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How Will I Know [ORIGINAL; Celebrity Interracial Fetish Reluc Curious F/M]


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[Author's Note: Apologies for not writing more. Life hasn't been easy lately. I'll finish "A.K.A. Ghoul Academy" soon, but I realized two days ago that it's February (time has been flying lately and crawling at the same time . . .), and that means Black History Month, my first for my 2.0 Blog.

I was listening to Whitney Houston music since yesterday, and I figured why not a Whitney story? If any of remember my cousin Joey, I'll tell you he was a big Whitney fan. So I made a version of him as my main character of this story. I hope you enjoy "How Will I Know" and Happy Black History Month! ~ G]

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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How Will I Know
by GEMINIGUY (02/2024)
Email iamgeminiguy at yahoo dot com

[ORIGINAL; Celebrity Interracial
Fetish Reluc Curious F/M
Assplay/Spanking/Oral Anal Sex/1st Time]


[Late Fall/Early Winter 1985]

Joey sighed in the very dimly lit room as he threw some wood in the old stove he had long ago dragged into the room. His uncle ran the pipe for him up and out of the room to get the exhaust out. He added some paper and soon a fire started, the small room quickly warming.
The room was in the back of his uncle's smoky bar/pool hall. One thing Joey loved about it was that it had no windows. The room also had heavy duty doors, one to the pool hall and the other to a back alley that could not be accessed by the public. The heavy duty doors kept out most of the pool hall and city noises.
Joey had been born in 1967, so he hadn't long been eighteen. He still lived at home with his folks, his father paying for Community College. But his parents fought a lot, had always fought a lot, so long ago he had started visiting his uncle.
Coming from an Italian family, Joey knew he could always crash at any of his relatives' homes, they were always so hospitible, loving to have him around. But his uncle Tony was his favorite, as Joey was his favorite, so he'd always go to his uncle's place when his parents got too loud [and they didn't care one bit].

« Last Edit: February 08, 2024, 08:35:14 AM by GEMINIGUY »

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Uncle Tony lived above the bar/pool hall, and had turned one of the back rooms into a bedroom for his nephew a very long time ago. He had a good-sized closet, a huge bed, two bureaus and two nightstands. The floors were thickly carpeted in black, the walls wood-paneled in maroon.
Joey's uncle did put an air conditioner into the back wall. And soon after Joey had found the old wood-burning stove for cold Winter nights. He made some money putting up the stools at night and sweeping up in the morning, so as any music-loving teenager he put in a stereo system that played records. And Joey had (color=orange)a lot(/color) of records.
Joey was a shy guy, had never felt loved much though his parents did love him [they just didn't know how to show it]. He had low self-esteem and few friends [who of course suffered from their own issues]. The back room was the one place he felt most comfortable and himself.
Part of Joey's problem was he thought of himself as very overweight, and he was sure that girls his age felt the same way. The truth was he was a little overweight and big-boned, not to mention on the short side which made him seem heavier.
The girls didn't think of Joey as overweight at all, but they also didn't think of Joey at all, he had always had a way of being invisible. Girls would've interested in him if he hadn't hidden away so much. If he hadn't been so shy and put himself out more, girls would've like Joey just fine . . .
While part of Joey wished he had a girlfriend and he'd been fucking, mostly he'd get lost in his music and forget all else. Not that there wasn't something in the some of the music that effected him the way girls did . . .

