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Lady Decollette's Dilemma (MFF, M, F, Oral, Anal, Voy)

Writers Bloque · 643

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Offline Writers Bloque

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(My First Attempt at an actual pornographic romance novel.)

The overcast morning did not surprise the Lady. It was typical of the dying fall. The chamber maid was quietly setting about her tasks, when a pair of thin arms pulls her into the bed. "My Lady! this isn't proper!" Mary squeaked as her life long friend began to tickle the gloominess of the morning away.

"Come off it Mary! We have been friends since we left our mother's tits." The Lady spoke.

At nineteen, she was the most youthful of her line, inheriting her title when her parents tragically died during border dispute with their neighbors. While in public she was the very model of Noblewoman , in private....

"Stop it! Not there!" Mary shrieked as the Lady's hands found their way into her maids bodice. It seems the lady was feeling a bit randy this morning, and when she is in one of her moods, it is best to accept whatever happens before it turns into an all day affair. Mary wriggled her way around to cup the full chest of her dear friend, pushing the assaulting lady back onto the bed. The rule was that Mary was not a maid if her feet did not touch the stone.  So as the young women fooled around, A loud pounding at the manor's gate drew the guards as the royal messenger waited to be addressed.

The letter was handed off to the steward and he handed it off to Mathilda, the head maid, who by now knew what was happening. With a roll of her eyes, she climbed the stairs to the master bed room. She did not even knock as she seen the wayward Mary's clothes spread out, along with the Lady's day clothes. Underneath the heavy blanket, the two women were close to bringing each other to the high precipice of a great climax, lips and tongues, and fingers buried to the hilt in each others most secret of places, that is until a loud cough brought the two women to their senses.

"The King has sent word." Mathilda said, lost in the thought of how to maintain decorum with Mary, and the memories of her time in the Lady's grandmothers bed, before she married that beautiful man. She oft even shared their marriage bed, as her friend did not want her to miss out on such a beautifully built cock. The memories reddened her cheeks. Mary rose, wearing nothing but a sheepish smile and took the letter to the Lady.

Redressing, she left with Mathilda, as royal business was for the Lady's eyes only.

"Dear Lady Decollete,

 "You are officially summoned to Court. Please arrive as soon as humanly possible."

King Ironroot IV

"Oh dear."

A royal summons did not bode well for her, or any of the nobles in general. It either meant a punishment, or promotion. Neither fit her at the moment as she was a backwater noble, yet her family was well distinguished enough to have a highly favored reputation within the ruling class.

Mary returned with a heating tub, one that made water hot on its own, and she helped the Lady clean herself quickly, as the day was going to be hectic. A carriage floated inches above the ground, on magical stones, pulled by horses. Mary packed two changes of clothes and a snack for the road, as the rest of the house staff went about their daily chores. Once the Lady was ready to depart, the carriage lurched forward and their trip to the royal capital began.

Passing through the town, people stopped and waved to their noblewoman, who in her short time as Lady, and turned the failing territory into an economic powerhouse, having discovered several dungeons, and a previously thought long exhausted magic stone mine, was found to only be the tip of a massive vein. She passed by lush fields, harvested and left to fallow for the winter, and piles of hay as tall as a house. The rolling hills, gave way to growing hills, and an hour later, they safely passed through the mountain chain that safely protected the capital of the Central continent, and the royal castle.

After the formalities and greetings from other nobles, and rivals alike, the entire assembly was kneeling in respect in front of the Dragon throne.


The whole crowd stood.

The king sat on his throne, flanked by the Queen, The first princess, and advisors.

The king scanned the crowd and then his eyes locked eyes with Lady Decollete.

"Lady Decollete, His highness wishes to reward your efforts with improving your territory."

This did not bode well for her........


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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

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Reply #1 on: March 06, 2024, 08:05:15 PM
Good start. Lots of ways to go with this looking forward to the next chapter.

Well trained and been made my cat Neville

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #2 on: March 06, 2024, 11:27:40 PM
A Prince, A War, and a Queen.....

Some weeks prior to the Summons...

It was the darkest of nights. The palace was lit up, as the harvest festival was in full swing in the capital of the Western Continent. Villages have sent their wares to be sold at the festivals market, while the palace was open to the public, for the nights Balls. A Ball for the commoners in the gardens, and a ball in the ballroom for the royals, and aristocracy. The first Prince was already fed up. All of the girls and women in attendance were pushing themselves on him like a meat monger selling his wares.

"What did he truly want?" He sighed as the airheaded noble woman droned on and on about the latest trends, as if she were to marry him, he would grant her access to higher fashion. But as she talked, she pushed her breasts into his arm as she talked, and while they felt nice, he already knew what she wanted. Another greedy swine chomping at the slop bucket of his life.

The night was also special, a very backwards tradition had to be held. Single men and Single women would sleep together, and if the pair makes a child, they are to be married, no matter the class, or station. But among the gold grubbing trash of nobility at his mother and father's ball, there were no one that made his cock twitch. But looking out the huge leaded glass window, rumored to be strong enough to stop a trebuchet or ballista, he spotted the commoners ball, where there were already couples paired up, dancing and fucking by the huge bonfire.

But something caught his eye. A girl, under a tree alone, with a small ball of light above her, reading a book as men passed her by, giving her no notice. This drew his curiosity. Her hair was done in the style telling the world she was a freshly anointed adult. Her dress was plain, but with a rustic beauty to it. A simple blue. to match the flowers in her hair. The prince stealthily disengaged the clingy trollop and used the secret passages to enter the garden from a small passage near the engrossed in the book girl. He donned his mask, as was the rite and custom of the festival, since Love is blind, and if it was truly meant to be, then the man would reveal himself, if not, he would not and move on.

"Hello" The darkness spoke to the girl.

"EEEK!" was her response.

Out of the shadows a man appeared, well not really a man, but he did look like an adult, as anyone knows its against the rules for non adults to attend the late night festivals. The man bowed to her gracefully, "At least he has some etiquette. Must be another bored noble looking to hook up with a hick for the night as a dare." She thought as he took her offered hand. While it was against the rules to give your name, his appearance and attitude screamed royalty.

A group of drunk men and boisterous women jeered at them, making fun of her, and trying to warn the man of "the curse" that her family bears. The prince remembered a cursed family, taking the curse in the stead of the king, during the battle with a Lich and witch. The witches curse was that any man who cannot satisfy the curse bearer will die, but if she is satisfied, the curse will be broken. Despite her attempts to self satisfy. it actually required a man to break it.

Remembering the old lore of his family, he felt a twinge of regret. It was his great grandfather and a party of hero's who saved the new kingdom at the cost of a farm girl, who was hired to drive the wagon's life. But he could not heed the words of horny drunkards, as he knelt down and lifted her chin to make their eyes meet. A bolt of electricity ran through him, from the kiss he initiated, and the fact that the girl knew magic. But his clothes and person was covered with so many protections that a simple lightning spell like that would not inflict any harm on him.

She resisted at first, and fired every spell at him in her arsenal, until a soft voice whispered in her ear from the past.

"Maybe he is the one..."

She let her resistance die, as the kiss was more than nice, it was like he was pumping her full of lightning. She wanted more, desperately craving the very bittersweet flavor of Candleberry wine, and raw lust. The man tugged on the cape's clasp and the magic threads went to work, as the cape transformed into a tent with a light in the center. No one could enter without the owners permission, and right now he was busy helping the very horny and excited woman out of her dress.

Naked, they embrace, her body writhing on his as they kiss, until her sacred garden was like a volcano, practically begging for what was to come. As she had read in books, and without breaking the kiss, she parts her legs enough to allow his fully erect, and angry looking manhood into her garden. Using her hand, she reaches back, and guides it into her waiting, lust dripping honeypot. He begins to explore her suppple body, kissing her breasts, as he bucks his hips to drive his hard cock deeper and deeper into her. He feels the time has come, as a litany of words unbecoming of a plain beauty such as herself rush out of her mouth. Her orgasmic throes trigger his orgasm, and she howls as she feels his boiling hot seed fills her greedy insides.

