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Foxihotgirl · 649

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Offline Foxihotgirl

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on: May 12, 2024, 04:20:31 PM



                                                                                                                FIRST PLACE OF HER OWN

    Sheri stood on the threshold of her new apartment. Her first apartment. After college graduation she found a job with a company in the city. Her parents knew that she wanted to go on her own but warned her about how city life was.

    "Sheri, you need to be very careful. You're a beautiful girl, like a new penny. Plenty of men will want to take advantage of that. You look very young for your age and will be the target of such men." Said her daddy. Her beautiful mom nodded in agreement. Her mother went to her room later that evening to talk to her. She encouraged her on her adventure but cautioned her also. She told Sheri that their door was always open to her if she couldn't make it in the city. Before she left the bedroom her mom kissed her tenderly. She touched her face, lips and hair.

    "Be careful, baby girl." Was all she said.

    Her brother, Michael, already left home years ago lived in the city and listened to what his parents advice was for his younger sister. He looked at her and shook his head.

    "City is a tough place. You have to be tougher. Don't worry sis. I'll drop by every so often to check on you." He said making her smile.

    Her new job would begin the following Monday giving her a chance to put her apartment in order. The building was located just outside the city near a train station that could bring her to her job and back in less than twenty minutes. It was a perfect location. Boxes lined the walls and cluttered the spaces in between. She took the time to make up her bedroom and put her clothes away. The apartment was small and affordable. Her parents paid for the first year as a gift towards her new life.

    It was a building that had twenty apartments in it and was a secure building. She lived on the third floor and had yet to know any of her neighbors. She had time and concentrated on putting her apartment together. By the end of the weekend it was as good as she was going to get it. It was livable. She went grocery shopping and was well stocked up.

    She was tired and needed to get some serious sleep before starting her new job. She showered and shaved her legs and pussy keeping a small strip of hair right above it. She liked the look of it. Sexy. Her long blonde hair was wet and she dried it. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked good. Her daddy was right about her looking way to young. She had a baby face and large blue eyes like her mom. Her body was petite which didn't help her look legal. But it was a good body that she took the time to keep in shape. She needed to find a gym close by to remain that way. She cupped her breasts liking the feel of them. Small areolas and stiff nipples made her happy. She was all woman as her mom used to say.

                                                                                                         FIRST DAY AT WORK AND HOME

    Sheri was bone tired and her new job was a bit further away than expected. The train was running behind schedule almost making her late on her first day. She had an office and surprisingly, a view of the harbor. After eight plus hours she went home. By the time she got into the building it was dark. She waited for the elevator to come down. Another woman came in and stood near her. Sheri acknowledged her but said little else. The woman was stunningly beautiful. She looked her moms age with red boyish cut hair. She wore a stylish suit that must have cost a fortune and looked slim and shapely. She looked intimidating to Sheri. They entered the elevator together. When it stopped at the third floor both got out. Now Sheri was indeed curious and wary.

    When the woman followed her almost to her door Sheri was in near panic mode. But the woman stopped just short opening the apartment door next to hers. She stopped and smiled at Sheri.

    "I was wondering who moved in. Glad you're another woman. Guy who lived there before you was a real asshole." Said the woman making Sheri laugh. One of relief. "Names Lauren. Yours?"

    "Sheri. Just moved in." She said making the woman smile. She looked even more beautiful when she did so.

    "Then we need to celebrate your new place and get to know one another since we live right next to each other. What do you say? I have a big bottle of wine that needs attention." She said.

    Sheri laughed and nodded. "Ok, just for a little while though. First day on my new job and I'm bushed."

    Sheri went into her apartment and changed her clothes into baggy running pants and a t shirt without a bra. It felt comfortable and when she heard the knock at her door she opened to Lauren holding up the bottle of wine and two large glasses. She also wore casual comfort clothing.

    "Wow, I like your place better mine. Yours is a bit larger, or maybe its my imagination." She poured the wine handing Sheri a glass. "I hope you don't mind me asking, you look awful young to be all by yourself, Sheri."

    "I'm sure I'm going to get that a lot. I'm 20 years old but look much younger. I get carded everywhere I go." She laughed sipping her wine.

    "I bet. God, you look like a teenager. Wish I had that problem." Said Lauren getting comfy on the couch.

    "You're kidding, right? You look incredible." Said Sheri looking at Lauren.

    "Oh please, don't stop on my account." Said Lauren smiling. "Is this the first time away from home?" She asked Sheri who nodded.