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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For as far back as he could remember, Joey had laid In the dark getting lost in his music. He preferred voices coming out of his speakers to real people. He had never felt comfortable around other people, had always felt everyone was talking about him behind his back. So why be around to be talked about?
But on the other hand, he liked what the singers had to say to him, and he knew none of them were talking behind his back about him. He loved the little four minutes songs that told a big story to him. Sometimes they were stories. Sometimes they were guys singing about girls. Sometimes they were about girls singing about guys. Often they'd be singing about the listener. Or at least it felt like it.
When he was down deep, those were Joey's favorite: a girl singing about a guy but especially a girl singing to the listener.
Most of his favorite music had a guy singing. He loved listening to 38 Special, Genesis, Toto, Boston, Foreigner, Rock groups like that. But he also love Pat Benatar, Olivia Newton-John, Donna Summer, Karen Carpenter, Linda Ronstadt, Diana Ross, just to name a few.
But in 1985 Joey's favorite girl singer had become a new singer named Whitney Houston. He'd actually first heard her in 1984, an early song called "Hold Me." But some ten months later she released "He Gives Good Love" followed by many other songs .
But most recently Whitney released "How Will I Know" and Joey was very excited. Of course he had record album which was released on February 14th. He worn out that first copy playing it so much, having to replace it many times.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Of course with a guy like Joey, records weren't the only thing he wore out there in the dark in the back room of the bar/pool hall. When he was feeling way down, and listening to a girl singer, he'd love to imagine they were singing to him and he'd jerk off.
Over the years he'd done it a lot to many girl singers. But then he heard Whitney and everything changed. To Joey, and millions of other guys like him, there was no other voikce like Whitney Houston's. When "How Will I Know" was released, she was twenty-two years old [had been for three months], and to Joey the most beautiful twenty-two year old, standing at 5'8" and 145lbs. Most of that weight was in her tits as she was a very slim girl of 34-22-33 with 38 large C-cup melons.
Laying in the dark, imagining the dark-brown haired beauty singing just to him, just for him, Joey's whack off sessions were even more hard and heavy. The eighteen years could relate to Whitney and felt she understood him and things he went through, the things he faced every day.
Whitney Houston became an obsession for Joey's jerk fest. Outside of his fantasies he didn't know what he'd do if he ever met her . . . Nothing of course. He wouldn't get the nerve up to share his feelings with her. But alone in that back room . . .
Alone in that back room he was a god. Not another loser [which he wasn't; he only felt he was]. He felt more confident when he listened to her sing - especially when she sang "How Will I Know" - and it was easier to lose himself in the music, the moment.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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It was getting colder as Winter approached. There was something about the gloominess of that time of year thar made Joey in a better mood at times. He'd had a good day of classes, which were over in the early afternoon.
He headed over to his uncle's feeling pretty good. It was quiet at that time; the bar wasn't open yet but the pool hall already was open but not busy. The first thing he did was start a fire to warm up the room. Then he turned on the lamp beside his bed then the record player. Of course Whitney Houston's album was on it.
Joey undressed and put on his favorites, a t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He was humming along to Whitney's vocals, feeling even better with each song. Around twenty-three minutes in, "How Will I Know" started.
The Italian teenager couldn't help himself. Not the best of singers [but far from the worst], he started singing with Whitney as if they were doing a duet. He was feeling very good by then and on the verge of dancing, a line he tried hard to not cross for varying reasons.
Now as already stated, the heavy duty doors kept out most noise, and it kept noise in. Moreso when the place was running at normal busy, the juke box playing, cue balls clacking against solid or striped balls, etc. But when it was quiet out there ...
Someone happened to be in the bar/pool hall passing by the back room. That person couldn't help smiling, hearing the already well-known female voice and the accompanying male voice. Curiously, the person went for the door and turned the knob.
Fortunately, Joey forgot to lock the door.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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The sound of the metal door was one Joey could never miss. His first reaction was to stop singing. The second was to turn red. The third was to turn around. Shutting off the record hadn't even entered the equation.
All three things happened rather quickly. And all thought left his mind.
A tall, dark-skinned beauty graced his doorway. Her long, curly hair went down to her elbows, her top tight and see-thru. Her legs apart in a short leather skirt that showed off her long, sexy legs. She was beautiful, and even more beautiful as she gave Joey one of her brilliantly white smiles.
"Whitney!" Joey would have said, if he hadn't lost the ability to speak and it hadn't gone dry instantly.
Joey quickly turned away, embarrassed. But that didn't stop the young [but four years older] Whitney Houston. She didn't have many of the experiences most teenage girls had already known, so she still ran blindly into most situations.
"It's always nice to meet a fan," Whitney said, smile widening as she stepped into the room. "But I didn't realize I elicited duets from male fans."
Joey's face got hotter.
"I didn't mean to sing," He said as he composed himself. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" Whitney responded as she walked closer. "I liked what I heard. You weren't half bad."
"I wasn't?" Joey asked, turning back to face the chocolate goddess.
"No, you weren't," She replied.
Whitney could tell she'd embarrassed the older boy and didn't want to do so further. She maintained eye contact, despite the large bulge at the front of his sweatpants. Whitney had noticed it coming in, and was sure he'd been hard before she entered. Still, she knew he was hard for her.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 12:28:26 PM by GEMINIGUY »

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Mentally Whitney bit her lower lip. She was no virgin. But she's been burned before, a long time ago and was very gunshy. She'd only dated Black guys. She'd never date a White guy. But there was something about this whole bizarre situation [yes, Whitney thought] that had her very horny. Her nipples stiffened under her bra, poking obscenely through her top.
Of course Joey noticed and tried not to stare. When he did Whitney hadn't noticed. He didn't have the same problem she did, not wanting to embarrass him for his large hard on [which Joey had no idea he had]. Even if he could speak at that moment, telling her that her nipples were stiff was the last thing he'd say.
Since the age he'd started masturbating, it'd been only Black girls he whacked off to, Black singers. Part of him wished Whitney wasn't there so he could blow a load right then and there. But he was too shocked and shy to do it in front of her. Hell, he couldn't do shit in front of her, he couldn't move at all.
Whitney had to admit she'd never been more aroused in her whole young life. Maybe it was time to take a chance again . . . But she didn't even know the eighteen year old, not even his name. She was in a situation she'd never experienced before . . .
"I think I'm at a disadvantage," She finally spoke, changing her smile. "I can tell you know me, but I don't know you."
"Huh?" was all the shocked Joey could at first say. "Oh, uh, I'm J - Joe - y."
There. That wasn't so hard, Whitney thought mischievously.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Whitney almost giggled, again mentally biting her lower lip, when she caught herself using the word "hard".
But she now knew she had no more excuses. She just needed to do one more thing first . . .
Whitney turned and started to walk away from Joey. He blinked. Fuck. I blew it, He thought, mentally kicking himself. But instead of walking out of the room Whitney closed the door, locking it. Then she turned and made her way back over to the boy.
"So . . . tell me, what do you think about my ass?" Whitney asked, simultaneously turning and lifting her skirt. She wore a thong, the thin string cleaving her tight ass cheeks.
"Huh?" was again all that Joey was able to say, staring at her almost naked ass and swallowing hard.
Whitney that time did giggle.
Then reaching back, she put her hand on his wrist. She left it there for some time, then took his hand and put it on her ass. Her nipples started to throb deliciously. Her unshaven Black pussy began to moisten.
Joey was in shock again, never having touched a girl's ass before, never having dreamed of touching a girl's ass. Never mind Whitney Houston's.
She let go of his hand, but didn't move it. Still, Joey remained frozen in shock. But the feel of her ass and the height of his horniness started to thaw him out. He started to squeeze Whitney's ass check. Then he started to kneed it. He licked his lips nervously while at the same time relaxing.
Without thinking he smacked her ass.
"Ohhh!" She said softly, moaning. Whitney hadn't expect that.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Joey immediately regretted it. But Whitney said or did nothing, so he relaxed. He realized that she didn't mind. He wondered if she'd liked it . . .
Whitney had liked it. Fuck, she loved it. No one had ever smacked her ass before. Not that she'd let anyone do anything for years. Sexually, she meant. For an instant she regretted missing out on stuff all those years because she'd had the one had experience at a young age . . .
But Whitney didn't regret anything. Things might not have turned out the way they'd had if she hadn't chosen this careful path. Maybe not it was time to be a little careless . . . She thought to herself.
Joey's cock was so hard, his balls so aching, that he suddenly wasn't thinking straight. But his other head was thinking for him, for good or bad. He smacked her ass harder.
"Oh!" Whitney cried out loudly. Her pussy was wet and dripping down her still coltish inner thighs glisteningly.
Joey swirltched to her other ass cheek and gave that one some good, hard smacks. Whitney was moaning and breathing heavy. Joey hadn't noticed. But he did notice the strong scent of her pussy nectar. It drive him animalistic.
Dropping to his knees, Joey pulled the thong out of her ass crack and started running his tongue up and down the musky crack. Of course that was something else Whitney hadn't experienced.
Joey had never thought much about what he'd do to a girl. It was instinct that drove him to do what he did, eat her ass. He didn't mind doing it, and he could tell Whitney was loving it. Her loud breathing was hitching in her throat and her pussy was squirting a little on him and her thighs.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Whitney was trying to stay in control, but what little she had left was slipping away very quickly. She wanted to be as lady-like as possible, and humping her ass against someone's face was in no way lady-like, but Whitney couldn't help herself.
Joey found her rubbing her ass crack rapidly against his face and it just made him hornier. He pushed down his sweatpants and briefs and started jerking off his hard cock. It was oozing pre-cum, coating his shaft as he jacked it.
He had never fucked a girl before, but his radar told him she wanted to be fucked by him. He was sure if it. This was his chance, and part of him couldn't believe Whitney Houston would be his very first . . .
Her ass crack was dripping with his saliva, as he rose to his feet. Cock still in hand, Joey prepared to enter her pussy.
Whitney sensed what he wanted to do; she wanted it too. But she wasn't on the pill, and she wanted him bare. Her mind whirled with fright as she worried about getting pregnant so earlier in her blossoming career. So it hit her there was only one thing she could do.
"W - wait, baby," Whitney whimpered, reaching back and pushing his hand off of his large cock. Grabbing it, she leaned over and guided it to her rectum. His saliva made it easy to put it back there. She let go of it as Joey sunk into her further.
At first he didn't even realize that he was in her anus and not her hairy pussy. He just knew he was finally inside a woman. Grabbing her hips, he shoved his cock all the way into her. Whitney cried out at the violation.
"YESSSSS!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!! Whitney screamed [not that any of patrons now filling up the pool hall listening to the juke box heard her].

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Joey was like a bull now. He was all animal as he slammed into Whitney's Black ass harder. She screamed and squirted hard all over his balls as she orgasmed intensely. No one had ever made Whitney cum so hard.
Having been a virgin, it was no surprise that Joey ended up jizzing off quick. Growling, jizz exploded up her ass, his hot load spurting inside of her deep as she screamed and whimpered breathily. Rope after rope ejaculated into Whitney, as he slurted out fifteen or sixteen times.
Not that either Joey or Whitney even noticed. Both were so horny, and his cock was staying hard, as he rammed in and out of her unceasingly. Her body was on fire, her rectum feeling like it'd melt under the attack.
Joey made her multiorgasm over and over her anal chute and her pussy growing sore, her asshole from being stretched by his large, White cock and pleasured, and her pussy from squirting almost endlessly. Whitney almost felt feverish.
Not that she wanted him stop. He might not have been able to anyhow. Even after fucking her ass [after he'd cum] for over half an hour. Joey's cock was getting sore but he couldn't even feel it.
Finally though his cock swelled up in her rectum and he cried out "FUCK!!!!" as he began spurting up her ass again. Whitney whimpered and sobbed as her well-fucked anus received rope after rope of his heavy seed.
Having spurted out some fourteen, fifteen time, his reddened cock softened some and slipped out of her. Joey was breathing heavy and coming to his senses, and feeling her tight ass push his cock and much of his jizz out of it made him realize where he'd fucked his goddess and idol.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Exhausted, Joey collapsed back on the bed, not believing he was no longer a virgin, never mind who he'd given his troublesome virginity to.
Whitney had no time to give in to exhaustion [or soreness]. Fixing her thong and pulling down her skirt, she straightened her clothes and hair as she headed for the door. Whitney had places to go and people to see. She made a mental note to get her pussy on birth control before she passed through uncle Tony's bar and pool hall again while on tour.
But before unlocking the door, Whitney made the mistake of looking back; don't ever look back. She saw the younger White guy laying there with his cock still hanging out, still mostly hard. Her mouth salivated.
Fuck it, she thought.
Starting to strip naked, she figured she could be late just this once. Hell, such an opportunity became available rarely for her.
Reaching the bed, Whitney dropped to her knees, grabbed his nasty-coated cock and took it in her mouth. As it immediately hardened again, Whitney thought to herself that it didn't get any better than this . . . THE END

[Author's Note: As I was writing this, my original intention was for Whitney to flash her ass and leave, returning the next day for the fun. But with my track record, I'd only have dragged the story out at three times as long, lol

Not sure if I'll get any other Black History Month stories in, at least I got one in. I hope you enjoyed it. I'd appreciate comments or feel free to email me ~ G]
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 09:18:41 AM by GEMINIGUY »

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant