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Black Nun [ORIGINAL; Interracial Fetish Reluc M/F]


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on: February 13, 2024, 09:59:49 AM
[Author's Note: I've mentioned (at least I think I have . . .) that leading up to Black History Month I'd make up a list of possible stories. Every year I started a new list with the story ideas I didn't use the year before. I didn't do this for 2023 and 2023, but I had lots of unused story ideas for Black History Month from 2022 and previous to get inspiration from.

I wanted to do another celebrity story but remembered I'd always rotate between celebrity/movie&tv-themed fantasies and non-celebrity. I had one non-celebrity story idea on my list.

Nuns have always been a big fantasy of mine as well as many other. It's a fantasy of mine to get a nun to break her Vow Of Chastity . . .
I've Posted maybe two handfuls of nun stories over the years out of hundreds of stories.i guess it's time for a new nun story. I hope you enjoy it ~ G]

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Reply #1 on: February 13, 2024, 10:05:15 AM
Black Nun
by GEMINIGUY (02/2024)
Email: iamgeminiguy at yahoo dot com

[Original; Interracial Fetish Reluc
Masturbation Oral Sex Titfuck 1st Time]


[New York City ~ Sometime During The 1980s - Winter]

I stepped out of the building I worked in at 5:37 that evening. It should have been dark out, but the sky was white, as the snow driftly down lightly as it almost always did.
But I was prepared for the weather. I was wearing a trench coat over my dark suit, rubbers over my black wingtip shoes and wearing my fedora.
I'd grown up here, so I was used to the weather. It was cold from mid-Fall all the way through to mid-to-late Spring, and Summers got really hot with a lot of brown outs. I liked the cold so didn't mind the weather we experienced most of the year. We tended to get snow in the late Fall and early Spring because it'd be too cold to rain.
The snow crunched under my rubbers as I did my best not to swing my briefcase next to me. I always take a taxi home, but I get a bite first from somewhere. I'm always hungry after work and it was a long ride back home. I tended to eat something different everyday. It didn't matter what; I burned it off during my evening workout.
I'd been working two years now, I enjoy my job. It's not for everyone but I love doing it. I was lucky to find the job when I graduated College, most who graduated with me still live with their parents, many flipping burgers.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 11:45:49 AM by GEMINIGUY »

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Reply #2 on: February 13, 2024, 12:01:31 PM
I come from your average family, a middle child. I had a normal, fun childhood, got everything I wanted and had a wild time in High School. I played sports and fucked lots of girls like most jock-types did.
But when I went away to College I buckled down. I'd heard about people going to College then they ended up staying at home and flipping burgers. That wasn't going to be me. I did well, studied hard. I applied myself and got ahead.
Upon graduation, I went into the city and planned on looking for a job right away. It didn't talk long to find this one. It was just what I'd wanted and I was the right person for the job they'd decided.
I temporarily stayed with someone from College, while I saved up for my own place. The pay was really good so it didn't take long. After a month I had a studio apartment. After a year I had my own house outside of the city. I'd hit the big time on so many levels.
I got into a routine, and soon knew most of the employees at the nearby restaurants and other eateries. I knew many of the street people too, like the foot Police and the homeless people. There were lots of kinds of people I came in contact with.

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Reply #3 on: February 15, 2024, 09:04:18 AM
Of course as you'd expect there were also people around with their charities. Every now and then someone would on a corner collecting for this or that. Some would come and go, but then there were those that had been there the whole time I was.
One was the church people, collecting for some children's hospital. There were always two nuns. One was really old and wizened, ringing a bell. A different nun would always be with her. On Fridays I would put a twenty in their box. The "guest starring" nun would never smile [probably to cold, face was frozen], but the old nun always gave me a smile when I'd donate.
As I said, she was there from the start of my employment, a fixture in the business neighborhood. I'd hear her bell long before I'd reach her corner [yes, I'd thought of it as her corner after two years].
One day after I'd left work, as soon as I first heard the bell I knew something was . . . well, not wrong, but different.
The bell was ringing louder and faster. With more energy.
When I got to that corner, only one nun stood there. And it wasn't the old nun.
The old nun was maybe 5'4" and very small. But the "new" nun was maybe 5"7" and filled out her habit more. She turned her head and saw from within her wimple she was Black, and maybe 40, 45.
Now I'd never struck up a conversation with any of the nuns before [I'd talked to some of the homeless and had flirted with a few waitresses over the years], but I never thought to talk to the nuns. But now I felt the need to chat this one up, for more than one reason.

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Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 09:31:50 AM
But I decided to wait, giving it a week. Just in case she was only temporary. That felt like the longest week of my life, having to pass by the new nun every day, dying to know the story, her story.
Finally one week did pass. Having waited made me feel nervous to talk to her, but I'd made up my and the curiosity was driving me crazy!
"Hi!" I said as I came up to her, snowflakes whirling around us. "I've been noticing you all week, where's our regular bell ringer? Is she all right?"
The Black nun turned her face to me. She'd been smiling but her smile brightened as she looked at me.
"Hi!" She said, still tolling the bell. I detected a Southern accent. "She's fine. She's still bell ringing but only down in Florida! The church doctor said the change in temperature would do her good. I switched places with her. It was too hot down there for me anyway!" She laughed. "I feel closer to God now far from what has to be the portal to Hell!"
I couldn't help laughing as well. I liked her. Not that in didn't already.
"I'm Jim. Welcome to New York! Don't think your all that much closer to God here," I joked.
She laughed again. I found I loved it.
"I'm Sister Dawn. Thank you for welcoming me! You're the first person to do so, no one from the church even welcomed me."
It seemed much warmer around Sister Dawn. Of course I'm sure it was only my imagination.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'd think the church would be more welcoming."
"I would too. Oh, well. I'm just happy to be here!"
"New York is happy to have you," I responded.

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Reply #5 on: February 16, 2024, 09:57:25 AM
She smiled even wider, if that were possible.
"Thank you!"
"How long do you have to stay out here?" I asked.
I'd never thought to ask the old nun.
"Oh, only until seven."
It was cold as Hell out, but I found I couldn't pull myself from Sister Dawn. I knew it was because she was Black.
I had only dated White girl in High School, not to mention my High School was an all-White school [and honestly I found those girls really boring . . .]. In college I was too focused on my grades to really notice my fellow students, never mind date [or simply fuck]. And at my job everyone was White, that I had noticed.
We made small talk for maybe another ten minutes, me thinking of a way to make this last longer. Finally I said my good bye, leaving a donation, my dinner money, but I wasn't hungry anymore for a good reason.
The next day I stayed late at work, so I'd be at Sister Dawn's corner about twenty minutes before she was leaving. I'd never been so obsessed with anyone before . . .
"Good evening, Brother Jim! I thought I'd missed you!"
"No, no. I just had to work late," I lied.
We made small talk again until I asked how she was getting back to the church.
"I'm getting picked up."
I invited her to dinner with me and told Sister Dawn in was taking a taxi home, we could share one and I'd be happy to pay.
I was surprised that she accepted without hesitation. Sister Dawn ordered a large, more than mid-priced meal [I didn't mind, I'd encouraged her to] and we talked more openly. I was liking her more and more.

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Reply #6 on: February 19, 2024, 12:30:57 PM
Sister Dawn talked about growing up in the Alabama and why she had decided to become a nun. She also told me why she decided to "do God's work" up here. She was young when she become a nun, and without saying it I knew Sister Dawn was one of those nuns who was still a virgin.
After dinner, I got us a taxi. We made more small talk on the way to the church. Once there, she thanked me for dinner and the taxi and got out. I watched her dark shape disappear into the church before giving the driver my address.
I had a lot to think about on the way home. Sister Dawn took up a great portion of that. No, she took up a lot of it. I was what you'd call "wild" in High School, but I was able to keep my libido in check through College and since then. Something about Sister Dawn made it hard for me [no pun intended] to not think about sex.
The fact that she was a nun was part of the allure. The fact that she was older than me was another. But Sister Dawn being a Black woman was definitely a huge part of my strong desire to fuck her . . .
The question was, How would I do it, how would I go about getting her to break her Vow of chastity? The taxi arrived at my home just outside of the city before I even had an inkling of what I was going to do.
I paid the driver, got out and let myself in the gate. My job paid well, allowed me to save up for a very large down payment on my house and make large payments every month. I planned on paying it off quickly.
During the Summer I've had co-workers out for BBQs as well as my parents. I always got asked why such large house for someone living alone and so young? Simply, I'd grown up in my parents' small house, and had always dreamed of owning something big like my grandparents have.

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Reply #7 on: February 19, 2024, 12:50:08 PM
Of course my house had things my grandparents' house didn't.
I went up the driveway and let myself in the garage. My car was under a tarp to protect it because I rarely use it, there's no point in driving it into the city for work considering how hard it is to find parking and how expensive it is. Taking the taxi has been worth it.
I walked to the back of the garage and unlocked a door. Opening it, I reached inside and flipped a switch, illuminating a flight of thickly-carpeted stairs. Flipping a switch outside the door, I turned off the garage lights and stepped through the door, closing and locking it, I headed up the stairs.
Another door at the top greeted me. I unlocked it, opening it to my darkened kitchen. Again I reached I side, flipped on the lights before I shut off the stairway lights, stepped I side and locked and closed the door.
It was quiet in the house. Too quiet. I went to my study, larger than most, and turned on my stereo. Soon Rock music filled the room, as did three walls of books, which held mostly the books I'd grown up with.
I sat down in my overstuffed wingback chair, which always kind of made me feel like Bruce Wayne, and thought. Of course you know what I thought about, or more specifically, who. I couldn't get Sister Dawn off of my mind . . .
I sat and thought for a long time, with no answer in sight. Seduction wasn't one of my strong points, especially when it came to a woman like this. Finally I got up, shut off the stereo and went to take a hot shower before bed. Of course it was a very large bed. I like everything large.
I just wish Sister Dawn was in it . . .

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Reply #8 on: February 20, 2024, 12:26:39 PM
I would stop to talk to Sister Dawn on a daily basis for about a half an hour. On Fridays I'd work late, take her dinner and drop her off via taxi at the church. It was a nice change and she enjoyed it as well. Curiously I noticed no one stared or seemed to care at all that a young businessman and an older Black nun were dining together. I guess it happened more often than I'd thought.
Sister Dawn asked about myself. Like her, I told her about my childhood and why I went into my field of work [leaving out the bad stuff off course!]. She asked about where I lived and what it was like. Not thinking much about it, I told her pretty much everything.
I'd of course told her I had an indoor pool and she'd joked she have to come use it some time. I thought that was a great idea but couldn't tell Sister Dawn that because you don't tell a nun that, right?
Which is why I was surprised that she appeared at my gate one Saturday mornings after I'd finished working out in my home gym.
Of course I buzzed her in , and she made her way up to my front door. She was as usual dressed in her nun's habit with a bag this time, grinning from ear-to-ear. Seeing her at my house had me surprised and more than a little excited.
"I didn't have your number but I didn't think you'd mind if I dropped by unannounced," Sister Dawn said as I opened the door. "I used to swim often down South."
 I let her in and said it was no problem [I couldn't say I'm was happy to see her though, I didn't feel it was appropriate].