    "Other than college it's my first time anywhere." She said drinking the wine. She was feeling much more relaxed.

    "Welcome to the big bad city. Hope you like the wild west because that's what it feels like around here at times. But I think you'll get used to it all." Said Lauren refilling both their glasses.

    "Is it that bad?" She asked wanting to know more about her new lifestyle.

    "No, not really. It just takes some getting used to, that's all." Said Lauren looking at Sheri and how beautiful the girl was. Sexy, smart and inexperienced all rolled up in one. Just what she was looking for. Sheri seemed to exude sex whether she knew it or not. Lauren wanted to find out if she could bring it all out.

    "How long have you been here?" Asked Sheri feeling the second glass of wine. Her head was spinning. But it felt really good.

    "Oh, lets see. In the city all my life. Here at this place only five years. I like it here. It's a peaceful place right now. Sometimes we get some wild ones." Said Lauren.

    "Really? Like what?" Asked Sheri leaning back against the cushions. Her t shirt clung to her tightly showing off her nipples. They were hard and poking the material.

    Lauren noticed and licked her lips. This girl was sexy as hell.

    "Well about a year back we had a couple move in right down the hall. They were both a bit crazy. You could hear them fucking their brains out all through the night. Lots of complaints as you would imagine. So that set off the couple who decided to do it right in the hallway. Got to admit they were pretty good." Said Lauren drinking the second glass down.

    Sheri laughed just trying to imagine such a sight. She guessed her daddy was right. The city was crazy.

    "Would liked to have seen that one." Said Sheri. "Seen enough in college. Lots of sex there." She said grabbing the bottle and pouring another round.

    "I know. Free sex daily." Said Lauren liking where the conversation was going.

    "Had a roommate that wanted sex every night. She must have had a different girl every time. There was no short supply of them." Said Sheri.

    "Wow, Did she ever come onto you?" Asked Lauren.

    "Oh, yeah, she did. I guess I was her goal in life. I can't tell how often she would make remarks about my body or offer to help me dress. She was cool though. I never let her reach that goal." Said Sheri. She was amazed at how open she was with Lauren. The woman seemed to make things so easy.

    "You should have let her have you. Poor girl is probably seeing a specialist trying to get over you." Said Lauren sipping her wine liking the view in front of her.

    Sheri laughed and nodded. "I was tempted a few times. She was a beautiful girl." She said looking back.

    "Oh well, we'll never know. I can tell you that here in the city you'll have endless choices for lovers. I'm sure you'll find your way." Said Lauren getting up. "Better get going, it's getting late and I don't want to be responsible for getting you in trouble at work." She said as Sheri followed her to her front door. Lauren turned and kissed Sheri's cheek lingering for a second. "Glad to have you neighbor." Lauren saw her daughter in this girl. Same age and build. That only made her desire that much sweeter.

    Sheri watched her go into her own place and then shut the door. She still felt the woman's kiss, her perfume and the warmth of her body near hers. She shook her head trying not to think what she was thinking. Already in the city and feeling horny. God, what would her mom think?

                                                                                                                         THE GYM

    The gym was only a block from her apartment and she liked it. It was clean and filled with people very much like her. She used the bike and took part in Pilates. As she was finishing up she saw Lauren being attended to by another beautiful woman. She was going to say hello when the woman kissed Lauren fully. Sheri moved back hiding behind one of the monster machines. The woman who looked a bit younger than Lauren helped her up and pressed against her kissing Lauren again. Sheri watched amazed that the very same woman was in her apartment just the night before. Lauren was a mystery for sure. The woman helping her palmed Laurens ass cheeks giving them a firm squeeze making Lauren moan.

    Sheri left, took a quick shower and grabbed her gym bag and ran into Lauren on the way out.

    "Oh, hi." Said Lauren looking sweaty and beautiful. "I had no idea you come here."

    "Just joined today. On my way out." Said Sheri feeling awkward after seeing her neighbor kissing another woman.

    "Well wait for me. Just let me get a quick shower and I'll join you." Said Lauren speeding away. Sheri sat waiting wondering if this woman was what her daddy told her to watch out for. Still, Lauren had done nothing wrong. Further she had not tried to solicit anything from her. Lauren came out looking fresh and stunning looking. They walked the block to the apartment building and then inside the elevator. They barely spoke and Lauren wondered what the problem was and then she figured it out. They were at their apartments and Lauren spoke up.

    "You saw me and Robin didn't you, Sheri?" It was not really a question but a statement of fact.

