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50 Year of Women's Right to Choose Gone

msslave · 3857

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on: June 24, 2022, 05:14:22 PM
The Supreme Court has done it! Rolled back Roe vrs Wade. Nearly half the states are expected to make abortion illegal.
Minnesota will be one state where women can come. Our Attorney General has already stated he'll defend any woman who come here from prosecution in their home state.

Most affected will be poor women who can't afford to travel.

Another thing we can hate Trump for. This vote was possible due to his appointments of conservative judges who made it clear this is how they would vote.

Poles show the majority of Americans favor Roe vrs. Wade. So the ruling puts the court out of touch with the country. I know... they are to rule on the Constitution so public opinion is not their concern. Just hope a couple will die soon so President Biden can appoint some right thinkers. By that I mean people who think like me.

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Reply #1 on: June 24, 2022, 05:29:03 PM
All Roe did was keep the government out of the medical aspect of the issue. RBG even said it was bad law. All it does is give the laws to the states to decide on, as it should be. Because you do not want the federal government telling you what to eat, or deep in your lives more than it is already. If the state makes it illegal, then there will be other states that wont. I do believe in the preciousness of all life, but I also believe in personal responsibility. My wife used to help perform abortions, until she had a breakdown, and moved to Maternity. People think of abortion so lightly, getting rid of a problem, but then not seeing the deeper effects of it beyond the procedure. So do I disagree, no. Do I wish there to be a better way? yes. Because I believe deep in my heart that there should be harder education for girls and women to actually fully educate them on the entirety of Sex. Tracking cycles, knowing that you need contraceptives, and even systems and grants offered for girls who do get pregnant, to carry the baby, and then give it up for adoption, but getting benefits like college grants, or scholarships. I mean this is a very landmine subject, one not to be taken lightly by personal bias or opinions of others.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 06:13:29 PM by Writers Bloque »

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Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #2 on: June 24, 2022, 05:50:25 PM
States' rights sound nice in theory, but they're usually just an excuse to try to fuck over a group of people. It's like when someone argues that the Civil War was really about states' rights and not about slavery. Yeah, it was about the right of states to keep slavery legal, just like all the Confederate states declared in their articles of secession.

The ones that argued loudest in favor of states' right on the subject of gay marriage were usually the ones that also hoped their states would keep gay marriage illegal. That was usually before they also argued in favor of a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between a biological male and a biological female.

Now it's about states' rights to curb women's reproductive rights. Interestingly, the ones arguing loudest in favor of that are male politicians, the same ones that will happily fly their pregnant mistress to a state that allows abortion.

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Reply #3 on: June 24, 2022, 05:51:21 PM
The Supreme Court has done it! Rolled back Roe vrs Wade. Nearly half the states are expected to make abortion illegal.
Minnesota will be one state where women can come. Our Attorney General has already stated he'll defend any woman who come here from prosecution in their home state.

Most affected will be poor women who can't afford to travel.

Another thing we can hate Trump for. This vote was possible due to his appointments of conservative judges who made it clear this is how they would vote.

Poles show the majority of Americans favor Roe vrs. Wade. So the ruling puts the court out of touch with the country. I know... they are to rule on the Constitution so public opinion is not their concern. Just hope a couple will die soon so President Biden can appoint some right thinkers. By that I mean people who think like me.

I still like you Msslave. I really do, but our opinions are wildly different and that is okay. But something you said is a little troubling. You want the president to put in people who think like you. That is not a good thing. That kind of thing can be easily abused. I would rather there be people with dissenting opinions, just so that mob rule can die. it does not matter if its a conservative, liberal or moderate opinion, not one viewpoint should carry more weight than another, because thats the ugly beginning of fascism. I want you to shout your opinions to the moon and back, and back them up fiercely, but also let me on an opposite mountain shout mine. To me, Msslave, you are a great man. I respect you, despite our ideological differences.

Also to the person who boo'ed me, thanks. I even respect your opinion too.