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Reply #9 on: March 01, 2024, 12:04:09 PM
Still, it was a step in the direction I would have liked to go, but I wasn't sure what to do next. I normally wasn't wishy-washy.
I led Sister Dawn through the house to the room with the indoor pool. There was a bathroom in there for changing and showering after being drenched in chlorine. I showed her to it and she went inside, closing the door.
I was at a loss what to do, just standing outside the door like an idiot. It didn't matter. When she came out I was bowled over.
Sister Dawn of course was wearing a one-piece bathing suit, and not "the latest style" either. It looked like something from the 1970s. It was modest, but it showed her over forty body. She was no twenty years old.
The bathing suit was tight, showing off her mature belly and fuller ass. I wasn't complaining. I mean Sister Dawn looked great! Not to mention her body was topped off by a huge pair of breasts that had to be DDD. They made the rest of Sister Dawn look small.
She didn't notice me staring as she left changing bathroom and walked passed me. Of course I noticed and my face turned red. I'd already wanted her, and now I wanted her even more.
I closed my eyes and shook loose the cobwebs in my brain.
"I'll get you a towel," I said, thinking quickly, having noticed Sister Dawn hadn't brought one herself.
"Thank you!" She called back to me.
Wanting to avoid the temptation, I quickly turned and got out of the pool room. I felt more in control outside and kicked myself. Of course I should have known she'd had a great body under her habit!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 12:39:02 PM by GEMINIGUY »

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Reply #10 on: March 05, 2024, 01:01:07 PM
As I procrastinated going back with her towel, I thought about the girls back in High School, College and on television/in the movies. None of them could compare to Sister Dawn. They had decent bodies but they didn't have the mature body and chocolate-y skin she had . . . How did I let myself fall for a nun???
I knew it was too late now, I'd been obsessed with Sister Dawn for too long. Hell, I remembered my church teachings, I'd already sinned just thinking about her in a sexual way [and there was no way I was going to go into a church, go into a confessional, admit how long it'd been since I'd last gone to church, and especially to confess I wanted to fuck a nun!], so there was no turning back.
I finally got a big, fluffy white towel for Sister Dawn, making my way back to the pool room. She'd be in the pool.right then, so I wouldn't see much.
Entering the pool room, I was right in knowing that Sister Dawn was in the pool. Breathing a sigh of relief [figuratively, I mean], I went down to the row of chaise lounges and laid the towel down. I was almost free.
But to my surprise Sister Dawn went to the side of the pool and agilely boosted herself out of the pool. I was like a deer in the headlights of an uncoming car. Water dripped heavily down her dark skin and slickened bathing suit. The suit clung to Sister Dawn like a, making her belly, ass and massive breasts more noticable. And now, her nipples were thick and engorged by the water.

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Reply #11 on: March 12, 2024, 12:07:23 PM
Of course I couldn't avoid getting hard. I was too busy ogling Sister Dawn but I knew my cock was tenting my pants obscenely.
Sister Dawn didn't seem to notice. Her body glistening sexily, she went to the towel and used it to dry her face first. She looked at me and smiled.
"It's been so long since I last swum," Sister Dawn said. "I -"
She gasped as she caught sight of my erection.
My cock was ready to go, but I wasn't. I was extremely embarrassed but that didn't make it go down one bit. I just stood there frozen in place, unable to act on my desire or to retreat from the scene. I couldn't say anything either.
"I - I didn't know. I . . . I'd thought I was unattractive, that's why I . . . Why I'd become a nun so long ago . . . I ... Omg, I can't believe this is happening!"
I of course couldn't respond. I hadn't the words.i just stood there like an idiot.
"I - I can't," Sister Dawn said, holding her towel in front of her guardedly, then moved away to the bathroom/changing room.
Again, I had my chance to escape with Sister Dawn gone. But I didn't move, couldn't. So I was still there when she emerged later, back in her habit. I was still hard. Just because you could no longer see her body didn't mean you could easily forget what you'd seen.
"I'm sorry," Sister Dawn said. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I . . . I didn't know that would happen. Could happen. I mean - I don't know what I mean. I'm confused. This has never happened before. Not to me. I like you. And I'm tempted. So tempted. But I can't. I just can't. I made a vow . . ."

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Reply #12 on: March 17, 2024, 08:28:32 AM
Sister Dawn stood there for a few seconds more, hesitating. Then she turned and left, as I stood there unmoving, unspeaking.
I thought about her the rest of the weekend, unable to think of anything tonhave don't differently. Back at work Monday, I found she wasn't at her spot collecting donations. I could have asked the nuns that had replaced her, but I couldn't get the nerve up to do so.
Days passed. The week passed. Sister Dawn wasn't at her post. I wondered where she was, if she'd gone back down South . . .  Had I scared her off?
Saturday came. It was colder that day, snowing heavy. I turned up the heat. I thought about sitting in the library and reading. Before I could make up my mind the gate buzzed. I hit the intercom.
"It's me."
It was Sister Dawn.
I buzzed her in and waited at the door. I held it open without a word as she stepped inside. I closed the front door against the cold and snow, locking it. We both stood there in silence, until Sister Dawn spoke up.
"I've been thinking about what happened," She said. "I stayed in seclusion at the convent this past week, praying over it."
I wanted to ask what was her conclusion, but was afraid of how she'd react. I thought it was safer to let her tell me at her own pace. After a long hesitence she continued.
"I considered going back home. It seemed like the best thing I should do," Sister Dawn said. "But I realized that I I had to see you again before I did anything that drastic. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. The more I thought about it . . . the more I couldn't control myself. I almost pleasured myself recently."

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Reply #13 on: March 17, 2024, 08:50:13 AM
Despite her darker complexion, I could tell Sister Dawn was embarrassed by her admission.
As for me, I was anything but embarrassed. In fact I was smiling. Sister Dawn may have been a woman who'd taken a vow of chastity, she was still a woman, a beautiful, Black woman of mature years, and being human meant she still had desires she was unable to avoid.
Sister Dawn noticed my smile.
"I'm serious. I'd  always considered myself unattractive. Not ugly. Just not found attractive by men. That's why I became a nun so long ago. And I was happy to live this life.
But when I saw you'd become . . . aroused . . . I realized maybe I was wrong all this time. Maybe I am attractive."
"You are," I injected.
"Thank you," Sister Dawn smiled. "But I still had my doubts. I mean why would a good-looking young guy like you be interested in someone like me, especially someone as old as I am. I wasn't praying to avoid temptation. At least not at first. I was praying for understanding. But later it was more about temptation even when I was still doubtful. I was having feelings like I did around puberty. When every guy I saw aroused me.
"That's when I though about going back home, getting away from you. But that wasn't going to solve my problem, it wasn't going to make these feelings . . . these desires . . . go away."
"I'm sorry," I found myself say. "I'm glad you didn't leave."
"I'm still not sure if I shouldn't just go," Sister Dawn admitted. "I love being a nun, I love helping people. I love how it makes me feel. But . . . I love how these new/old feelings make me feel too."

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Reply #14 on: March 17, 2024, 11:02:33 AM
Something clicked inside of me. I knew better, but I didn't care just then. I went to Sister Dawn and embraced her, missing her passionately. Her eyes widened and she tried to say something.
I started kneading her ass through her habit. She moaned and her eyes slowly closed. Her body at first went limp, then started rubbing against mine. I loved the way her mature, fuller body felt against me . . .
I worked her habit up as we kissed, she had a dress on under it. I worked that up then slid my hands under her nylons and then her panties. I was feeling the nun's bare ass flesh for the first time.
Sister Dawn moaned louder. As I kneaded her ass roughly with one hand, I pushed the other one down to her hairy pussy [which was soaking wet] and started rubbing it. She was grinding against me then, I pushed my fingers hard between her pussy lips and rubbed harder.
I had the feeling Sister Dawn's legs were going to go out from under her. I guided her until her back was against the wall, still molesting her older, Black pussy. She opened herself to me, no resistance at all, absolutely none.
Sister Dawn was whimpering and grinding her cunt against my hand. She was like a swamp down there, her underwear soaked. She wasn't kissing anymore, head down, eyes shut. The smell of pussy filled the room, and hers smelled better than any I'd fucked.
Moaning louder, Sister Dawn ground her pussy even harder against my hand, biting her lower lip. Gasping, she cried out and came.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
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Reply #15 on: March 20, 2024, 11:27:32 AM
I kept rubbing Sister Dawn's pussy until her orgasm passed and she sagged against me, her head on my shoulder, whimpering. I held her so she wouldn't collapse, her body very warm against me. It was a long time before I felt Sister Dawn stop sagging against me, and lifted her head from my shoulder, eyes dazed.
"You . . .  You made me orgasm," She whispered.
I just nodded.
"You made me orgasm . . . I haven't orgasmed since I became a nun. My Vow Of Chastity . . ."
Sister Dawn sounded sad as she said it, she also sounded confused. I knew it was wrong, but I took advantage of that.
"Might as well enjoy yourself as much as you can now," I said mischievously.
I guided Sister Dawn to the back of the sofa. I worked her habit up to her waist, pulled down her nylons and granny panties, then leaned her against the sofa.
"You shouldn't see me like this . . ." Sister Dawn spoke up. But then she smiled. "I guess it's too late now anyways."
I unbuckled my belt and dropped trousers and briefs. Sister Dawn gasped, looking embarrassed again.
"You said it too late now anyways, right?" I winked.
Sister Dawn smiled again and nodded.
"I never seen one for real before . . ."
Tentatively she reached out her hand and took my hard cock. She gasped. She took hold of it gently, then started to stroke it. I gasped, having a nun masturbate me. It felt so fo.rbidden . . . It didn't take long to start leaking precum.
I found myself surprised when Sister Dawn slid down to her knees and licked the precum from my cock. I hadn't expected that. Nor did I expect her to start taking my cock in her mouth.

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Reply #16 on: March 21, 2024, 10:05:20 AM
"I used to think about doing this a lot . . ." Sister Dawn slurped, lowering her voice. "I can't believe it's finally happening . . ."
It was obvious Sister Dawn hadn't sucked a cock before, but she wasn't half bad. Plus the fact that I was getting a blow job from a nun made it hotter.
I started pulling up her habit. Soon her large bra was exposed. I started kneading her massive tits through it. Sister Dawn reached back and unclasped it for me without stopping sucking. She had to be the noisiest cocksucker I ever had! And the messiest. She had saliva dripping everywhere.
I pulled up Sister Dawn's bra and her chocolate titties tumbled out. They were surprisingly firm for her age, though of course their massive size made them hang a lot. Her blacker nipples were engorged and thick.
I started twisting her nipples. Sister Dawn moaned as they quickly grew more. She sucked on my cock harder. I let go of one of her breasts and started smacking it. Sister Dawn gasped around my cock, sending vibrations through it, and shivers up and down my spine.
I was moaning too by then, my cock leaking precum profusely and throbbing. Sister Dawn was getting better at sucking my cock, her mouth flying up and down the shaft rapidly as she rubbed her pussy just as fast, moaning louder.
I lifted her tits, they were so heavy, heavier than any I'd played with before. Sister Dawn whimpered when I lifted one by the nipple. No tits I'd ever seen before could compare to Sister Dawn's. I just loved their size and shape, their fullness, firmness and softness...

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Reply #17 on: March 21, 2024, 10:31:05 AM
Suddenly Sister Dawn pushed my hands off of her breasts and slid her mouth off of my cock. Moving up, she grabbed her massive tits and wrapped them around my cock. I moaned loudly as I felt those soft orbs around my shaft . . .
Sister Dawn squeezed her breasts around my cock and started moving them up and down around them. Her eyes were closed and she bit her lower lip sexily. Slowly she built up her speed and was groaning loudly as she titfucked me hard.
I pinched and twisted her nipples as her massive breasts rode my cock. I'd never been titfucked so good . . . Of course, knowing it was a nun's melons around my cock . . .  I didn't want to cum to quick, but it was going to be so hard because it felt so good. I gritted my teeth as I groanedand gasped.
Sister Dawn squeezed her tits tighter around my cock as she sawed it in and out of her deep, dark cleavage that was starting to get sweaty too. That only made it better and easier - as well as harder to hold back.
My cock was throbbing violently and aching by then, I wanted to jizz so bad. Suddenly my cock swelled up between Sister Dawn's breasts. I groaned loudly. Even more suddenly she let go of her breasts, grabbed my cock and swallowed it once more. Sister Dawn could hardly handle half of it, but that didn't stop her.
Gasping, I grunted as my cock jettisoned jizz into the Black nun's mouth. She moaned and without me having to tell her drank down my hot cream. Rope after rope shot out of me and down her throat as I gasped and groaned, feeling the orgasm wash over me.

