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50 Year of Women's Right to Choose Gone

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Reply #20 on: June 24, 2022, 11:48:56 PM

But no where was it written, that abortion can be banned by a majority of states.

And nowhere was it written that slavery can be banned by a majority of states.

Yet that was precisely what happened.

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Offline Pornhubby

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Reply #21 on: June 25, 2022, 12:29:48 AM
Where red state politicians will have to fly their mistresses to get an abortion. Meanwhile, women of limited means will risk their lives, with back alley abortions performed with no state regulation or supervision.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2022, 01:41:49 AM by Pornhubby »

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Offline LtBroccoli

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Reply #22 on: June 25, 2022, 05:00:25 AM
If January 6th didn't already prove it, this just cemented it.  The Republicans are a party of evil.  I will never vote for a Republican ever again.  To quote Mike Tomlin "Never say never, but never."  The only ways to fix this going forward that don't end in violence I can see are to vote out each and every GQP member for every position in every state, from Governor to Dog Catcher.  The days of a "Pro-Choice Republican" are long dead and buried.  Only by killing the filibuster and packing the courts will this day and decision be erased.  Especially since at least one of the Justices that support this decision TOOK PART IN A FUCKING COUP LAST YEAR!

Most of the states that want to ban abortion make no exceptions for rape, incest, mother's health, none of it.  So, if your wife has an ectopic pregnancy in Missouri, say goodbye because they'll let her die.  Your daughter gets raped, get ready to be Pap to her rapist's baby.  Your niece gets raped by that creepy uncle who always looked at her funny, guess what.  She gets to have an inbred baby that'll probably have a few birth defects.

This doesn't stop abortion, this stops safe abortions.  Know why you stopped hearing stories about babies being found in the trash?  Because women had access to safe and reliable abortions and birth control.  Now, get ready for a story like that once a fucking week.

Oh, by the way.  If you're celebrating this decision.  I cordially invite you to pretty please with sugar on top, go fuck yourself.

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Offline purpleshoes

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Reply #23 on: June 25, 2022, 01:27:10 PM

Is anyone surprised that the American public's level of confidence in/respect for the Supreme Court is at an all-time low?

Where will the madness end?

Offline seeker83

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Reply #24 on: June 25, 2022, 05:48:10 PM
I rarely get political, but here is where I stand on this.

  • I am a man and can thus never understand a woman's burden of choice in this regard.
  • I believe a woman should have the right to choose.
  • I believe an unborn child is a human person.
  • I do not believe in abortion-on-demand, for any reason, during all phases of pregnancy.
  • I believe that when the difference between abortion and infanticide is less than a few centimeters, there is a problem, especially when the unborn child can feel pain at that point, and is having its brain sucked out while it is halfway through the birth canal.  I find that to be abhorrent and disturbing.
  • I don't fit in the Ban camp nor in the Always Available camp.  I think on-demand abortion should be available until the 3rd trimester and only available afterward if the mother's PHYSICAL life is in jeopardy.

I used to be Catholic and pro-life and now have a very different view on this.

I also find that issues like this shouldn't be black and white, all-or-nothing propositions.  There is nuance to everything.

I disagree with the Supreme Court decision.

As a man, I also find the following two statements I see on Twitter and elsewhere to be the most condescending, insulting, hypocritical, sexist, and annoying statements.
  • If you are a man, you don't have the right to an opinion because this only impacts women and their choices.  You aren't a woman, so fuck off.
  • If you are a man and don't defend a woman's right to choose under any circumstances, you are a sexist asshole.

If I shouldn't have an opinion because I am a man, then why the fuck do I need to support your opinion?

Lastly, and on a VERY personal note, for anyone to claim the loss of an unborn child doesn't impact a man is stupid.  My ex and I lost a child due to miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion.  It was in the first trimester, and it emotionally destroyed both of us at the time.  I'm not saying that means to ban abortion at all, as you can see in my previous statement.  Just to say that you can't argue that the issue doesn't impact men in very real and painful ways.

My ex and I couldn't grieve properly.  We couldn't have a funeral because unless the fetus is past the second trimester, it isn't considered a person in this state.  Again, I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be.  I'm just saying that the very laws that make abortion possible also cause harm to those who grieve the loss of an unborn child.

So, those are my opinions and only opinions.  It has been a long journey to get to where I currently stand on this issue.  I don't claim to be an expert, a scholar, or an ethicist.  I don't pretend to understand the burden of choice a pregnant teenager, rape or incest victim, or even a woman who just wasn't expecting a pregnancy has. 