    Sheri turned to her and nodded. "I didn't mean to. I turned a corner and there you both were. Sorry. Besides it's none of my business." Said Sheri biting her bottom lip.

    "I'm not angry, Sheri. We don't hide anything. If you must know, Robin owns the gym and we met years ago. We're part time lovers." Said Lauren. "Does that bother you?"

    "No it doesn't. I guess I felt like an intruder. Seeing you...and know." Said Sheri suddenly smiling as Lauren began to laugh.

    "Oh well, now you know. I like girls. I was married once, but that's another story." Said Lauren unlocking her door. Sheri could see that the woman wanted to share her story and she was being rude to ignore it. Besides she liked Lauren who was the first person who treated her kindly in the city.

    "Why don't you come over. I was planning to order some Chinese food takeout." Asked Sheri making Lauren nod.

    The food arrived an hour later as they both sat on the couch like before. The bottle of wine sat near empty with their glasses half full. Sheri felt very comfortable with Lauren who she really didn't know at all. But something made her feel it was more than that.

    "You were going to tell me about your marriage." Asked Sheri who wore a pair of boxer shorts and a t shirt. She looked sexy as hell to Lauren.

    "Oh, yes. His name was Henry. Henry was a womanizer and broadcast that to every woman he bumped into. I divorced him after finding him in bed with, of all people, my sister." Said Lauren laughing at the absurdity of it.

    "You're kidding?" Said Sheri also laughing.

    "I kid you not. Not that I blamed him. My kid sister was sexy as hell. When I walked in he was fucking her in the ass. I'd say that was a compromising position, wouldn't you?" Asked Lauren taking a bite of Lo Mein.

    "Oh my god, really?" Asked Sheri her face filled with surprise.

    "Oh yes. I took him for half of everything he was worth which was sizable. I could probably live in a better place downtown but why waste good money." Said Lauren.
"Have you ever done anything crazy sexual like that?"

    "Me? No. My father calls me his new penny girl. Minted and new with everything. I'm sure I'll catch up here in the city. I mean sex is all around me in this place. I caught one of the secretaries doing it in the printing room. They saw me but never stopped at all. In fact the guy waved me over to join them. Imagine, Lauren?" Sheri said. Lauren did. The girl should have joined in she would have.

    "Don't worry, Sheri darling. You'll get all the sex you want in this town. Spread your legs and twenty men come running." She said. Sheri smiled.

    "Can I ask you something personal?" Asked Sheri. Lauren nodded as she ate. "Have you always liked girls?"

    Lauren was waiting for that question to come up. "No. I was married to a man. I was initiated, so to speak, by my best friend during the divorce. She comforted me when I needed it. She taught me how much better it was than any man. I still like to go out with good looking men but I'm more critical when choosing them. Still I prefer women." Said Lauren staring at Sheri. "Have you ever been with another woman, Sheri?"

    "No, not really. I remember in high school kissing a girl on a dare. I lost several times and they all wanted me to kiss a girl every time." Said Sheri.

    "Did you like it?" Asked Lauren imagining being one of the girls.

    "I don't know. I didn't mind. They all kissed really well so I guess I liked it." Said Sheri thinking about that night. Each girl kissed her hard and long using their tongues.

    "You should do it more often then." Said Lauren wanting to do it to Sheri right there and now. "I really think the more experience a girl can get here the better off she'll be. I have a daughter your age, Sheri. Very much like you in everyway. I wanted her to experience everything at least once so she could navigate through this world without fear. I let her experiment sexually trying men and women and more. She loved it and never worried about her sexual preferences. Amy knew how to handle herself. She lives in New Jersey with her partner Grace. They have a child." Said Lauren.

    Sheri was fascinated by Laurens story. There was no doubt that she wanted Sheri to listen to her words of wisdom and she would. Sheri wanted to fit in, to love when she wanted or needed to.

    "I like your advice, Lauren. I'm glad we're becoming friends." Said Sheri. Lauren took her hand squeezing it.

    "I am too. You know if you want to do some experimenting I know lots of men and women who would love to show you some fun." Said Lauren still holding Sheri's hand. Sheri smiled but shook her head.

    "I'm not ready yet, Lauren. I want to, but...well not yet." Said Sheri squeezing Laurens hand.

    "You're sexy as hell, girl and look like a Lolita. You have to know that men and women are going to pick up on that." Said Lauren moving just a bit closer to Sheri.

    Sheri felt her body grow warmer with Laurens hand in hers. This was the woman making out with the girl from the gym. The one whose ass was being grabbed. Lauren was as experienced as one gets.

