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I solved the 8/26/2023 New York Times Mini Crossword in 1:54(Glad you found out we're on the same puzzle MissB)
I dont do crosswords and there is a reason why. I friggin suck at them. I got it done in 12:12.
I can't do sudoku puzzles at all.
I can't do sudoku puzzles at all, and I totally suck at wordle puzzles. In fact, even basic jumbles and anagrams addle my brain.
I think certain people's brains are wired to "see" crossword puzzles, and others' are not. It's as simply as that.It has nothing to do with intelligence, education, or even vocabulary (though those help). It's a vision thing.I can't do sudoku puzzles at all, and I totally suck at wordle puzzles. In fact, even basic jumbles and anagrams addle my brain.
I solved the 8/27/2023 New York Times Mini Crossword in 2:46!
Or maybe I can say that I do my best work between the sheets at night.