Later that night...

The line was long. Couples in line to have their conditions verified and to be married on the spot. The lanky man in a mask, with the local notorious bookworm legend are holding hands. She feels his seed leak down her legs. She wore no panties, as it was custom to either be ready by not wearing underwear, or to go nude entirely. She was not brave enough to walk around the town nude. It was their turn. The priest knew the man, and gasped as the nude nun next to him operated a flat stone the color of the ocean. The timid, but fully fucked girl, dizzy from the sex, and the curse being broken, placed her hand on the stone. The nun followed suit, and above the stone showed two babies, girls. She was pregnant.

The priest had to abide by tradition, married the Prince to the Cursed Daughter. But this scandal would not go unnoticed.

The Emperor and Empress was not pleased.

The Prince truly bored of the life of royalty. So he took his lover, and mother of his children, and fled. Where? The people who helped him along the way gave conflicting answers before their execution, the true destination of the Prince and Princess was the truly neutral territory of the country of Education. Where anyone can learn anything, with no limits, or prejudice based on class, wealth or social status. He was a frequent student, mastering many forms of statecraft. There he would work, and continue his education until his parents would calm down and welcome the great granddaughter of the farm girl who took the witches final curse upon herself to help the hero's save the kingdom.

That was not going to happen.

His parents declared war on the northern, southern and central continent, and the kingdoms they contained, until their son is recovered, and the sham marriage dissolved at the tip of the sword.

The truth of it all...

There was no curse. The king at the time was having extramarital relations with the farm girl, and when the farm girl pressured the king into taking her as his wife, he could not allow that to come to light, so he lured her down to the catacombs where the evil lay in wait, and while the hero's were sleeping, the cowardly king threw the farm girl into a pit filled with trapped undead, because they shambled onto the traps trigger, and was dropped into the hole.

When the heros woke, they found the king oddly ready to go. Passing the pit, the king seen the cold, undead eyes of the farm girl, so he concocted the whole story, after pouring some oily pitch into the pit, and lit it on fire. Sadly, only the king would survive to tell the tale, after backstabbing the party, killing them in their sleep, to take all the treasure and glory for himself...

What killed the men who tried to lay with the woman? She is an untrained hedge mage, and it was the reaction to the mixing of mana that killed the men, not a curse.

"And that's why you will be sent to Education. We need some people on the inside to convince the prince to return home, while we secretly harbor his wife, until the situation calms down."

The queen spoke to Lady Decollette, the first princess, and Mary.

The queen hugged her fifth cousin, and the four women continued to lay out the plans for this wild adventure. The queen knew her cousin was reliable, her family was distinguished swordspeople. Her grandmother was the Blade Queen, said to have killed thirty bandits in the span of the time it took her to toss the loaf of bread into the air and catch it before it hit the dirt. The Queen understood the import of this mission, so when the palace quieted down, the four women donned their night clothes, and the queen, having lifted the seal of authority from the king while giving him the greatest blowjob of his life, the ladies stealthily reached the Royal Vault. Despite her authority, she could enter alone, but for her to enter with guests, she needed the kings seal, and well the wonderful king was drunkenly asleep after the higher royal card game.

The guards saluted her, and she showed the seal, as the guards activated the spell to open the door.

The reward which she was to receive was the defunct barony, the Baron died with no heirs or anyone with legitimate claim to it, and giving the territory to the Lady, the king hoped she would work her magic to make the territory thrive and grow again. But the true reward was what she was entitled to by blood. Behind a magical glass case was the Lady's grandmothers gear. A sword, even in its sheath shimmered. It was quickly extracted and bagged up. Once they left, all four women went their separate ways.

In the morning, at the assembly, Lady was granted the title of Baroness, and added her neighboring territory into her control. But in private, the king and queen sent their daughter off with the Lady, and Mary the Maid. With a bag full of gold, and the uniforms of Education, a separate carriage, prepared earlier was loaded with the things the girls would need, as students and spies, to find the Prince and his wife and make them go home, to prevent this war.

"I know you took my Authority."

"You know full well that, that gear was hers by bloodright. No one but her or her blood can use it. I can barely lift the sword."

"I don't like all of this sneaking around."

"Yes my liege, and husband."

The King smiled, having made his point, though it was obviously ignored for the greater good.

The Carriage rumbled down the stone hewed road on its two day trip to the port, and another day at sea until the trio would enter the history books at Education. What awaits our Lady there?

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #3 on: March 08, 2024, 05:09:12 PM
Being with you is like... or How the Lady survives the battlefield of Love (Sorta)

The trio arrive at the port city, with of course no less than a battalion of personal guards and knights, to see the Princess off to school. The term is normally 1 year, Less if you are a quick learner. Despite being a recognized adult, the Princess did not enjoy the crowded changing room at the staging are of the docks. Education had its own entry administration building, and there you were to turn in your symbols of authority, and such, and any money you have on you. Students would receive an allowance per week to help with their living costs. Dorm students received less, while those adult students who chose to rent a house near the school received more. The Ladies changed, and not wanting her grandmothers gift to be confiscated, she changed into the very skimpy, form fitting bikini style armor. Then she hastily put the rings on, the anklets and bracelets. Next came the choker, and once it was secured, she felt a wave of energy flow through her. She fastened the sword to her uniform's belt, and stood with Mary, and the Princess Lucia. The girls uniform felt a tad bit exposing, since it had been some time since the three had worn it, though they did not remember the skirts being this short. Once the final formalities were taken care of the three ladies stood with the other girls/women waiting for the boat designated for women to begin their voyage.

 What do you get when you place over a hundred High ranking royals and nobles in a boat for a day? A serious test of patience.

The trip by boat was mostly uneventful, except for the whining of the overly pampered now made as equal as the next common woman, forced to sleep in cramped quarters. You had the whole spectrum of ladies, from the kind and accepting to the Karen like raging bulls of the silver spoon nobles. But all of that would come to an end, when the boat docked  The Ladies Dock, was for women of all ages and stations to feel comfortable with what was to come. The uniforms were just a rudimentary stop gap to give them something to wear, while they would be fitted for the real ones right there on the dock.

"Strip to your underwear."

The stern older woman barked with all the authority to tell these sheltered bitches what to do, granted by their parents with all the blessings they could give.

The trio caught on quickly, when a burst of magic tore the top off of one of the more sheltered princesses, who demanded word to her father. The clothes fell into rags at the girls feet, along with tears of embarrassment and shame. The woman (barely) was wearing very modest underwear, to modest for one of her station, which earned her jeers from the crowd of ladies. And yet, she was the loudest to complain about the trip.

A little steam rose from the older womans finger, as now the entire crowd was dancing in the cool sea air in their underwear. The trio, with the Lady concerned about her metal armored underwear, as she took to call what her grandmother left her, sighed as she looked down and it was not a cold metal thing, but rather a stylish set of bra and panty. It was something she would wear on a walk through town.

But her reverie was cut short as the stern woman ordered them to step forward.

"At least some have proper respect and manners. You three, get fitted, you are in Dorm 4, Room 1."

The trio jumped and were ushered behind the wall, where a woman with a magical device took their measurements, and offered them some woolen dresses, to wear until they reached their room. Behind them girls (Mostly women, but behavior factors in) were being measured and given dresses, as a carriage arrived to take them to the dorm.

"Now what?"

"Well, we spend our time blending in, and when not in class, we poke around for the prince."

"Its not like we will find him easily."

"True but he is married, so we can check around the married housing."

"After Dinner we will take a walk."

Later on at class registration........

"Oh look, the kingdom's slut finally graces the school."

In the kingdom the Lady is from there is two cold hard universal truths:

Steel is hard, and magic is powerful.


Never let a Decollette be within a mile of an Atrois. Ever.

The two noble families are the very definition of bitter rivals. The Decollette's gained fame and prestige faster than the Atrois. This led to the latter to spread nasty rumors, and now their relationship has boiled down to physical violence, to the point that extra guards are required by law to attend any unlucky function that has both families in attendance.

Now a fiery tempered woman in her risque underwear (not against the law, since this is the woman's district, a no mans land.) had drawn her sword on the plain woolen dressed rival.

"Now its time you pay, you Harlot!"

The fiery woman shouted as she lunged at Lady.


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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Writers Bloque

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  • You would think anything this fun would be illegal
Reply #4 on: June 03, 2024, 06:07:47 PM

The fight had started. Louise Marie de Atrois charged Lady Decollette, who was taking it in stride as she backed up, hoping to keep innocent people out of danger. But the moment she put her hand on her sword, the Lady's dress burned away to reveal the legendary armor, which was a bikini top and bottom. As many times as they have fought, both have come to acknowledge each other through these sparring matches. Well worth the public shaming and night in jail they both were often punished with. But the silver metal and gems on the armor gleamed in the light as Lady sped forward.

Not even drawing the blade, Lady drove the pommel of the blade into the stomach of Louise, which of course did what was expected, as Louise's blade clattered to the ground, Lady caught her rival in an almost embrace as the fight was over, and the witnesses went looking for other things to do. However the show was far from over. As per the rules of their fights, so ingrained into their minds, loser gets a public spanking. Well back home both women were bare ass spanked in front of the commoners. But this was an added humiliation as the loser got it twice. Lady had only lost once in their duels, but of course Louise chickened out when Lady bared her ass to be spanked.

Lady held the gasping Louise as she sat on a close by bench. Louise knew what was to come as her face went emotionless, used to the extreme levels of humiliation. But Lady decided to take it up a notch as she asked Mary for the little black jar in her things. Mary obliged and the crowd renewed their attention as the women in the crowd knew exactly what that jar contained, and gasped with shock as it would be used in the open. The contents were very potent, affecting both men and women, and the jar had a huge body count in its wake. It is a lotion, made from finely ground magic stones, dragon love juices, mandrake pollen and honey. when applied intensified any sensation, but converting it to sexual sensations. It left many men and women a quivering, sexual mess until the effects wore off a day later.

It was made by the elves who did not think of sex as anything more than to make babies. But one elf decided after a fling with a human, and orc and another human that her people should enjoy sex. It became a huge hit worldwide. And now, Lady Decollette is tracing hearts with it on her rivals upturned ass, as she lays across Lady's lap. Louise shuddered at the cool slimy liquid being applied weirdly to each ass cheek. Now even the breeze gently caressing her ass made Louise wet as she was now definitely feeling it. But Lady did not have time for games, as she drew her sword and laid it next to her and began to spank the trembling girl. Her pained moans soon became pleas for relief as she was prevented from masturbating during her spanking. To the crowd, they seen that this woman was still pure, her open sex declared it so. But the filth the woman was speaking was not what pure women say.

"I don't care what you do, just make me cum!"

Lady smiled at that, and rudely pinched the woman's pearl which made Louise scream out and faint. Louise's friends glared at Lady as they gathered up their abused friend and run off. A loud boom in the distance, and seconds later a massive fireball hit the school's defensive magical shields causeing the women and girls to panic.....

Earlier in the Prince's kingdom....

"Go forth, and conquer, search and take until you find the Prince and his unworthy wife!"

The king stood before his massive armies assembled on the royal docks. Massive warships were being readied for launch as the troops were being loaded. The army would spread out all over the world, even into places no man has set foot. In their wake would be blood.

But that would take precious time.

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.