    "I know. But if I'm going to get laid I want it with someone I like, not just a stranger." Said Sheri taking in Lauren who looked so beautiful, so sexy. She didn't mind telling her anything.

    "I'm being bold here, Sheri but would you mind if I kissed you. Lets call it a dare." She asked smiling. Sheri felt her heart start to beat faster and her breath catch at the words. Would it be a dare if she really wanted Lauren to kiss her? She nodded as Lauren pulled her close. Sheri felt Laurens lips on hers so warm so inviting. Then as the kiss grew more heated her tongue sliding in her mouth twisting with hers. Laurens hands caressed her back and pulled her into a hot embrace. The kiss went on making Sheri moan softly. Lauren reached up palming one of Sheri's breasts and Sheri pulled away suddenly. Her eyes were closed as she stood. Lauren knew she had pushed the girl a bit to far too fast.

    "I'm sorry, Sheri. Please forgive me." Said Lauren sighing.

    "It's not your fault, Lauren. I wanted to kiss you. I'm just...not ready yet I guess." Said Sheri. Lauren stood hugged her and left. Sheri stared at the door still feeling the kiss, the hand on her breast and their bodies so close. She felt like crying. Lauren did nothing wrong and she all but chased her out. Her body was still shaking with a sexual hum wanting more. So much more.

                                                                                                                        THE BOTTLE

    Sheri could not sleep. All she could think of was the debacle she created with Lauren. It was childish and so very wrong. It was nothing more than a kiss. At least at first. When Lauren touched her breast she got frightened and that ended that. It was a first and she knew she wasn't ready for such an encounter even though Lauren was beautiful and wanted her. She really like Lauren who like her mom was caring and funny. She felt sick at what happened.

    For a week she did not hear or see Lauren. Even at the gym she was nowhere to be seen. Sheri waited one night to see if she came home and did not. She wrote a note to her telling her she was sorry and that she wanted to remain as friends with her. Then she slipped it under Lauren's apartment door.

    Another week went by and no word. Sheri simply gave up trying though she could think of nothing else. The kiss, the touch affected her so much. Did she want Lauren to do it again. If so where would it lead? Was she ready for a lover so early in her single life in the city? She must be since she thought of nothing else.

    When she got home after work she planned to do absolutely nothing over the weekend. Tired and frustrated at herself she bought the making of a great meal wanting to cook it herself. Anything to keep her mind busy. She still had the bottle of wine Lauren brought over and poured the remaining left into her glass. Then there was a knock at the door. She opened it to Lauren smiling at her.

    "Hello, Sheri." She said. Sheri took her hand and brought her inside. They stood staring at each other.

    "Kiss me." Said Sheri. Her entire body was suddenly electric. Her heart beating so loudly. Lauren took her in her arms and kissed her hard. Their bodies melted together and Sheri felt her mind spinning with what she was doing. Lauren broke off the hot kiss.

    "That's much better. I like that a lot, Sheri." She said holding her close and feeling her tight little body press into hers. They kissed more and soon found themselves on the floor moving together. "That's it, baby. Let me teach you."

    Sheri felt her world changing as Lauren kissed her long and hard her tongue tangling with her hers. Then she felt Lauren sliding her hand to her ass squeezing it softly making Sheri moan into her mouth. Lauren knew she had the girl. Sheri was so beautiful and fresh. Sheri was so much like her daughter that it was if she were doing it to her. That made Lauren want her all the more.

    "Are you Ok?" Asked Lauren kissing her mouth, nose and eyes. Sheri was breathing fast her body on fire. She was making love with another woman. Not just any woman. Lauren was a woman who was very much like her mom. Every time they kissed It was like she was kissing her mom. Just the thought of such an incestuous connection made Sheri's pussy wet. Why? She wouldn't consider it just accept that it turned her on. Lauren took her time touching Sheri everywhere. She could not keep her hands off the beauty.

    "Yes, I'm very Ok." Said Sheri kissing Lauren.

    "I want to touch you in so many places, Sheri." Said Lauren being extra careful. But she didn't need to worry. Sheri nodded and let her. Lauren placed her hand between Sheri's legs cupping her pussy and Sheri sighed softly wanting her touch. "Let's get naked, honey. I want to see you and you, me." Slowly, teasingly Lauren removed her clothes letting Sheri see all of her. Sheri watched as if hypnotized as more flesh was revealed to her. Lauren stood before her naked wanting her to see her body. She was flawless. Her breasts were large with thick nipples and her stomach flat leading to her smooth hairless pussy. She turned for Sheri who looked at her with envy. She posed showing off her ass.

    "You like?" Asked Lauren seeing the girl so excited.

    "Yes, Lauren, I like." Said Sheri. She was looking at another woman naked who wanted her. It was all so new to her. It felt so right. Would she let Lauren fuck her? All she knew at the moment was that she wanted her love.

    "Now you." Said Lauren. Sheri stood and began to remove her clothes until she too was naked. Sheri turned for her and Lauren whistled. "Damn, girl. You are the stuff of wet dreams." Making Sheri laugh. They moved together again, flesh against flesh, breasts against breasts. Sheri moaned at the touch of her. They kissed hard and touched each other.

    "Lie down, baby." Said Lauren who lay with her. She wanted to show her how good the girl experience was. She told Sheri to close her eyes. She did. Then she took over kissing her mouth, neck and ears. Slowly she moved lower sucking one breast then the other licking her nipples making Sheri groan in pleasure.

    "Ohhhh, Lauren." She whispered. Lauren bit her nipples and licked further down. Sheri knew what she was going to do to her and couldn't wait to feel it.

    "Open your legs wide for me, Sheri. I want to please you." Said Lauren. Sheri did spreading her legs wide. She could feel the cool air against her open wet pussy. Then Laurens mouth on it making her moan in pleasure. Lauren licked her pussy from top to bottom always spending more time on the girls little clit. She tasted so sweet and darted her tongue deep inside her pussy. She began to rub Sheri's clit as she pushed two fingers inside the girl making Sheri arch her back crying out. Hot wet juices poured from her pussy as Lauren fucked her.

    "I think someone likes that." Said Lauren flicking the girls clit faster as she fingered her. Lauren could see that the girl was so ready for more. No doubt she had been waiting a long time for a moment like this. Lauren looked around and saw the empty wine bottle. She reached out and grabbed it . Then licked the opening of it getting it nice and wet. "Baby, you're going to love this." Said Lauren removing her fingers and placing the bottle against the girls pussy. The long neck of the bottle was covered in Lauren's spit. She pushed the opening inside Sheri slowly inch by inch. Sheri did not know what Lauren was doing but kept her eyes closed loving the feeling of what was sliding inside her pussy.

    "That's it, honey open for me. Take every inch." Said Lauren pushing deeper until it stopped at the rounded part of the bottle. She began to fuck the girl pushing the bottle in and out making Sheri cry out as she squirted from the feeling.

    "Lauren...ohhhh, don't stop...." Cried out Sheri as she realized that it was not Laurens fingers doing this to her. Lauren was pushing something into her pussy so deep. It felt so incredible she began to push back wanting more to the delight of Lauren who started to suck on the girls nipples. They kissed hot and hard as Lauren fucked her moving the bottle faster now that Sheri was getting into it. She was so slippery now and the bottle was going in and out easily.

    "Open your legs wider, darling. I want to go deeper inside you." Said Lauren. Sheri did spreading her legs wider. Then Lauren pushed harder seeing the rounded thickness of the bottle start to stretch Sheri's pussy wider. "Good girl. Relax. Take it , darling take it all."

    Sheri could feel the thick bottle pushing past her pussy opening stretching her so wide. It hurt a bit but Lauren told her to take it and she would. Then it happened. The bottle thickness entered her and Lauren began to fuck her. Lauren couldn't believe the girl was accepting the girth of it. She was pushing it almost all the way inside the beauties tight pussy. The pain turned into pleasure and Sheri moved her body against the bottle taking more of it inside her.

    "Fuck me, ohhhh fuck me." She cried out as Lauren moved the bottle faster in and out. The bottle was covered in Sheri's cum and hot little squirts shot from her pussy every time Lauren pulled the bottle out.

    "Turn over, honey and raise your ass high for me." Said Lauren as she positioned her against the couch her ass high and legs wide. Lauren pushed the bottle back inside Sheri who was now begging her to fuck her harder. Lauren did thrusting the bottle into her deeply making Sheri fuck back rotating her tight little ass against the bottle that was driving her crazy with lust. Lauren wanted to keep a picture of this in her memory forever. A tight young beauty taking a bottle of wine deep into her pussy. Soon Lauren pulled the bottle from Sheri who had cum over and over. Lauren leaned down to lick her pussy and ass. Her cum was so tasty.

    They lay on the couch together entwined and happy.

    "What about you?" Asked Sheri. Lauren did everything for her but nothing really for herself.

