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Foxihotgirl · 3563

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Offline Foxihotgirl

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    • Posts: 387
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on: April 22, 2023, 09:05:43 PM
(Story is fictional and meant for mature audience.)




                                                                                                                                 PART 1

    Lauren sat comfortably next to her husband Jerrold staring out at the pool area in the complex. Though the condo complex was not too large they had numerous people coming and going. Transitional living which they both liked. Both were retired and loved living in the building that was high priced and well kept by the housing committee. They were very picky about who they let into the gated community.
    What was important to Lauren and Jerrold was the influx of young people who moved in, some with college teens that were ripe for their games. They were happily watching one now at the pool area sunning herself. Lauren a stunning beauty when she was young still kept her sensuous looks despite her age. Short bobbed grey hair only enhanced her beauty. Jerrold kept fit running each morning and fucking his beautiful wife whenever she was in the mood, which was often.

    "Which one is that one?" Asked Lauren licking her lips at the sight of the young beautiful black girl laying on her back in a skimpy bathing suit.

    "That's Tracy. Mom is a high profile business woman. Not married and Tracy is her only child. Girl is stunning isn't she?" Said Jerrold feeling his cock begin to rise to the occasion.

    Tracy was indeed a true beauty like her mother. Long legs and a shapely form that held promise. Her small bathing suit barely covered her body. They were merely small patches on her incredible assets.

    "She is delicious looking isn't she?" Said Lauren running her hand over her small breast making her nipple harden quickly.

    "That she is, my love. Love to turn her. She would be quite the attraction in our club wouldn't she?" Said Jerrold squeezing his swollen cock.

    "What else do we know about her and her mother?" Asked Lauren sliding her hand inside her shorts rubbing slowly. "Also, why haven't I been told about this beauty, Jerrold?"

    "Sorry love but I just found out today also. Mother divorced and goes through men like tissue paper. Think she has a new boyfriend now but guessing he won't be around in a week or so." Said Jerrold taking Laurens other hand and placing it on his cock. She squeezed it lovingly and began to move her hand up and down keeping pace with her other hand that was rubbing her clit.

    "Sounds like the mom would fit right into our little group. Likes to fuck but wants to change partners often. What about Tracy? Anything special about her?" Asked Lauren starting to lift her ass slightly from the chair her fingers working their magic. She gave a soft moan which was music to Jerrold's ears.

    "Indeed she does, darling. Tracy is a bit of a mystery. Some of the girls in the club that have seen her say she's a loner, keeps to herself even though every man in her college classes wants to fuck her. They overheard one of the professors, a Miss Reynolds, talking on the phone about wanting to fuck the beauty, but it never went anywhere. Not yet anyway." Said Jerrold breathing faster now that Lauren was speeding up her masturbation.
    "God, she is such a sexy little thing isn't she. Love to lick her from head to toe. Bet you would love to slide this rock hard beauty into her too wouldn't you, Jerrold honey?" She felt his cock expand and soon he was cumming hard shooting his sperm onto the deck floor.

    "Fuck, baby, you're trying to kill me." Said Jerrold laughing as she knelt down to suck his cock cleaning his mess. When she was done she looked over at Tracy who was still lying in the sun and smiled.

    "Poor baby looks like she's getting too much sun. Think I'll join her and offer to put oil on her." Said Lauren who had not cum yet.

    "That worked well on Kim didn't it?" He said tucking his deflated cock back into his shorts.

    Kim, like Tracy was eighteen with parents who fought constantly. Lauren would entice her to lie out at the pool daily making friends quickly. Things progressed fast with the blonde haired girl who was looking for a shoulder to cry on. Soon she was over their house almost daily loving to talk about adult things that her mom refused to discuss. After a month of getting close she succumbed to their advances making a three way that Lauren missed often. She wanted to learn everything and Lauren was happy to teach her. The girl could fuck and she there was nothing she wouldn't do to get a good orgasm.

    "Mmmm, that girl could fuck so nicely. She never went to college. She's doing adult films in California now. We saw one of her films." Said Lauren.

    "Yes we did. Hot damn thing. Taking three guys at once. We taught her well didn't we, Lauren? The members of the club were going to go into mourning when she left us." He said seeing Tracy turn over, her tight smooth ass facing the sun.

    "I think this girl will be even better especially when the rest get hold of her." Said Lauren finally crying out softly as she began to lift her ass off the chair and squirt hard into her panties.

    Jerrold kissed her and told her to go get a suit on and get started on Tracy. This was one turning he couldn't wait to be part of. Within minutes Lauren had changed into her swimsuit a skimpy bit that made Jerrold start to get hard all over again. She grabbed a towel and oil and walked out towards the pool and Tracy. Jerrold watched his wife walk in her sexy gait knowing that she was a natural born slut. Everyone loved her at the club. Especially since her and Jerrold brought in the most members and not just any members. Hot young tight girls that everyone wanted.

    "Would you mind if I joined you? Tracy, isn't it?" Said Lauren holding out her hand to shake Tracy's. Tracy looked up at this woman who though older was simply beautiful and the miniscule bikini made her look quite sexy. She shook her hand.

    "Yeah, sure." Said Tracy watching as the woman laid her towel down and began to oil herself everywhere making Tracy aware of her sexy body despite the grey hair. Lauren noticed the girl glancing to watch her oil down and smiled. When she was done she lay back only a foot away from the girl.

    "I've seen you here before. New to the complex aren't you?" Asked Lauren.

    "We just moved in about a month ago. Mom likes the place. I'm glad. We move too much as it is." Said Tracy who turned on her side leaning on her elbow staring at Lauren.

    "Why is that, Tracy?" Asked Lauren wanting to engage the girl fully letting her see that she was truly interested in what she had to say.

    "Her stupid job. They send her all over the country to fix problems within the company. Sometimes the problems take months to correct. That's why I take small college courses at the moment. I try to help her when I can. She works too much." Said Tracy liking Lauren immediately.

    "She's quite beautiful, your mom. I didn't get her name sweetheart." Asked Lauren making sure to let the girl see as much of her as possible.

    "Tesha. I guess it was Grandma's middle name or something like that. Lot of people think she's pretty especially all the guys she brings over." Tracy sounded upset saying it.

    "Do they stay the night, Darling?" Asked Lauren pushing her bottom a bit lower letting Tracy see just a hint of her smooth pussy. The girl could not help but glance down. Tracy felt the heat rise to her face.

    "Yeah and mom wants me out of the house for few hours while they get together." Said Tracy shaking her head. Lauren knew that the girl understood what was going on. Mom was a horny woman and she didn't want her male guests trying anything with her daughter. Also why she never stayed long with her lovers.