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Reply #18 on: March 23, 2024, 11:54:48 AM
I spurt out thirteen or fourteen times before the flow petered out. When Sister Dawn realized I was done cumming, she freed my cock from her mouth and looked up at me. Her eyes glistened with unfulfilled lustful desire. I planned on not leaving her hanging . . .
Pulling her up, I lifted her ass onto the back of the sofa. Her pussy was still wet and dripping. Taking my slobbered over cock, I slid it up and down Sister Dawn's slit. She moaned, closed her eyes and leaned back.
Sister Dawn started grinding her pussy against my hard cock, slowly at first. Then her movements become more wanton. I couldn't wait any longer. Pushing down on my cock, as it slid along her hairy cunt the head finally pushed into her opening. I wasted no time ramming it in.
Arcing her back, Sister Dawn threw back her head and screamed. I knew the pain of losing her cherry had to be extreme. I didn't stop or slow down; I slammed my cock in and out of her hard and fast. Slowly the spasms of pain ripping through her body slackened, and she collapsed on the back of the sofa limply.
And Sister Dawn began to writhe and moan as the pleasure encapsuled her body. As I steadily fucked her and writhing grew into convulsions, as her moans becomes cries. Soon she was convulsing violently as she thrashed her head from side-to-side, shrieking as her body literally grew hot, the inside of her pussy even moreso.
Throwing back her head as her pussy clamped down around my cock, Sister Dawn screamed in powerful orgasm. I kept fucking her hard, and she multiorgasmed on my cock, her juices flooded out of her around it, splattering her thighs.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 08:48:36 AM by GEMINIGUY »

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant


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Reply #19 on: April 18, 2024, 09:16:32 AM
I continued fucking Sister Dawn as her orgasm slowly faded. Then I pulled out, turning her onto her belly. Re-entering her from behind, I sank into her deeper, and she groaned as I slowly started to move in and out of her again.
It wasn't long before I was again fucking her fast and she was writhing and crying out, convulsing and shrieking, then thrashing and multiorgasming. The room smelled of sex, we were both hot and sweaty and I was driving Sister Dawn to exhaustion.
I lasted over forty-five minutes, myself breathing heavy, when I finally cried out and began to cum in Sister Dawn's hot, wet pussy. She whimpered and cried softly as rope after rope filled her mature womb. I spurted twelve or thirteen times before the flow petered out and my cock started to soften.
I pulled out, catching my breath as Sister Dawn slid off the back of the sofa, down onto the sofa itself. Seemed like a good idea. I went around and joined her, dropping heavily beside her. Sister Dawn leaned against me, also catching her breath, saying nothing for a long time
 . . .
"You ejaculated inside of me . . ." She finally spoke.
"I did," I had to admit.
"You shouldn't have . . ." Sister Dawn whimpered softly. "I'm a nun. And I might get pregnant."
"Or you might not get pregnant," I tried to assure her.
"Maybe not, but maybe," She sighed. "I love being a nun . . ."
"If you don't get pregnant you can keep being a nun," I said. "But if you do, you can move in with me."
Sister Dawn turned her head and looked up at me.
I nodded.
"Really. I love you and I'm not going to leave you hanging. What ever you decide, I back you all the way."

"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant