Hubby got snipped after number three, before I could start wondering about "or four". He took the day off work, hit the doctors office, drove himself there and back. Went to work the next day. I took it for a test drive at the three day mark to kiss it better
. Honestly, he passed the taste test just fine. I could not tell the difference. His screen came back clean of swimmers, so I got off the pill.
As an aside, there is quite the rush to "unprotected sex" every time you switch. I mean, getting off birth control to get pregnant was nice, getting rid of the condoms to go back to the pill between kids was nice (no one loves condoms), but it was wicked to have bare sex with hubby knowing I had no birth control. He had been snipped, but tell my hormones that!
Unprotected sex! Wahoo! Can confirm, torpedo performs up to all specs with or without warhead.