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Reply #4 on: June 24, 2022, 05:58:02 PM
States' rights sound nice in theory, but they're usually just an excuse to try to fuck over a group of people. It's like when someone argues that the Civil War was really about states' rights and not about slavery. Yeah, it was about the right of states to keep slavery legal, just like all the Confederate states declared in their articles of secession.

The ones that argued loudest in favor of states' right on the subject of gay marriage were usually the ones that also hoped their states would keep gay marriage illegal. That was usually before they also argued in favor of a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between a biological male and a biological female.

Now it's about states' rights to curb women's reproductive rights. Interestingly, the ones arguing loudest in favor of that are male politicians, the same ones that will happily fly their pregnant mistress to a state that allows abortion.

Okay, but so a majority of people have to accept something they disagree vehemently with? Moving personal rights aside, it does not stop the practice of abortion, just moving it to places that tolerate it more. I mean the idea of what you are saying to me is basically forcing an ideology on a group of people who do not want it. Its not curbing anything. Heartbeat laws just try to remove the truly morally questionable parts of abortion out of it. Question for you: If a man murders a pregnant woman, why does he get charged with two counts of murder, instead of one? so why does the judicial system recognize a fetus as a person when applying murder, but when someone suggests hey lets not kill a baby when its considered a human being when dishing out murder charges? Still love you clitical <3

Also, every argument I have heard today at work discounts the fact that people can vote. If it goes back to the states, those in the states can either vote it out or keep it. But I digress, 1408 is scary to me to share my unpopular opinions.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 06:04:57 PM by Writers Bloque »

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Reply #5 on: June 24, 2022, 06:41:54 PM
Since we blew this topic open can I get something off my chest?

I believe society has devalued sex, or at least trivialized it.

We on this site are adults and know the weight of every decision we make, from drinking, smoking, gambling and even fucking.

But this new generation of boys and girls, who now see sex as no big deal. Case in point, an abortion protest consisting of MINORS in a Justices neighborhood.


I think we need heavier education for both boys and girls to know and truly feel and understand the weight of that most heavy of decision.

I held that attitude in my last year of high school, as did my wife, and now we are married with 4 kids. I bear that sin deeply, as it did in fact change the course of me and my wife's lives.

Do I regret it? Yes.

Would I change it or do it over? No. we brought four wonderful people into this world and raised them. I feel no greater pride in that endeavor, but it also is my greatest shame.

On a silly note: Limp Bizkit sang it best: "Should have left my pants on this time, but instead you had to let me dive right in."

I am not passing judgement on anyone, as I do not have the moral high ground to do so, but I just hope people, especially these kids making kids, would at least learn to stop for a moment and weigh the outcomes of their choices.

Sorry, but this has made me take a deep look into myself and this is what I honestly have to say. Still love you all, no matter how many times you put me to the flames.

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Reply #6 on: June 24, 2022, 06:42:56 PM
I am so triggered right now by this murder analogy... maybe it's so that can lock that sick motherfucker up for the remainer of his pathetic sick fucking life!!!
Obviously in your example the woman wants the baby, loves the baby, and it presents no health issues to her. So yes charge him twice, and charge him 10 more the children she might have had. I dont give a damn how many charges they give a murder, get rid of him.

What Msslave said us that majority are pro choice as I am. It is now the majority that have to follow a law they disagree with. It blows my mind that other people and a government can dictate to me what I do or do not do with my own body. What happens when all states ban abortion? How about we make male masturbation illegal since sperm is a living thing. it is a mobile carbon-based lifeform. It is a living organism itself so all these pro life people should start banning male masturbation claiming it's against life.

Im telling you right now, if I had gotten pregnant after David raped me and I was legally forced to carry a spawn utter hatred to term and them birth it, because I could not afford to travel to where it is legal. I would have hung myself.