This is the only forum or social site where I will be posting anything on this topic.  I do not feel safe making statements elsewhere because, honestly, I'd get lambasted by both the extreme conservative and extreme liberal sides.  I trust all of you to understand the nuance regarding opinions.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2022, 06:11:48 PM by seeker83 »

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Reply #25 on: June 25, 2022, 05:56:33 PM

And I hold in particular contempt those Bernie bots who voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How’d that work out for you? Fucking idiots.

I tend to vote third-party.  My opinion is that in many cases both the leading candidates are corrupt, immoral, and terrible people.  I couldn't in good conscience vote for Hilary or Trump.  One is a narcissist, the other is a sociopath who laughed with glee on live TV when they found out a world leader we were in conflict with was assassinated.

I couldn't vote in good faith for Biden or Trump either, given their records and their personalities.  Biden is clearly senile and couldn't lead his way through a paper bag, and Trump is a self-centered corrupt narcissist.

So you hold me in contempt for voting according to issues and conscience rather than voting for candidates I don't believe can do the job, and who don't truly have America's best interests at heart?  Also, I never voted for Bernie, so maybe I don't count in your calculations.

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Reply #26 on: June 25, 2022, 06:16:51 PM

And I hold in particular contempt those Bernie bots who voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How’d that work out for you? Fucking idiots.

I tend to vote third-party.  My opinion is that in many cases both the leading candidates are corrupt, immoral, and terrible people.  I couldn't in good conscience vote for Hilary or Trump.  One is a narcissist, the other is a sociopath who laughed with glee on live TV when they found out a world leader we were in conflict with was assassinated.

I couldn't vote in good faith for Biden or Trump either, given their records and their personalities.  Biden is clearly senile and couldn't lead his way through a paper bag, and Trump is a self-centered corrupt narcissist.

So you hold me in contempt for voting according to issues and conscience rather than voting for candidates I don't believe can do the job, and who don't truly have America's best interests at heart?  Also, I never voted for Bernie, so maybe I don't count in your calculations.

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Reply #27 on: June 25, 2022, 08:22:21 PM

And I hold in particular contempt those Bernie bots who voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How’d that work out for you? Fucking idiots.

I couldn't vote in good faith for Biden or Trump either, given their records and their personalities.  Biden is clearly senile and couldn't lead his way through a paper bag, and Trump is a self-centered corrupt narcissist.

So you hold me in contempt for voting according to issues and conscience rather than voting for candidates I don't believe can do the job, and who don't truly have America's best interests at heart?  Also, I never voted for Bernie, so maybe I don't count in your calculations.

Well first off, you’re talking about the 2020 election. My comment was about 2016. There’s a lot of Democrats who stayed home and refused to vote for Clinton in protest. And they got us the most uniquely unqualified, horrible, orange haired president, who put three people on the Supreme Court. And all three of those voted to take away a woman’s autonomy over her own body. That’s my comment. So why don’t you read and think about it a little bit before you post next time?

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Offline seeker83

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Reply #28 on: June 25, 2022, 11:17:37 PM

Well first off, you’re talking about the 2020 election. My comment was about 2016. There’s a lot of Democrats who stayed home and refused to vote for Clinton in protest. And they got us the most uniquely unqualified, horrible, orange haired president, who put three people on the Supreme Court. And all three of those voted to take away a woman’s autonomy over her own body. That’s my comment. So why don’t you read and think about it a little bit before you post next time?

I apologize.  I was still in an emotionally triggered place from writing my first post and probably should have not continued to evaluate other posts during that time.  Your point is well-received regarding the Democratic side who stayed home.

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Reply #29 on: June 25, 2022, 11:19:43 PM

Well first off, you’re talking about the 2020 election. My comment was about 2016. There’s a lot of Democrats who stayed home and refused to vote for Clinton in protest. And they got us the most uniquely unqualified, horrible, orange haired president, who put three people on the Supreme Court. And all three of those voted to take away a woman’s autonomy over her own body. That’s my comment. So why don’t you read and think about it a little bit before you post next time?

I apologize.  I was still in an emotionally triggered place from writing my first post and probably should have not continued to evaluate other posts during that time.  Your point is well-received regarding the Democratic side who stayed home.  I did write about the 2016 election in the first part of my post though, Trump being the narcissist and Hilary being the sociopath that cackled like a mad person on live TV when she heard Gadaffi was assassinated.

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Reply #30 on: June 26, 2022, 04:53:57 AM
No big Seeker. We’ve all done the same

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Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #31 on: June 26, 2022, 06:42:22 AM
It's no secret that I protest voted in 2016. Like you seeker, I couldnt put my name to a vote for either one. I felt them both to be criminals and we were doomed either way.