    "Don't be to severe with your mom, Tracy. She has needs too you know. She works hard and obviously plays hard. You'll soon understand it all someday." Said Lauren. "You're starting to burn, baby. Want me to put some oil on you?"

    Tracy smiled and nodded. For some reason the older woman appealed to her made her feel welcome. She also made Tracy very aware of her sexuality wearing her tight miniscule bathing suit.

    "Okay, lie on your stomach, Tracy. I'll do your backside." Tracy obeyed and felt the oil drip onto her back and legs. It felt warm and smelled of spices. Lauren felt her pussy leaking juices as she began to rub over the girls back moving the oil everywhere. She looked up at her condo seeing Jerrold spying over the rail smiling his big Cheshire grin. The girl was soft as silk and firm in all the right places. Tracy gave a soft moan as Lauren did her legs moving upwards almost reaching her pussy. Tracy's breath caught wondering if the woman was going to touch her there, but she didn't and released her breath as she felt those strong hands slide over her butt. Her thong string ran down between her ass cheeks and Laurens hands molded the girls ass slowly parting her ass cheeks a bit to get an eyeful of the most beautiful asshole and pussy. Tracy was breathing faster liking what Lauren was doing but suddenly it ended and Lauren gave her buttocks a light slap making Tracy laugh.

    "Turn over honey. Time to do the front." Said Lauren feeling her clit swell and rub nicely against the fabric of her bikini. Tracy did her body flawless and shining with sweat from the heat. Lauren started at her neck then lower just over her small breasts and lower still doing her stomach just above the tiny patch covering her pussy. She watched Tracy's expressions as she did so. Tracy's mouth parted giving a soft sigh as Laurens fingers danced ever lower touching the rim of her bikini bottom. Then she stopped and lay back against the towel. Tracy felt disappointment wanting to feel the woman's hands on her more realizing she was being silly her imagination running away with her. Still the woman's fingers made her very aware of her body and how she was feeling.

    "There, now you'll be safe, Tracy. By the way, my hubby and I are celebrating tonight. We have Champagne and chocolates. If your mom decides to be busy with her boyfriend come on over. We'd love to have you. Besides you haven't met Jerrold, my husband. You'll like him a lot." Said Lauren seeing the smile appear on Tracy's face. They lay in the sun for another hour and Lauren told the girl she had to go but hoped she would come visit tonight.

    Tracy couldn't wait to show up. Most of all she couldn't wait to get out of her house.

                                                                                                                                   PART TWO

    Jerrold cleaned up and looked very handsome making Lauren want to jump him now instead of later but it had to wait. They might have a special guest tonight and getting him harder than a rock too early would not do at all. They set up a small table on their deck with candles and three fluted glasses with the champagne on ice. Lauren wore her skin tight silk top without a bra emphasizing her small breasts. Her nipples pushed against the silken fabric. Now if Tracy would show up then they could hatch their next plan on the girl.
    Lauren looked out the window and saw the girl approaching. "Jerrold, come here baby and look at this." She said.

    Jerrold looked out and saw Tracy walking towards their building. She had on a cut t shirt that barely covered her breasts and tight jeans. Lauren could feel her pussy moisten at the sight of her and Jerrold gave a soft whistle.

    "That," said Jerrold, "Is one fine piece of ass, my dear." She had to agree. They heard the doorbell ring and both moved to the door holding their breaths knowing what was on the other side. When they opened the door there stood Tracy smiling.

    "Am I late?" She asked as Lauren took her hand leading her into the living room and the champagne. She lifted a fluted glass filled with the bubbly and handed it to her.

    "You're just in time, my dear and might I say looking rather breathtaking." Said Lauren looking her up and down sipping her champagne. Jerrold ushered them all to the couches sitting Lauren right next to Tracy.

    "Your place is so much nicer than our place." Said Tracy drinking half her glass in one gulp.

    "I'm sure your mom hasn't had the time to decorate with her job and all. Give her some time. Besides you can visit us as many times as you like while she's doing it." Said Lauren in a sexy voice that Tracy picked up on. She liked the two of them instantly. More important, they liked her. Tracy knew when she accepted the invitation from Lauren the woman gave her intended sexy vibes. She liked it and wanted to see what would happen tonight.

    Jerrold made himself a scotch with ice and drank almost all of it in one gulp. The girl was showing herself off to them. The thin t-shirt barely covered her small breasts, her little nipples poked against the fabric enticingly. He felt his cock pushing against his pants threatening to break through.

    "Is your mom busy tonight?" Asked Lauren knowing what she was hinting to. Tracy finished her champagne and held it out to Jerrold to refill.

    "Yeah, she is very busy tonight. I left as soon as I saw the two guys come over." Said Tracy taking the refilled glass in hand and drinking it slowly. "She'll be busy for awhile I imagine."

    Lauren looked at Jerrold and raised her eyebrows. Two men at once. Tracy's mom was indeed a busy girl. She wondered if Tracy would be like her mom.

    "I think your mom is happy being so sexual." Said Lauren giving Tracy a soft and alluring smile. "I was very much like her when I was single. Men were around me all the time. But it was women that were my weakness."

    Tracy laughed. They were a very naughty couple indeed. She didn't mind, in fact she liked talking about sex with her friends and often masturbated to her fantasies, which were many these days. She had never met a couple like Jerrold and Lauren. Both were a very handsome couple though much older than she was. Still, they made her No one ever did that for her not even the boys she had slept with. One time she made believe she was leaving the house knowing one of her mothers lovers was coming over. Her mother did not waste a second getting down to business. Through a crack in her bedroom doorway she watched her mom suck the mans cock and lick his balls. The man groaned and held her head in place as he began to fuck her mouth.

    Tracy had never seen anything like it although she knew about such things. Soon the man pulled her mom away lifting her and throwing her on the bed tearing her panties off and kneeling between her legs as he began to lick her pussy. Her moms pussy was completely shaven and smooth and the man spread her legs wider driving his tongue inside her making her mom raise her ass and pushed harder onto him. Soon he was standing and pushing his cock inside her mom. She cried out as she orgasmed for the first time that night. He fucked her hard ramming against her as she pulled her nipples. Tracy had never seen her mom like this. She didn't know she had it in her be so dirty, like a porno star.

    As she watched she realized she was rubbing herself against the door frame her nipples hard and sensitive. She wanted to cry out but held it in not wanting to be caught as she watched the show before her. Her hand slid inside her soaked panties. She ran her finger back and forth over her clit  as she moved her breasts against the door. Soon she was squirting hard.

    "You sound like you were a very naughty girl, Lauren." Said Tracy leaning back against the cushions almost allowing the older couple a proper view of her firm breasts.

    "You have no idea." Said Jerrold licking his lips at the sight before him. "I met her at a swingers party. She was very naughty indeed."

    "You have to tell me everything. I really want to know." Tracy said excitedly leaning forward hoping to hear more. Then she realized what she was asking of them, people she was just getting to know. "Sorry, I guess its really none of my business."

    Lauren took her hand and squeezed it lovingly.

    "It's perfectly fine, Tracy. I actually love talking about our sex life, don't we Jerrold?" She said turning to him. He nodded as he poured himself another drink.

    "We're not ashamed of the things we did together. I was invited to the party and we all had to drop our car keys into a bowl. Later as the party started to get hotter the women reached into the bowl to see who they would partner up with. I had another woman other than Lauren, quite beautiful but my eyes were for her. Lauren got a young man who immediately had her on the floor getting her ready, if you know what I mean." Said Jerrold watching the girls expressions to see if he was going to far. But Tracy waited like some child getting a storybook read to them, anxious and excited.

    "Before we go any further, darling we need to know if your embarrassed or feeling out of place here with us talking about such things." Asked Lauren moving a bit closer to Tracy who never noticed.

    Tracy shook her head. "No, I love this, really. I know I've just met you both but it seems like I've known you forever. I want to hear it, all of it. It's really sexy." She said drinking the second glass dry.

    With the go ahead both Lauren and Jerrold knew they had the girl. They would push the limits and see where it led them.

    "What my husband meant was that the young man had my panties off and began to lick me. I did not know Jerrold then and only cared for whoever wanted me at the time. Our little group met every weekend and let me tell you, Tracy, it was always fun." Said Lauren.

    "I bet." She said thinking about doing such things. "Did you finally get together?"

    "Oh, yes. I picked his keys and he showed me what I was missing. He was older and not like the younger men that I was used to fucking. They were eager and good but not very experienced as to pleasing me. They only cared for themselves first. But Jerrold was different. He took his time making me crazy with lust, I'll tell you. By the time I was ready to make love to him I had already had several orgasms. I knew then we had to be together." Said Lauren patting Tracy's knee.

    "Wow." Said Tracy feeling the drinks and liking the stories. She could see Jerrold's cock outlined against his tight pants. It was enormous. She also liked Lauren rubbing her knee ever so lightly sending shivers of pleasure running straight to her pussy. Her memory of being oiled up by the woman never left her. In fact she masturbated thinking about it and the fantasy of Lauren going much farther in her massage.

    "Are you still involved with swinging groups?" Asked Tracy.

    "Oh, yes we are. But the ones we belong to now are much more exciting and filled with experienced lovers." Said Lauren liking the feel of the girl.

    "How are they better?" Asked Tracy fascinated by the idea of such places. She knew she was a bit drunk now. She had two glasses of champagne that made her bolder and easily more open to the sexy stories being told by the couple.

    "They know how to please and deliver many more sexual offerings. Some which are quite taboo and deliciously sexually." Said Jerrold. His hand strayed near his growing penis and Tracy noticed licking her lips enticingly at the sight.

    "Are they the same age as the both of you?" She asked feeling Laurens hand stray downwards a bit making her sigh in pleasure. She had never been with another woman let alone a grown man.

    "We have all ages involved. Young and old. But enough about us, darling. Tell us some of your experiences so we can get excited too." Said Lauren. Lauren loved to look at the girl. She could have been a model. Her hair was cut very short but it only enhanced her beautiful profile. Small nose and full lips and a long slender neck. Her body looked flawless and reminded Lauren of how she looked at that age.

    "Not much to tell, really. I had two boyfriends but they only lasted as long as I was around, which was short. But we had fun. Sex was never a big deal to me. It wasn't until I witnessed my mom doing it that I realized what I had been missing. I had no idea. Now...I guess I want to experience everything. Like you." Said Tracy looking into Laurens blue eyes. Tracy felt her pulse quicken knowing that this couple was slowly seducing her. They were so sweet and careful.

    "You should indeed." Said Jerrold handing a new glass to Tracy. "You're young and at the peak of your sexuality. Nothing should be out of bounds for someone as beautiful as you." He said seeing the affect on her. "You need to have many adventures."

    Tracy licked her lips and nodded. She wanted to. They were an experienced couple that did all those sexy things and she wanted to learn them all. She let Laurens hand reach her stomach feeling her fingers softly rubbing in circles making her breathe a bit faster.

    "Do you want to learn everything with us?" Asked Lauren hoping that the question didn't drive the girl away. Tracy nodded wanting them as much as they obviously wanted her. Her mother did little to teach in the ways of sex. But this beautiful couple wanted to and she decided to let them.

    "Good girl." Said Lauren sliding her hand upwards capturing her breast under the top. It was soft yet firm and her nipple hardened instantly. "Oh Jerrold, She's so very ready, darling."

    Jerrold didn't need to be told twice and began to unbuckle his pants pulling them off along with his socks and shoes. Next came his shirt and finally his underwear presenting Tracy with his huge cock which stood out erect. Lauren kissed the girl her lips on hers her tongue probing twirling sexily with hers. The girl moaned as Lauren pulled her nipple sending shock waves of pleasure all over Tracy's body.

    "Lets take our clothes off, honey and really get to know one another." Said Lauren already removing her silk top freeing her breasts. Next came her pants and then her panties revealing her smooth hairless pussy. Tracy allowed them to strip her until she too was naked.

    "Ohhhh, god.." Moaned Tracy as Lauren leaned forward taking one of the girls nipples into her mouth as Jerrold spread the girls legs wide showing him how open and wet she already was. Tracy had seen porn videos many times and this was turning out to be one with her in it. One of her fantasies was actually coming true.

    "Look, darling how excited she is." Said Jerrold kissing his way to her pussy then licking her clit making Tracy groan in pleasure. Lauren let the girls nipple slip from her mouth to look at the girls beautiful pussy.

    "Let me, Jerrold while you teach her how to suck your cock." Said Lauren trading places with him. Tracy could hear them her heart pounding and her body shaking from the things they were doing to her. Jerrold took Tracy's hand placing it on his cock. She could barely get her fingers around its thickness. It made the boys cocks that she had look puny in comparison.

    "Suck it, Tracy. You know what to do don't you." He said watching her lick the end of his cock sliding her tongue over his pee hole then down the length of it kissing his balls and then licking back up until she took the head into her mouth. "Yes, baby you know how." Said Jerrold closing his eyes as the young girl sucked him. Lauren spread the girls pussy wide looking at her pink wetness and slid two fingers deep inside her making Tracy cry out and begin squirting to Laurens delight.

    "She's a squirter, baby. The others will love that." Said Lauren before she began to lick and suck the girls swollen clitoris. Tracy was loving all they were doing to her. She had never felt such pleasure before. Most times she was left unsatisfied and had to finish by masturbating. Tracy's hot wet mouth was taking his cock deep as he began to slowly move back and forth.

    "That's it, baby. Take it nice and slow. Let Lauren get you ready for my cock. I want to fuck you so badly." Said Jerrold holding her head as he fucked her mouth. Sloppy wet sounds came from her as she sucked him harder.

    Laurens fingers slid deep into the wetness of Tracy's pussy making the girl move her body upwards against her hand. When she did this Lauren added a third finger opening the tight girl up nicely for her husband. She wanted the girl to feel what it was like to fuck a grown man with a big cock. Soon Jerrold was ready not wanting to cum before fucking this beauty. Lauren pulled her wet fingers from the girl getting out of the way as Jerrold moved between her legs. He rubbed his cock up and down her juicy slit rubbing over her clit as he did so.

    "Open your legs more, baby. Let him in you're going to love the feel of his cock." Said Lauren kissing the girl hard swapping tongues as Jerrold pushed forward stretching the girls vaginal entrance wide. Tracy moaned in pain at first trying to take his huge cock. "relax, baby take it nice and easy."

    Tracy tried to relax but found it hard since his huge cock was pushing inside her opening up new roads where no cock had gone before. Jerrold was patient and Lauren reached down to rub the girls clit making Tracy close her eyes in pleasure. Soon Jerrold had half his cock buried inside the girls tight pussy and began to fuck her in slow smooth strokes. The initial pain was fading quickly and Tracy was beginning to appreciate his big cock. Especially since Lauren was pulling and rubbing her clit.

    "Ohhh it feels so good." Said Tracy pushing back against Jerrold who drove his cock ever deeper.

    "That's it, baby fuck him. Do you like his cock, Tracy?" Asked Lauren after kissing her hard.

    "Yesssss, oh god yes." She moaned. Now she was squirting over and over his cock hitting all the right spots. Lauren sucked one nipple then the next driving the girl mad with lust. Jerrold finally had every inch of his thick cock inside the girl his balls slapping against her ass with each stroke. She was so wet now making it easy to fuck her.

    "I'm going to cum." He cried out as he pulled out and shot a huge load over her stomach and breasts. Lauren licked the cum from Tracy and then shared it with her.

    Tracy couldn't believe she had just fucked Jerrold and Lauren was still making her cum. She never wanted this to end. Jerrold's cum tasted salty and creamy and she licked Laurens lips getting the rest of it.

    "Turn over, baby. Raise you lovely ass high for me." Said Lauren maneuvering her in place as her husband again moved behind her placing his cock against her open wet pussy. This time he slid in easily her pussy was like wet silk. Tracy cried out in orgasm as his cock went even deeper.

    "God, her pussy is so tight, honey. So fucking nice and wet." Said Jerrold holding onto her waist and guiding her as he moved in and out. Lauren smiled at him knowing how much he wanted this. She moved before Tracy her body nearly above her and spread her legs wide showing the girl her spectacular pussy.

    "Make me feel good, baby girl." Said Lauren reaching down to rub her clit. Tracy stared at the woman's smooth wet pussy and knew that this would be a first for her. She had never made love to another woman before and wanted to so much. She licked Laurens clit making the older woman moan in pleasure. Then ran her tongue up and down Laurens slit loving the taste of her. Lauren was in heaven. The young black creature before her was making her cum and soon her juices were pulsing out of her and Tracy was licking it all up like a starving child.

    Jerrold fucked Tracy harder now that she was wet and open. Her body was incredible and so firm and tight. His cock flew in and out of her covered in her creamy cum. Soon he needed to cum again and slid out of her cumming between her ass cheeks. Gobs of his thick cum slid down her thighs and fell to the couch below. Lauren held the girls head tightly against her pussy feeling her lick furiously over her asshole and clit making her cry out in orgasm. She pulled Tracy up to her kissing her hotly.

    "Tracy. You're a natural." Said Lauren taking her in her arms and kissing her deeply as Jerrold left the room to make a phone call. She knew who he was calling and felt her pussy tingle with the thought of the woman coming over to partake of this girls delights. This had gone far better than both expected, certainly no need for teaching the girl basics. She was ready for something more...hardcore.

    Jerrold came back in handing Lauren another drink and a special one, according to him, for Tracy. Lauren knew what 'special' meant. The little pink pill was added to her drink. Though she was already hot and ready the pill would make her insatiable.

    "I want you to meet a very lovely friend of mine." Said Lauren cupping Tracy's breast and toying with her nipple making the girl moan softly. "She owns a very special place where many of our friends gather on the weekends." Tracy kissed Lauren her mouth open and her tongue twirling with hers. When she pulled away she made sure to slide her hand between Laurens legs rubbing her pussy.

    "Is she coming here tonight? To meet me? To have sex with me?" Asked Tracy starting to feel the affects of the pill. Tracy's finger slid into Laurens pussy making her groan in pleasure at how far the girl had come so quickly.

    "Yes, baby, she is. She likes to fuck as much as you. She's very sexual and loves girls like you." Said Lauren spreading her legs wider so Tracy could do more to her.

    "Is she as pretty as you?" Asked Tracy moving closer pushing her firm breasts against Laurens, nipple to nipple.

    "Yes, even more so. She wants to fuck you. You will let her won't you, Tracy?" Asked Lauren feeling the girls finger sliding in and out of her making her shake with another orgasm.

    "If you want me to. I'll do anything you want me to." Said Tracy feeling the full affect of the pill now. Her body was on fire, so hot and ready. Her nipples were so very sensitive and her clit swollen. She wanted cock and pussy and it seemed she would get all she wanted. Tracy wondered what her mom would think of her right now. No doubt she would want to join the fun, knowing her. But this was all hers and she wanted it so badly. The doorbell rang and Jerrold still without clothing answered it. Tracy could hear soft communication between Jerrold and whoever was at the door. Then a tall slender woman with long blonde hair entered the living room. She was beautiful and stared right at Tracy who felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of her.

    "You must be Tracy. My name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. I see you've gotten acquainted with Lauren and Jerrold?" She said sweetly. Tracy watched as the woman began to shed her clothing. Soon she stood before Tracy naked, like some Amazon princess. Strapped to her was the largest dildo she had ever seen.

    "Come to me, darling. Let me taste you." Said Sam and Tracy stood like one possessed and went to her.

                                                                                                                                      PART THREE

    Jerrold joined his wife as they watched what was about to happen. They knew Sam well, very well. She was into so many depraved things that even some in the group thought her a bit over the top sexually. But not Jerrold or Lauren who craved her kind of sex. Tracy was about to begin her real training now with Sam.

    "Come here, baby." Repeated Sam watching the girl come to her. Sam loved how sexy the young girl was. Her body was perfect and made for fucking in every way and she would teach her everything. But right now all she wanted to do was stretch her little pussy real nice so that she could satisfy all the other males in the group some who had very large cocks. Sam leaned down and kissed the girl hotly her tongue mingling with Tracy's, her hands roaming over the girls body especially her very wet pussy.

