Today is NATIONAL SIMPLICITY DAY, FN1, NATIONAL DIFFERENT COLORED EYES DAY FN2, and PAPER BAG DAY FN3, and Cuz Dom says today is PECAN PIE DAY or GIORNATA della TORTA di NOCI PECAN. And my Cuz Rose from B’klyn says today’s flower is the SOLANUM 좁은입배풍동 – symbolizing being unrestrained. FN4.
*1690: Cath na Bóinne: Protestant King William III defeated English Catholic King James II at the Battle of the Boyne fought between two rival claimants to the English, Scottish & Irish thrones;
*1798: Battle of Clonard: Irish rebels attacked Clonard, Co Meath; their bodies left lying in “Croppies Graves” of adjoining fields & ditches;
*1829: 1st Flower Show: US' 1st flower show was held in Philadelphia’s Convention Center the "largest indoor flower show in the world";
*1910: Baseball’s Sad Lexicon: legendary verse detailing the Cubs' double play combination of Tinkers to Evers to Chance, entitled “That Double Play Again,” was published for 1st time (See below);
*1949: Warning Tracks: MLB owners agreed to install warning tracks in front of outfield fences before next season – the origin of this concept is credited to Yankee Stadium where an actual running track, used in track and field events, helped fielders know their proximity to the fences;
*1979: Disco Demolition: Chicago White Sox owner Bill Veeck, held the ill-fated “Disco Demolition Night” to promote White Sox v. Tigers twi-night double header in Comiskey Park: at the climax of this event, a crate filled with disco records was blown up on field between games; the playing surface was damaged by the explosion and rowdy fans, who threw disco records like Frisbees;
*2022: Olympic 1st: Every country competing in the London Games included female athletes for 1st time in history of Olympic Games.
FN1: “LESS IS MORE”: National Simplicity Day is celebrated on July 12 every year to honor the birthday of Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher who believed in living a simple life. Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817 and wrote several well-known books on the subject. He believed simplifying life could reduce stress, increase productivity, and lead to more fulfilling lives. Thoreau's principles of simplicity are based on the idea that "less is more" and that reducing distractions can help people focus on what's important.
FN2: HETEROCHROMIA IRIDUM: National Different Colored Eyes Day is all about heterochromia iridum. It’s okay, we didn’t know what it meant at first, either. Heterochromia iridum is a term for variation in color that gives a single organism 2 different colored eyes. It’s been known to occur in populations of many species since the dawn of recorded history and is interesting and sought-after trait. Only lucky 1% of the population enjoys this special pigmentation, though there are three distinct types of heterochromia. Today, many people prefer pets with this fun eye color difference, and colored contact lenses are used just to mimic the trait! All this to say, give your friends with heterochromia a little extra love today.
FN3: THE MOTHER OF THE GROCERY BAG: Millions of people use paper bags every day. Readily recyclable, paper bags have been around for years. American inventor, Francis Wolle, received credit for his 1852 Patent of the first paper bag machine. Another inventor, William Goodale, received his Patent July 12, 1859. His was designed to cut the paper so it was ready for folding. Margaret E. Knight is known as "The Mother of the grocery bag" after she designed the square, flat-bottomed bag & machine that fold and paste them in 1870.
FN4: NIGHTSHADE: Solanum is the largest genus in the nightshade family, and includes plants with a variety of colors: Bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara): Has dark green to purple-tinged leaves, star-shaped purple flowers, and bright red berries that ripen in the summer and fall; Purple potato vine (Solanum): Hz light green foliage and light purple flowers that look like jasmine; Black nightshade (Solanum americanum): Hz green to dark green leave with slightly hairy undersides and shiny black berries with white flecks.