to be 5 forever. Now she's almost a teenager.  :facepalm:


My youngest turned 42 over the weekend. Guess you know what that makes me.




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Reply #57 on: December 04, 2018, 02:39:48 PM
The many times I’ve been to Europe, I noticed how well behaved the children are in public in comparison to the U.S.  

With a family of eight I wasn't able to take us all out to dinner very often, but we generally managed once a month or so. Over the years, I can remember a dozen or more times a couple (usually older) stopped by our table and complimented my wife and I about how well behaved our six kids were.

On two of those occasions, when I later asked for the check, I was told that it had already been taken care of.

Sorry if that sounds like bragging, but one thing we made sure of was that our kids all learned good table manners.



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Reply #58 on: December 04, 2018, 03:05:15 PM
I'm sorry, but I just didn't take the suggestion that old people/children be banned from shopping as serious.  I thought it was a joke, but it's hard to tell these days.


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Reply #59 on: December 04, 2018, 03:06:30 PM
I've always said how wonderful it would be to murder my father. I don't want the wrath of Jules, so I won't be going into details. Suffice it to say I was little more than a certain type of toy to him my whole life.

I once stood over him with a knife in my hand after he.... well guess to me, and I was going to kill him. He's one of the reasons I thought about killing myself when I was little. He has always been the epitome of evil to me and I've always said I won't miss him when he's gone.

But I wonder if I'll cry for him, because when he's gone the hate will be gone and there'll be an emptiness. For all the evil, vile, disgusting and horrific things he did to me, made me do to him and let others do to me, when he's gone there'll be nothing left to hate. I wonder what that will be like.  :roll:

It will be what it will be Chirp.  I’m not sure how many girls I’ve talked to in your situation.  I know a couple that went through the death of their abusive father.  One dear friend, I know details that might even shock you.  She took it all in stride and seemed to be even stronger after his death.

Point is, while you may need to talk to someone, you’ll be fine.  I’ll try and let you know when I off the fucker, so it’s not that big of a surprise.

I assure you, nothing could possibly shock me.  :roll:

While we’re not going to challenge that assumption with any details told to me in confidence, don’t be so sure Chirp.

I am sure.  :facepalm: