Remey...are you celebrating "I Forgot Day" by forgetting to include:
World UFO Day find a lonely country road tonight and do your own UFO watch. It may help to have another person as a witness too. If that person is someone you like to "have fun" with, all the better.
I usually go case I'm taken to the Mother Ship to be probed. Don't want to have somebody waiting while I'm having fun...I mean I've read the stories on line of what happens on those space ships! Gotta be true right!
OK, now my TRUE story.
August 1965, I'm in the third day of my new job at a radio station in central Iowa, just out of broadcasting school. There is someone else there to keep an eye on me and get me adjusted to station policies etc.
I take a call and a woman who wants to know about the strange lights in the sky. I mumble something to her and hang up. Just then the other person with me comes in and says, "Hey, I just got a couple calls about lights in the sky."
Before I can comment another call and it's the police department. The officer says they're getting calls too. While on the line with him I hear the police radio in the background and one of the patrol cars is calling in about lights in the sky they were seeing.
So off to the fire escape we go...and there they are.
Three sets of lights. One bright white light in the center and two red lights above, two red lights below the white light. Three groups, one about the height of a low flying small airplane the other two much higher. They just hovered there for 15 to 20 minutes then started moving to the east and were soon out of sight.
There was a brief mention on the AP newswire the next day and it mentioned lights were also seen over Indiana and Ohio that night. Also just a few years ago a local Minneapolis talk show started in on the UFO topic. One caller came on and talked about seeing the same lights I saw in...Yes...August 1965.
People...the truth is out there. I offer no explanation of what I saw and no official "coverup" was offered by the Air Force. All I can say was the objects were flying and they remained unidentified.
PS, when I first got on the internet that event was one of the first things I searched for. I've never found any record on line. So, who's covering it up!