    "I'm going to sit right here and you're going to slide this magnificent cock right inside that lovely pussy, aren't you, baby?" Asked Sam seeing the girls eyes look down at the huge black dildo.

    "I don't think I could fit that inside me." Said Tracy looking at the huge black dildo with apprehension. She wanted to be fucked but afraid of what the woman wanted her to accomplish.

    "Don't be silly, honey. You pussy can take just about anything. Besides you're so wet right now it will be easy." Sam said rubbing the cock up and down as if it were real. "Come here. If you want to learn about sex you need to obey me fully, do you understand?" Said Sam a bit more firmly. Tracy nodded looking back at Jerrold and Lauren who smiled and nodded. They knew that Sam would initiate this beauty into their world.

    Tracy went to her nervously but still horny and so very ready. She had never felt like this before. It was as if a switch inside her was turned on and she was under its control. She wanted to fuck and although the plastic cock looked huge and menacing she lusted for something, anything to make her cum. The drinks loosened up her inhibitions but something else made her seem....insatiable. She moved towards Sam who guided her onto her lap the large cock laying flat against her belly as Tracy moved over it her pussy rubbing against it making her moan.

    "That's it, baby don't hold back. Do what feels good to you. Rub back and forth make yourself feel good." Said Sam holding the girls waist guiding her as she began to move over the cock getting it wetter and wetter. Sam looked over at Lauren and nodded watching the woman add another pink pill into the girls drink. Tracy would become a sex starved creature by the time they were done with her this evening. Tracy moaned as she moved faster over the cock feeling its ridges sliding through her slit and clit.

    Lauren came up to Tracy kissing her hard and handing her the drink. Also to Sam who drank hers in one gulp. Tracy took a sip and Sam smiled knowing what the results would be.

    "Drink up, darling. The fun is just beginning." Said Sam watching Tracy finish off the small drink and begin to move her body back and forth rubbing harder against the cock. Sam reached up capturing the girls luscious breasts feeling their firmness and the hardened nipples that she pulled making the girl groan and grind harder against the plastic cock.

    "Such a good little girl. Feels good doesn't it? Come on, baby take it inside that wet tight pussy. you know you want to." Said Sam. Tracy reached down and took hold of the thick black cock barely able to get her fingers around its circumference. She licked her lips as she placed the head against her open pussy feeling the size stretch her vaginal lips wide. It was so big.

    "Slowly, baby. Take it inch by inch. I want to see you fuck it." Said Sam twisting her nipples making Tracy moan loudly now that the second pill was kicking in. Sam watched in pleasure as the girl pushed down on the cock. The head slid inside Tracy and the girl stopped briefly a slight grimace on her face. Lauren watched like the voyeur she was loving what was happening.

    Tracy moved ever so slowly wanting to please Sam, wanting also to please Jerrold and Lauren who watched her. Inch by inch of the huge cock sunk into her wet pussy until half had disappeared. She moved up and down feeling the thickness stretch her insides wider and wider. Her fear that it would be impossible was gone and she moved up and down upon the thickness making herself feel like she was going to cum.

    "Ohhhhh, it feels so good." Said Tracy as she sped up her movements pushing down and taking another inch inside her.

    "Mmmm, it will feel even better when you take it all, sweetheart. Ride my cock, ride it hard, baby girl." Said Sam feeling the other end of the dildo inside her moving faster making her cum. Sam signalled Lauren who was busy jerking her husband off to come hither. "Lick her asshole, darling. Slide it inside her."

    Lauren obeyed to Jerrold's delight who was now jerking himself off. Lauren licked at Tracy's asshole making the girl moan aloud. She spread the girls ass cheeks wide and slid her tongue inside her ass.

    "Ughhhhh...Ohhh Sam." Cried out Tracy who had only a few inches to go until the huge dildo disappeared completely. Tracy orgasmed again her hot squirts covered the plastic cock and ran down Sam's thighs. "I can't stop cumming."

    Then it happened. Sam watched in amazement as Tracy began to grind against her body the huge cock deeply embedded inside the girl. She was indeed a hot little slut. She could really take cock. The boys will really appreciate this little morsel. Lauren could taste the cum running from Tracy's pussy as she continued to slide her tongue deeper into the girl. Tracy fucked harder now loving the way the huge cock hit every pleasure point inside her. Sam pulled her towards herself kissing the girl hard her tongue mingling with Tracy's. She pulled away loving the way the girl was fucking her.

    "Fuck me, Tracy. Show me how good you are." Said Sam reaching down and rubbing the girls clit. Tracy cried out again her body responding to the most sensitive touch now that the pills were taking full affect. She squirted hard, her spray of cum covering Sam. Suddenly Sam told her to stop. Tracy didn't want to loving the cock so much but Sam all but lifted her off the dripping cock.

    "On your knees, girl. Get that ass high for me. Time to fuck you like a dog." Said Sam getting behind the girl who obeyed instantly wanting that cock back inside her pussy. "Now lets see how deep we can really go."

                                                                                                                                   PART FOUR

    Sam moved behind the girl aiming the dildo and sliding it inside Tracy in one smooth move making the girl moan. The cock sank to the hilt and Sam began to fuck her in smooth strokes almost taking the cock completely out then slamming it back in. Tracy was moving back her ass pounding against Sam wanting more of the big cock.

    "That's it, lover take it all. Fuck me." Said Sam grabbing the girls waist and driving the cock even deeper. Lauren watched with the utmost pleasure knowing that they had taken this sweet girl and changed her into a sex starved whore.

    "Look at that beautiful ass." Said Sam to Lauren who stood next to her watching her fuck Tracy. "Perfect shape, tight and ready for cock."

    Lauren had to agree. The girl was going to be a hit in the club. The members were going to fight over her trying to get at her first. She did not worry about the girl and how she would accept their kind of lifestyle. She was meant to fuck like this. Tracy was born to be used like a toy. Sam spread the girls ass cheeks wider taking in the sight. Her asshole was virgin and soon she would take that too.

    Tracy fucked back wanting all of that beautiful cock inside her. She loved how it felt stretching her in such a pleasurable way and making her cum over and over. She never wanted to stop. She felt Sam's fingers rubbing over her asshole and liked the feeling. Her entire body was a pleasure zone sensitive to anything they did to her. How did they know? Did she have some kind of aura about her telling them she was so sexual? Whatever the case she loved being wanton and used. They could have her any way they wished as far as she was concerned. All she wanted was to cum.

    "Good girl, fuck me like that. You want that cock as deep as it will go. Rub your little titties against the couch as you fuck me." Said Sam slowly moving her thumb across the girls anus. Tracy obeyed her loving everything she asked of her. She made sure to let her nipples come in contact with the soft fabric of the couch. They were so hard and so very sensitive that each time they touched the fabric she moaned in pleasure. Sam told Lauren to get some gel. Lauren nodded knowing what Sam had in mind for their new prize.

    She came back handing her the tube and watched as Sam squirted the gel onto Tracy's asshole then pushing a bit inside her ass as she ran her thumb over it again. Tracy could feel the pressure of Sam's thumb pushing harder against her asshole. It felt so good. Suddenly Sam's thumb slid inside her and she groaned with the feeling of slight discomfort. Then the pain turned into pleasure as Sam fucked her even harder making her ass cheeks jiggle with each thrust.

    "Let it happen, baby girl. You'll love it soon enough." Said Sam softly as she continued to fuck the girl. Lauren saw Jerrold on the phone wondering who he was talking to. He winked at her and she smiled knowing that whoever it was would help in getting Tracy further into their wonderful little world. Sam's thumb slid all the way inside the girls ass and she kept it there as she felt the dildo glide effortlessly in and out of Tracy. Each time it was covered in her juices. .

    "Getting to like it now, darling?" Asked Sam seeing the girl moan and nod. Tracy was pushing back taking the cock deeper but also liking the new feeling inside her ass. She started to squirt again soaking the floor beneath her. Jerrold moved towards them watching Sam do her thing. He was waiting patiently knowing that very soon his cock would be inside Tracy's hot tight ass.

    "Benny's coming. Told him we needed some photo's, set up a new file on the girl." Whispered Jerrold to his wife. She smiled and leaned down to take his cock in her mouth getting him nice and hard. He was about to get some virgin ass. Same watched Lauren go down on her husband and removed her thumb and replaced it with two fingers making Tracy moan as she began to grind her ass back against the cock and especially those lovely fingers. She had never considered taking anything in her ass. Some of the girls she knew said it was painful and only did it to please their boyfriends. Well they must have been doing something wrong because Sam's fingers were driving her crazy with lust.

    "Oh yeah, baby, you're loving it in your ass. Jerrold wants to fuck your ass Tracy. Do you want him to?" Asked Sam knowing that the girls will was all but gone and all she cared about was sexual pleasure. Tracy looked back seeing Lauren sucking Jerrold's cock and nodded. She would do anything for them, anything. Sam looked at Jerrold and smiled pulling out of the girl the dildo dripping wet leaving her pussy gaping wide.

    Jerrold moved behind Tracy his cock rock hard placing it against her asshole. Tracy moved her ass slowly, tantalizingly him as he gripped her waist.

    "Fuck me, please fuck me." Begged Tracy her eyes mere slits, her mouth open and so ready for him. He pushed against her tight anus feeling it stretch over the head of his cock making him groan in delight with its tightness. Tracy could feel the mans cock sliding into her ass. She had no idea that it could feel this good. She pushed back helping him taking every inch of him inside her until his balls pressed against her ass tightly before beginning to fuck her.

    There was a knock at the door and Sam answered it knowing it was Benny. He was tall and muscular. Many of the ladies in the club loved him for his stamina and thick cock. He stood at the entrance looking towards Tracy and Jerrold fucking her in the ass.

    "Wow." He said as he carried his camera case in hand. "This is a new girl?" He couldn't believe the girl was letting all of his friends fuck her like this. Usually it took months to get someone to that level of sexuality and trust.

    "Got her going tonight. Can you believe it?" Said Sam still naked with her strap on dildo dangling obscenely. "She's going to be very special."  Benny nodded and started to get his camera out and ready.

    "You have that beauty inside her yet?" He asked staring at the black dildo.

    "She took it completely, every inch." Said Sam smiling. "We have to get her file started immediately. The members will want to know everything about her. Mostly what she'll do sexually. So far she willing to do anything."

    Benny smiled and began to take pictures of Jerrold and Tracy's union making sure to capture frames of him fucking her tight ass. "Tell me about her, Sam."

    "Young black girl, 18. Mother is a total slut fucking different guys every week. The girl did not have much sexual experience other than a few dumb ass guys. She was ready for this. Very ready. Super body, luscious ass and tits. She's got two pinks in her, think about it." Said Sam seeing the look of amazement across his face.

    Tracy was crying out in orgasm as Jerrold started to ram her ass harder and faster. With each thrust she squirted. Her head on the couch she raised her ass higher wanting him deeper. He obliged raising himself above her and driving his cock down and deep. Benny captured it all. The girls file was already becoming incredible. Jerrold cried out as he began to cum inside her ass. He held her tight against him. Tracy could feel his hot cum pumping inside her and moaned as she came along with him. He pulled out slowly wanting Benny to get the money shot as his cum began to leak from her gaping asshole.

    Sam told Benny to follow her. She came to Tracy kissing her and feeling her up keeping her hot and ready.

    "Time for your photo's, darling. See this gentleman behind me. He wants to take pictures of your hot little body. So you do everything he wants you to do for him. Make him nice and horny." They kissed hotly Sam making sure to pull on the girls clit making her arch her back. Sam left her side letting Benny take over.

    "Hi, Tracy. I'm Benny. I take photos of all our members in the club. You're incredibly beautiful and I think you'll like posing for me. Just do everything I ask of you." Said Benny kneeling before her camera aimed forward. Tracy looked sexy as hell and just wanted to fuck. Things seemed to be happening so quickly. She nodded and lay before him naked and covered in cum. He started to snap off endless frames getting every angle of her sexy body. She watched him imagining seeing herself in a men's magazine or worse a hardcore one. The idea that others would see every inch of her made her pussy wet.

    "Spread your legs for me, Tracy. That's it, nice and wide. Yes, such a beautiful pussy." Benny said moving closer and taking several pictures of her open wet pussy. Tracy could not believe she was posing naked before this man and yet she was so horny it only enhanced her sexual feelings. He moved closer almost touching her pussy with the lens of the camera.

    "Reach down, honey. Spread your pussy lips wide for me. I want to see nothing but pink." He said watching her obey him spreading herself wide open. She was so deliciously wet and her pussy was still gaping. He snapped off more shots of her especially her clit which was swollen and her pee hole that was dripping wet.

    "Get on all fours for me now, love. Yes that's it." He said as she did so her ass high in the air and displayed open. Cum was still dripping from her asshole as he took endless pictures. Sam stood behind him watching the girl perform. She was so precious and almost innocent. Lauren watched at a distance letting things happen smoothly and naturally. No one wanted to make her do something she didn't want to do. So far she wanted everything. Of course the pink pills helped greatly.

    "Okay, darling lay back down and spread those lovely legs wide for me. Touch yourself, Tracy. Show me what you do in private. Masturbate for me." He said softly. Tracy sighed and moaned as she moved her hands over her sensuous body touching her breasts and pinching her nipples into hard pleasure points. Then sliding her hand between her legs rubbing her clit. Her body moved sexily as she touched herself. Her breathing quickened and her heartbeat went faster as she rubbed over her clit and lower sliding her fingers through her vaginal lips getting them ever so wet.

    "look at that." Said Sam standing with the others. "She was made for sex. Love to get the mom in here but that's another time. She's about ready to cum."

    Tracy did. Her body rose off the couch shaking in orgasm as she squirted over and over with Benny capturing the whole thing.

    "I think that will do, Benny. At this rate her file's going to be an inch thick." Said Sam moving to Tracy again kissing her and running her hand over the girls body eliciting a soft moan. "I think my lovely girl is ready for more training." Tracy nodded licking her lips and moving closer to Sam.

    "Please...fuck me." Said Tracy almost in a whisper. Her body was wanting and she needed relief. Sam looked over at Lauren who was presently jerking Benny off who immediately got naked ready for anything. "Lauren get over here and trib this hot girl. She needs you so badly."

    Lauren moved towards them seeing Sam pulling on the girls clit like it was a cock making Tracy begin to hump her hand. Lauren took over kissing Tracy who reciprocated with open mouth and tongue. Soon Lauren positioned her scissoring her with her body making sure to press her pussy against the girls. Once in contact Lauren began to fuck her slowly rubbing her clit against the girls.

    "Ohhhhh, Lauren." Came Tracy's sex filled voice. Matching Laurens grinding body on hers wanting to feel her clit rub against her own. Lauren was fucking her pussy against pussy. She was so wet their pussies simply glided over each others. Tracy could feel Laurens clit bumping hers with each thrust.

    "That's it, lover fuck me, baby girl. Rub harder. Feel my girl cock on yours?" Said Lauren ready to cum. Tracy moved faster underneath her their bodies in fluid motion and perfect rhythm. Lauren moaned as she began to squirt onto the girl making their connection even more slippery. She pulled Tracy's legs back further rubbing her clit up and down the girls clit. Tracy was in heaven her whole body shaking in one orgasm after another.

    "Reach down, honey and spread your pussy lips wide for me. Nice and wide," Said Lauren grinding harder against the girl. Tracy did as she was told using her fingers to spread her vaginal lips as wide as she could and soon she understood why. Lauren cried out grinding against Tracy harder. She suddenly exploded her cum shooting out and inside Tracy's pussy. Tracy could feel the hot juices splashing against her open pussy making her cry out in orgasm.

    "Your wife is so good at fucking girls." Said Sam to Jerrold who came just watching his wife fuck the girl. Sam went over to the couch telling Lauren to go as she knelt before Tracy's widespread legs. "Did you like that?" Asked Sam seeing the halo of pleasure over Tracy's face.

    "Yesss." Said Tracy. Sam began to lick her pussy cleaning her with her tongue tasting Lauren all over her. She spread the girls pussy wide again looking at all the cum inside it. Using the tip of her tongue she began to lick her urethra, darting her tongue around it and into it just a bit. Tracy was breathing fast excited over this new feeling.

    "Feels good doesn't it, baby? You're going to love this." Said Sam softly reaching up to cup the girls breasts pinching her nipple making Tracy move her ass up and against Sam's face. Sam licked faster over the girls pee hole making sure to dart her tongue into it. Tracy moaned grabbing Sam's hair pulling her tighter against her pussy.

    "Don't stop...ohhhh, please." Cried Tracy feeling how good this new feeling was. Benny watched fascinated at how much the girl was accepting. Lauren knew exactly what Sam was doing. Pushing the girls boundaries seeing how far was enough. Lauren grabbed Jerrold's and Benny's cocks leading them both to the opposite couch.

    "Now I know I don't have to explain what you need to do, boys." Laughed Lauren making the men smile. Benny lay on the couch his cock standing at attention. Lauren looked at Jerrold who was jerking his cock slowly loving his wife even more at this moment. Lauren slid down upon Benny's cock loving the feel of it going so deep inside her. Then she motioned Jerrold to join them. He moved behind her placing his cock against her asshole and pushed inside her feeling Benny's cock moving back and forth. They had a perfect rhythm going from many years of practice making Lauren push back against those beautiful cocks at the same time.

    Lauren looked over at the opposite couch seeing Sam make Tracy cum hard. The girl was amazing to say the least. Sam was doing what she did best. She broke in new girls to do all the dirty things that were expected of them when they joined the club. She was doing so now with this sexy black girl who was loving what she was doing to her.

                                                                                                                                    PART FIVE

    Sam flicked the girls clit as she darted her tongue harder against the ever widening opening of her pee hole making Tracy groan in absolute pleasure pushing hard against Sam's face. Sam knew the girl loved what she was doing to her and wanted more. She would give her all she wanted.

    "Such a good girl. Open for me, lover." Whispered Sam taking the girls clit into her mouth, licking and nibbling at it making Tracy cry out. Sam's finger traced around the opening pee hole teasing and probing softly. All the while licking the girls swollen clit. Tracy couldn't help but look over at Lauren who was being double fucked wishing it was her instead. But her attention was diverted by Sam who was driving her crazy with lust as she attacked her clit with her tongue.

    Sam pushed her finger against the small opening of Tracy's pee hole seeing it expand to allow her fingertip to enter. She felt the girl tighten up and calmed her by licking her clit faster making her moan in delight.

    "That's it, baby, take it, fuck my finger." Said Sam as she swirled her tongue around the girls clit. Though the feeling of a finger inside her pee hole felt odd at first she couldn't help but love what Sam was doing to her clit. She spread her legs wider wanting more. She couldn't stop herself from being sexually charged. It seemed to be the natural thing to do. Besides her body was craving it, finally accepting the truth about what she desired. Se began to move her ass in a hot rhythm that took even more of the finger inside her. Sam moaned as the finger slowly disappear bit by bit until it went past her second knuckle. Then she knew it was time. She started to fuck the girl slowly, carefully not wanting to hurt her or discourage her from enjoying this rare pleasure. She didn't have to worry as Tracy raised her ass up off the couch pushing against her hand and driving the finger deeper still.

    "Oh, god, what are you doing to me?" Asked Tracy pumping harder loving the finger in her pee hole making her want to cum.

    " Make love to my finger, Tracy. Take it deeper." Said Sam again licking the girls slit from top to bottom and spitting on the girls pee hole making it even more slippery. The feeling was sublime, the soft silky tissue of her urethra was heavenly as she pumped her harder seeing Tracy stiffen and cry out squirting everywhere.

    Lauren, Jerrold and Benny watched as they fucked seeing what Sam had accomplished with the girl. The men started to cum hard inside Lauren who cried out feeling their sperm fill her holes.

    "Open your legs wider, darling." Said Sam watching the girl spread her long legs wider almost bringing them to either side of her head as Sam flicked her clit as she slid her finger to the hilt inside Tracy's pee hole. Tracy grunted and started to cum again loving this new feeling.

    "Fuck me, Sam, fuck me hard." Said Tracy as Sam added a second finger stretching her urethra wider. Tracy was so slippery that Sam's fingers slid easily inside her pumping harder now that the girl was accepting them without pain. The view before her was incredible. Tracy had become all she wanted and more. Faster went her fingers pumping her pee hole as Tracy lifted her ass to meet each thrust. That was when Tracy cried out cumming in hot little spurts over and over as she rammed her body against those hot fingers.

                                                                                                                                     6 Months Later

    It was the smell that made her so very horny, thought Sam as she went from room to room at the club. The place was packed and it was mostly because of Tracy. The members loved her and she them as she got to know each one and their perversions which she accepted easily. Tracy was always one of the last to leave the club always wanting to please everyone. Sam looked at the main room filled with naked twisting forms in all forms of sexual positions. There was Margaret Perry buried under three men fucking her every hole. She was in heaven. Sam moved to another room seeing Leah Edwards sucking off one man after another getting them rock hard for her daughter in the next room who was fucking them with abandon.

    There was no music in the club. Sam forbade it wanting the sounds of sex to overwhelm their senses instead. The smell of sex was everywhere and she breathed it in like it was heavenly perfume. Lauren was in the special room for senior members of the club, those who wanted to try... different tastes. Some were, to Sam's delight, quite taboo. But that's what made the club so exclusive. They catered to every whim imaginable. Sam knew them all and made sure Tracy partook of them at least once to find out what she preferred sexually.

    So far nothing was out of bounds for the girl. Cherry and her husband Jesse had Tracy to themselves in another room and Sam carefully waded through several rooms to get to it. Men and women tempted her reaching out to touch her. When she reached the room she could hear Jesse moaning and Tracy crying out in orgasm. Cherry was a kinky one who liked extremes but Tracy didn't mind at all. It was hard to believe that the girl was so inexperienced only six months ago. Now she was as hardcore as any in the club.

    Sam opened the door so see Tracy on all fours with Jesse's cock in her mouth sucking it as he held her head fucking her mouth. Behind her was Cherry her fist deep inside Tracy's very stretched pussy fucking the girl until it was almost to her elbow. Cum was dripping from Tracy's pussy as Cherry fucked her hard.

    "That's it, baby. Take it all." Said Cherry rubbing her pussy against a bedpost making it shine from her wetness. Jesse shook and trembled holding Tracy still as he began to orgasm. Tracy swallowed hard but could not do so fast enough as thick rivulets of his cum dribbled out of her mouth down her chin. Cherry wanted to reach her elbow and did so to Tracy's delight. Tracy pushed back loving the fullness of the woman's arm inside her stretching her so wide.

    "I'm cumming." Yelled Tracy as she ground back over and over squirting all over the woman's arm.

    Sam watched delighted by the girls pleasure. She closed the door and moved through the club wanting to visit another special room. She peeked inside and loved what she was witnessing. There was Tesha, Tracy's mom being used by three men. Her body was incredible and it wasn't difficult to get her to join the club. In fact she begged them to let her join willing to do anything. She found out that Tracy was a member and loved the idea of it wanting to see the beautiful girl do the things she did and more. But right now she was being pleasured fully. They had her airtight. One in her pussy, asshole and mouth. She looked so happy and to Sam that meant everything. She watched as Roger Aspach another senior member pulled out of her dripping pussy and aimed a bit higher joining Harry Spiel in the woman's incredible asshole. Tesha cried out, not in pain but total pleasure as they began to fuck her. She was open to them and pushed back taking every inch of their double anal.

    Sam closed the door and suddenly saw Lauren approaching.

    "Great new additions I'd say." She said kissing Sam hard. Sam had to agree. "Just wanted to tell you we have another one were working on turning. Met her yesterday. College girl just moving into the condo community. First time being on her own. We invited her over on Saturday. Wondering if you'd like to join us?" Asked Lauren sliding her fingers between Sam's legs.

    "Is she pretty?" Asked Sam opening her legs wider feeling those marvelous fingers enter her.

    "Incredible. Slim, tight all over. Long blonde hair incredible blue eyes. Small breasts and a gorgeous ass." Said Lauren. "18 but looks younger which will appeal to some members."

    "Sounds perfect. I'll be there." Said Sam imagining training such a beauty.

                                                                                                                                     THE END




« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 03:15:02 PM by Foxihotgirl »

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #1 on: April 22, 2023, 09:13:04 PM
Haven't read it yet, I'm just happy to see a FOXI lady  ;D

Offline msslave

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Reply #2 on: April 22, 2023, 10:49:19 PM
Good to see you back Foxi. Nice start to the new story.
Just remember, every one must be over 18, to avoid another shutdown or having the story pulled.

Well trained and been made my cat Neville

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Reply #3 on: April 23, 2023, 12:24:22 AM
ALL THE STORIES HERE ARE FICTION, THIS SITE DOES NOT CONDONE UNDER AGE SEX OR CRIMINAL ACTS IN REAL LIFE.  You must be 18 or over to read this story.  This story is provided for entertainment purposes only.  The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real life, and all characters described in this story are 18 or older.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #4 on: April 23, 2023, 10:25:27 AM
Thanks for the update.

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Reply #5 on: April 23, 2023, 07:22:09 PM
Thanks for the update.

You’ve been one of the longest and best contributors to this forum Foxi. Unfortunately, we lost two servers who kicked us off for underaged material. We’re on our third try, but the requirement was no underaged, no rape, no NC, beastie, BDSM, or incest. In other words, 99% of the stuff our readers want. But what do you do? Try to comply. Otherwise it’s just a question of shutting the whole site down.

So thanks for your understanding.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #6 on: April 23, 2023, 09:41:51 PM
Thats not a problem. I can still write you a good story that will satisfy everyone.

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Reply #7 on: April 23, 2023, 09:46:18 PM
You always satisfy everyone. You are the best. And we all appreciate your talented writing.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #8 on: April 23, 2023, 10:04:31 PM
Thank you.


Offline Nautilus

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Reply #9 on: May 09, 2023, 09:14:20 AM
You really are the best though Foxi. Are there any external links available to your earlier removed stories?.

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Reply #10 on: May 09, 2023, 12:59:40 PM
Thank you Nautilus. Appreciate the kind words. As to whether you can have access to any of my older stories I cannot say. I'm sure there are those who have copied some and might share with you.


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Reply #11 on: August 12, 2023, 08:37:45 AM
Wonderful story and looks like you are setting up for another adventure