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Reply #7 on: June 24, 2022, 07:01:16 PM
I am so triggered right now by this murder analogy... maybe it's so that can lock that sick motherfucker up for the remainer of his pathetic sick fucking life!!!
Obviously in your example the woman wants the baby, loves the baby, and it presents no health issues to her. So yes charge him twice, and charge him 10 more the children she might have had. I dont give a damn how many charges they give a murder, get rid of him.

What Msslave said us that majority are pro choice as I am. It is now the majority that have to follow a law they disagree with. It blows my mind that other people and a government can dictate to me what I do or do not do with my own body. What happens when all states ban abortion? How about we make male masturbation illegal since sperm is a living thing. it is a mobile carbon-based lifeform. It is a living organism itself so all these pro life people should start banning male masturbation claiming it's against life.

Im telling you right now, if I had gotten pregnant after David raped me and I was legally forced to carry a spawn utter hatred to term and them birth it, because I could not afford to travel to where it is legal. I would have hung myself.

But no where was it written, that abortion can be banned by a majority of states. Most states from what I read would only limit it to the first trimester. And if any state, the few there are that want to, wants to fully ban it, then the people of that state would ultimately have to vote on it. No one leader of a state can just say "Ban x" without the support of the majority of the state. And still, there would have to be legal abortions on the grounds of rape, incest, or the fetus is not surviving or killing the mother to carry it.

No one is telling anyone what to do with their own body, except what RBG said that Roe should not be the grounds for abortion rights. I could not care if someone wants to abort a child, but the ideas coming from Colorado, where they can abort at full term, meaning the baby is ready for birth are disgusting for me. So people are telling me that is okay? to kill a viable baby, that someone carried to term, and at the last moment, say fuck it? does that not disgust anyone else? Thats where I draw the line. If a woman wants one, in the first month or so, then fine have at it, but not after the first trimester. There is plenty of time in the first trimester to decide whether you want to keep it or not. That is the sentiment of a lot of pro lifers. I do now want to see it outright outlawed, only the extreme of it.

No one is losing anything here. It's just saying as RBG said that there is no constitutional grounds for abortion being a right, written in the constitution. That the 14th amendment would not sustain Roe. It was going to eventually be overturned. People in states can vote for what they want, and that's all this is.

Hell, RBG on the flip side of the coin fought for an air force soldier to be able to keep her baby and serve when they made it so you had to get an abortion to stay in. I didn't hear any backlash from that, from that time. No one was calling out the military as hard as this right now.

2nd edit: Still love you all. Shiela_M, still nothing but the utmost respect for you and your situation. I hate disagreeing with you all, but you all are highly intelligent people, with differing opinions than mine. Sorry for triggering you with my murder analogy, but it just seems too convenient to say a baby in the belly is only counted if the mother carrying it is killed. 
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 07:17:06 PM by Writers Bloque »

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Reply #8 on: June 24, 2022, 07:11:37 PM
You know it’s tough being a lawyer and understanding the law. And you will probably not even recognize or understand what this means. But mark my words, this is a day that will live in infamy. And everyone that told me I was overreacting in 2016? Fuck you. I was not.

And I remind you that both Kavanaugh and Barrett testified to Congress under oath that they believed in stare decisis, and the protection of Roe v. Wade. In other words, they committed perjury.

And I hold in particular contempt those Bernie bots who voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How’d that work out for you? Fucking idiots.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 07:18:20 PM by Pornhubby »

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #9 on: June 24, 2022, 07:18:52 PM
You know it’s tough being a lawyer and understanding the law. And you will probably not even recognize or understand what this means. But mark my words, this is a day that will live in infamy. And everyone that told me I was overreacting in 2016? Fuck you. I was not.

And I remind you that both Kavanaugh and Barrett testified to Congress under oath that they believed in stare decisis, and the protection of Roe v. Wade. In other words, they committed perjury.

And I hold in particular contempt those Bernie bots who voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How that work out for you? Fucking idiots.

As I said before, RBG called it bad law. that the 14th would not sustain it into the future. so was she wrong?

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Reply #10 on: June 24, 2022, 07:26:30 PM
WB, you’ve made your opinion known. I respect your right to have that opinion. But I vehemently disagree with you, and I’m not going to argue about it with you. So just go fuck yourself. OK?

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #11 on: June 24, 2022, 07:31:28 PM
Respectfully to you, you first. I am done talking about this. Love you <3

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Reply #12 on: June 24, 2022, 07:56:15 PM
So...a fetus is a sacred thing? God's beautiful creation? Until they get to school when they can be shot without a problem, as long as it doesn't infringe the right to bear arms

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Reply #13 on: June 24, 2022, 08:27:04 PM
Yup, apparently being safe from getting shot at school is a privilege and not a right, because the Constitution doesn't explicitly state it anywhere. On the other hand, there's the Second Amendment, therefore regulating guns to keep people safe from getting shot at school infringes on rights.  :facepalm:

Sadly, I live around too many of these right wingers and even have a few in my family. They think they know all about the Constitution when it comes to abortion, gay marriage, guns, etc. but they'll also cite the First Amendment when they get pissed off that they got in trouble on Facebook for saying something racist or spreading conspiracy theories.  :facepalm: :facepalm:

(and in case anybody doesn't understand that last part, the First Amendment starts with "Congress shall make no law" and not "Facebook shall make no rule" something you'd thing those Constitutional scholars Hank, Earl, and Billy Bob would know)

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Reply #14 on: June 24, 2022, 08:42:52 PM
Substantive due process is the penumbra of privacy. That the state can’t interfere with your employment, your sexual identity, your sexual activities, contraception, procreation, raising your children as you see fit, etc. etc. This decision goes so much farther than abortion. It literally gives a green light to red states to come in your bedroom and tell you who you can fuck, how you can fuck, who you can marry, where you can work, who you can have a relationship with, and decisions about your family, your children, your identity. This just blew everything that we understood about rights in America and the law, out of the water. This isn’t about abortion. This is much more sinister.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #15 on: June 24, 2022, 09:20:28 PM
Guess I chose 1408 for a reason. This is an issue bound to have sharply divided opinions. Just remember they're only opinions and we're still a community. Let's express ourselves but have respect for other options.

That said, my concern is the Supreme Court, once paragon of guardian of the Constitution is now wallowing in the swamp of politics. The deep divides in our country now are carrying over into the selection of the Supreme Court Justices. As the appointments are for life that's a dangerous precedent. One the whole country must live with.

The question now is: What next?

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Reply #16 on: June 24, 2022, 11:02:59 PM
I love how insulting people get when some one on the internet says something that they do not agree with. I respect the core of all of your opinions, but I have never met a billy bob. You all painted me as some mouth breathing imbecile because I dont think you should kill a baby in the womb when science dictates that the fetus is alive at first heartbeat. You all speak of guns as a terrible monster boogeymen, but cry foul when someone speaks of instead controlling gun, actually addressing the issue of the surging mental health crisis in this country, or the fact that there is more gun crime in cities that have the strictest gun control laws. But no, I am to you a knuckle dragging heathen because I support life and all that. Why not attack the intent behind the gun, instead of the gun itself. It is rather insulting to think that we can all armchair quarterback when stuff goes wrong, but then refuse to use our voting power to change it. So please, for the sake of our friendship, lets listen to Msslave.and respect the person, and the opinions, because I respect yours as not the same, but none the less important.

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Reply #17 on: June 24, 2022, 11:21:14 PM
Endless Hillbilly Rambling

Go Fuck Yourself

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Reply #18 on: June 24, 2022, 11:25:37 PM
Endless Hillbilly Rambling

Go Fuck Yourself

my point exactly. Have a nice day.

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Reply #19 on: June 24, 2022, 11:32:58 PM
Athos...go back to your chairs. :emot_kiss:

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