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I'm an object of female dominance (F/M, BDSM, HUMIL)

FetishObject1987 · 520

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Offline FetishObject1987

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on: August 07, 2023, 07:51:02 PM
This is a true story. I am a male who is the object of female dominance

I am a single male, and have been without a partner for some time. About a year after covid I found an exclusive group that caters to sexual frustration within legal limits.

This is an explanation of what happened early on

My first time after discussions of having fun, I was picked up from my home in a car that I can not see out of. It is well equipped with fruits and water if it is needed. This is one major factor they enforce. Food (fresh, healthy) and water must always be made available while I'm with them.

Upon arrival the driver tells me through an intercom that I must wear a blindfold. At first this threw me off as it was never mentioned during emails. But it's natural apparently, it adds to the mystery. Once inside it is removed and I find my self on steps leading down to a stone basement. I was escorted down by 2 females that wear masquerade masks to room full of other females also in similar masks. It is one of the rules they have, males faces aren't covered, so is to be known and the females have the right to privacy.

When I first attended I was ordered to strip and measured up in various ways.....waist, chest, shoe size, cock size (length and width). I was curious and asked what it was all for but I was immediately met with a smack to my ass and told to be quiet. Once this was completed I was ordered to lay on the bed and was immediately cuffed at the hands, knees and ankles. I was wanked till I was brought to 2 quick ejaculations and teased and denied till my 3rd ejaculation happened. I heard some angry mutterings and giggling before I was released, ordered to dress and blindfold myself till I was delivered home. When I was taken home the driver came on the intercom and said they would definitely be in touch soon.

I heard nothing from them for a month until I received a call off a private number. There was an engagement party going on and would I like to attend? I asked who it was and I was given a name from my contacts (they must have added it) but stated they changed their number. I agreed and thanked them and they said they'd arrange my uber on the day.

The day arrived and as promised, a car was waiting outside my home. They named the person in my contacts so I got in and it looked like an ordinary uber executive car. Snacks, bottle of beer due to the nature of the day, water, all the likes. I took the only beer that was there (he said 1 bottle as to ensure I didn't get drunk in his car and throw up) and took a sip but next thing I knew I soon drained the bottle. The driver was asking me questions like any driver would but I lost focus quickly and passed out.

I remember waking up sometime after and was given a drink of water before being gagged to which opened my eyes quickly. I realised I was back in the basement as the person giving me the water was wearing a masquerade mask. I turned away and saw myself in a mirrored ceiling to much amusement of others I hadn't noticed.

They had placed me in the strangest bondage I had seen, but I was slowly starting to feel funny and didn't realise it had been a drug to heighten my sexual senses.

They had placed me in a latex hood so I couldn't see my face and gagged with a cover over a large ball so I couldn't make a sound. I was also in a black latex corset and Straightjacket, both with straps connected to thigh high latex stockings made into Ballet heels around my feet. I also noticed that I was in a pink sheer mesh thong.

I looked around and noticed I was in the centre of a group spread around the walls. One of the females came over and fitted me with a Vibrating ring. When it was on it started up immediately on low tease. Enough to bring me up to ejaculation but not over the edge. I was in that state within 3-4 minutes and left like that for 30 minutes wishing I could cum.

It was then I was told that I was to play a game. I would be permitted to cum as much as I wanted on a few conditions. I was to hold back for an added hour and after that hour I was to cum but keep the thong clean as it belonged to a woman. Questions started up in my mind. An hour? I'm in a thong? What will happen to me? Immediately as I started to think these questions, the vibrating increased rapidly. I ejaculated within seconds inside the thong due to the damn drug.

This arrangement still happens to this day due to circumstances. The games always change also. But at times I feel like when I do my day to day duties and job, I feel like some women I see give me a certain glance but as I don't know what the mistresses look like, I can't be certain
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 07:55:25 PM by FetishObject1987 »