As for you porhubby... there is no way anybody could have predicted this. Nobody was talking Roe Vs Wade in 2016, 17, 18... at least not any more than usual, and if somebody say they saw this coming, they are full of chit. Why get so pissed at third party voters? I'd be more pissed at the people who pet those two become the primaries. I'm more upset that it came down to those two. That the two parties could only come up with mediocrity and evil.

Even knowing what I know now, I'd still vote the same way because who the hell knows what Clinton would have screwed up, what freedoms we might have lost, or the conflicts we might find ourselves in. Hell, Putin sees the US with a woman as president, and he's the type of asshole to see that as weakness and invades Alaska... Granted this is all heresay, but you can't say 100% that I'm wrong either.

This whole thing has me pissed off, but besides the voters, the justices, and politicians behind it all the thing thatbpisses me off the most is that we actually need constitutional protection to be who we are. This should be a non-issue. No single person or group or entity or political power should have any say in any part of our personal lives.  Roe vs wade, Griswold vs Connecticut, Lawrence vs Texas, Obergefell vs Hodges shouldn't even exist. People need to just mind their own god damned business. Blame political views or even religion that there is even a discussion about any of this. A woman wants to sleep with another woman, I dont care, man and a man, again I dont care, a woman feels the need to get an abortion, not my business. If she wants to get an abortion a week before her due date... not my business. Do I agree or disagree? My opinion isn't important because it isn't any of my business. I don't need to know her reasoning or her emotional decision because it is none of my fucking business, as it isnt anybodies business except hers and the fathers. Those are the only two people who truly have any say in this matter. It isn't their neighbors business, their mayor, their governor, their senator, their presidents, employers, priests, or even their doctors business. So out of all the people anybody should be pissed off at, is the people who don't mind their own fucking business and let people live their lives the way they see fit.

Anyways, I'm tired, drunk and angry and just wanted to drop my two cents on this bitch.  Agree with me or not the beat part about opinions is that we all get to be right.

voted third-party or refused to vote in 2016. How’d that work out for you? Fucking idiots.

Why don't you pucker up and kiss my ass, and then Boo me deep and hard until I can't walk straight 😘
« Last Edit: June 26, 2022, 07:11:12 AM by Shiela_M »

Offline purpleshoes

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Reply #32 on: June 26, 2022, 02:21:05 PM

This whole thing has me pissed off, but besides the voters, the justices, and politicians behind it all the thing that pisses me off the most is that we actually need constitutional protection to be who we are. This should be a non-issue. No single person or group or entity or political power should have any say in any part of our personal lives.  Roe vs wade, Griswold vs Connecticut, Lawrence vs Texas, Obergefell vs Hodges shouldn't even exist. People need to just mind their own god damned business. Blame political views or even religion that there is even a discussion about any of this. A woman wants to sleep with another woman, I dont care, man and a man, again I dont care, a woman feels the need to get an abortion, not my business. If she wants to get an abortion a week before her due date... not my business. Do I agree or disagree? My opinion isn't important because it isn't any of my business. I don't need to know her reasoning or her emotional decision because it is none of my fucking business, as it isnt anybodies business except hers and the fathers. Those are the only two people who truly have any say in this matter. It isn't their neighbors business, their mayor, their governor, their senator, their presidents, employers, priests, or even their doctors business. So out of all the people anybody should be pissed off at, is the people who don't mind their own fucking business and let people live their lives the way they see fit.

Sheila, I hope you don't mind that I highlighted some of your sentences for emphasis.

In my opinion, what this paragraph boils down to is USE SOME COMMON SENSE PEOPLE.

We all have the right to our opinions, but we don't have the right to impose them on other people.

Telling other people how to run their lives goes against my grain. I have enough trouble figuring out how to run my own life, let alone anyone else's.

Having said that, I expect the same courtesy from other people. You live your life and I'll live mine.

Offline seeker83

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Reply #33 on: June 26, 2022, 04:10:51 PM
I also agree that it sucks there isn't just a standard "mind your own damn business" law that solves most of these issues.  Even in Griswold vs. CT, the justices all agreed about there being a right to privacy but mostly disagreed as to which amendments or amendment specifically grants those rights.

Either way, the whole point is that people should get to make their own decisions about these things.  Just pass a law or amendment basically saying that people have a right to privacy regarding sex, identity, their bodies, marriage, etc.  The only exceptions are when those private things infringe upon the rights of others or cause material harm to them.  IE someone who finds minor children attractive cannot engage in their desired behavior in their private lives because it infringes upon and takes advantage of a minor.

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Reply #34 on: June 26, 2022, 04:42:13 PM
Don't forget to set your clocks back 50 years when you go to bed tonight!

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #35 on: June 26, 2022, 07:53:25 PM

As for you porhubby... there is no way anybody could have predicted this. Nobody was talking Roe Vs Wade in 2016, 17, 18... at least not any more than usual, and if somebody say they saw this coming, they are full of chit.

I won''t speak for PornHubby who, among other things, knows incomparably more about this topic than I do.

However, you can draw a straight line from November 8, 2016 to June 24, 2022.

Prior to Friday's decision, Justices Thomas and Alito has already expressed their disdain for substantive due process. That is the legal theory that informed several decisions. It essentially means that the courts can protect legal rights of the citizens, even if those rights are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. This theory informed four landmark Supreme Court decisions:  Griswold v. Connecticut (contraceptives), Roe v. Wade (abortion), Lawrence v. Texas (same-sex relations), and Obergefell v. Hodges (same-sex marriage).

Justice Thomas, in his opinion reflecting his vote to overturn Roe, specifically indicated that the Court should apply its rejection of substantive due process to those other decisions. He put it starkly:

"In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is “demonstrably erroneous,” we have a duty to “correct the error” established in those precedents."

In his and the other conservative Justices opinions, unenumerated rights do not exist, and substantive due process is a myth. Therefore, the legality of these four issues -- contraception, abortion, same-sex relations, and same-sex marriage -- should be determined on a state-by-state basis, and their legality will be protected only in those states that choose to protect them.

I won't claim to have predicted the Dobbs decision in 2016. However, the timeline is there, and Trump and the GOP controlled Senate were able to manipulate the court, first by denying Merrick Garland a seat on the court, and then by ensuring the addition of three conservative justices to the court (Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Coney Barrett). Those three justices tipped the balance of the court, thereby ensuring the Dobbs decision -- and paving the way to overturning the Grisworld, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

This isn't liberal hand-wringing or fear-mongering. Thomas's words are stark, and right there in black and white.

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Reply #36 on: June 26, 2022, 08:25:26 PM
Well there we have it. Today I learned what my foot tastes like. I'm just going to go ahead and sit back down.

Understandably with the same sex relationship/marriage topic, you'd have your ear closer to the ground than I would on this entire matter, and I do apologize for my rash assumption. Too much emotion not enough critical thinking. I'd like to redact that specific part of my post.

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Reply #37 on: June 26, 2022, 09:39:35 PM
May I reiterate a point?
Justice Ginsburg on her nomination and sitting before the committee said that Roe was bad law, as it removed the legislative process, meaning, it forced people to accept it. Despite disagreeing with her on many things, I hold her views on this to the highest esteems and completely agree with her on this. If she had 5 more people on the court supporting her, this would never have happened. She wanted it to be a gradual, and quite acceptable slide into it being a law, she wanted to use the Equal Protections to make it acceptable to both sides, with appropriate limitations where applicable, so that no group would have any room to bitch about it, and it would work out just fine. I also want it known I do not supporting the banning of abortion, because even a lame brained, limp dicked asshole knows that abortion is a medical procedure, and that it should be open to all who need it.

From both sides I seen every argument, and every opinion. Like Sheila said, this is no ones business but the woman, her partner, and if needed, her doctor's. Also I did not celebrate this, as its not like anything is going to change any time soon. Every state for years has been telegraphing where they stand on it, and now the people can have a voice in it, instead of leaving it to the asshats in charge.

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Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #38 on: June 26, 2022, 10:10:49 PM
and now the people can have a voice in it, instead of leaving it to the asshats in charge.

I still love and respect you all.

After MissB schooled me, I'm feeling quite the dumbass right now and probably just just keep my head down here, but here goes nothing...

The people don't have a voice.  Wisconsin banned abortion even though 53% of adults in Wisconsin (the majority) believe that abortion should be legal. Ok, so we have a voice, but it's being outright ignored.

I voted for Evers too.  Goes to show if you vote Republican, they think they own you and screw you, you vote Democrat, they think they own you and screw you.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #39 on: June 26, 2022, 10:15:56 PM
and now the people can have a voice in it, instead of leaving it to the asshats in charge.

I still love and respect you all.

After MissB schooled me, I'm feeling quite the dumbass right now and probably just just keep my head down here, but here goes nothing...

The people don't have a voice.  Wisconsin banned abortion even though 53% of adults in Wisconsin (the majority) believe that abortion should be legal. Ok, so we have a voice, but it's being outright ignored.

I voted for Evers too.  Goes to show if you vote Republican, they think they own you and screw you, you vote Democrat, they think they own you and screw you.

A bad joke to go along with your sentiment (actually i agree, no one is out for the people anymore, on anything.)

One day a biker wife was complaining to her mother that her and her husband were being audited by the IRS.

"Mama, what do I wear to the IRS office?" She asks her mother.

"Just like your wedding night, it does not matter what you wear, your gonna get screwed." Her mother replied.

The current state of politics today. No matter what, we the little people get fucked.

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