    "You've made me very happy, baby girl. I came several times as I fucked you. Don't worry, Sheri. You can make it up to me another time. I'm just so happy you liked it." Said Lauren kissing her. Sheri felt Laurens ass squeezing it like the woman did for her. They lay together for over an hour before Lauren pulled away.

    "I have to go, Sheri. But I'll be back tonight. Maybe we could sleep together." She looked down at the most beautiful girl she ever had sex with.

   "Yes, please. I want you all the time." Said Sheri watching Lauren dress and leave.

                                                                                                  MOM & BABY GIRL

    Lauren returned late. Sheri waited up and met her at the door to her apartment greeting her with a hot kiss.

    "I could get used to this." She said smiling as Sheri rubbed up against her. Sheri could not help herself. It was as if something inside her was released and she couldn't stop it. It was her first time being made love to and she wanted more. It was a pleasant addiction to be sure.

    They made love again and Lauren taught her to lick her pussy. Lauren loved Sheri's tongue all over her pussy. She squirted for Sheri covering the poor girls face with her cum. They both laughed afterwards. As they lay there in the dark with Lauren holding her close they whispered to each other.

    "I can't stop wanting you." Said Sheri. "I've never even imagined something so beautiful as this." She said softly.

    "You are such a beautiful little girl. So much like my daughter Jenny in every way." Said Lauren kissing her and sliding her hand over Sheri's ass.

    "Do know...think of her when we make love? I know it's a stupid question but I want to know. It's not the first time you've mentioned her." Said Sheri kissing Laurens neck. Lauren closed her eyes loving the attention she was given. She knew the answer to the question but wasn't sure if Sheri needed to hear it. It was always a flaw in her motherhood. Being so sexual she considered all kinds of taboo scenarios to enhance her sexual pleasures. One was the thought of incest.

    "Yes, I do sometimes. It seems so very dirty and yet so enticing. Not that I would ever consider it. I see her in you and like the idea of you being her when I make love to you." Said Lauren.

    Sheri's body tingled with the thought of it. Lauren was thinking of her being her daughter. It was so very perverted yet sexy as hell. She wondered if she should tell her about her fantasy also. Since Lauren shared her secret she felt compelled to share hers.

    "Does that bother you, Sheri? I hope not." Said Lauren.

    "No it doesn't. I have to share something with you also. When we make love I think of my mom sometimes. You're her age and beautiful like her. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine her doing these things to me. Do you think something is wrong with me, Lauren?" She asked. Instead of answering she showed her by kissing her long and hard. Her fingers slid inside her pussy making Sheri gasp in pleasure.

    "Do you want to be my baby girl, Sheri? Would you like me to be your mom while we make love?" Asked Lauren pumping her fingers fast and deep. Sheri was so wet and hot inside and her vaginal muscles clamped onto her fingers as she came. Sheri was cumming just thinking about what Lauren was offering her. She could not understand why she felt such a perverse thing but it excited her. It was roleplay and she liked that but it was also her fantasy. Would she really contemplate doing it in real life? Laurens fingers made her want to.

    "Yes, mommy, please." Said Sheri feeling her body react to the incestuous game they were playing. Lauren's heart beat faster imagining it was her daughter Jenny. It was dark and one could barely see the other so it was easy to imagine.

    "I will, baby girl. I love you baby. Fuck mommy." She said in a whisper making Sheri begin to hump her fingers driving them deeper the way she liked. The words were like fire inside her body making her want to fuck so much.

    "Mommy...." Cried out Sheri as she raised her ass higher squirting hard wetting the bed.

    "That's it. my darling little girl. Push hard against mommy." Said Lauren feeling her own orgasm building from this taboo roleplay. Sheri did feeling a third finger slide inside her. "Cum my baby girl. Show mommy how much you love her." Said Lauren. Sheri did. Her ass rotated onto those loving fingers grinding back as she begged her mom for more.

    They lay in sleep after. Sheri was in her moms arms and Lauren cradled her darling baby girl.


    "You're serious?" Asked Robin the owner of the gym. "You're both doing roleplaying as mom and daughter?"

    "Yes we are." Said Lauren smiling and winking at Robin who went to her in one of the dark corners of the gym to pull her close and kiss her.

    "My god, Lauren, just when I thought you couldn't get any more perverted. The girl is fucking hotter than hell. I get it. But mom and daughter roles? Wow." Said Robin sliding her hand inside Laurens panties feeling her wet pussy.

    "Don't worry. I'll get her to do more hot things which will include you." Said Lauren loving how Robin was rubbing her clit driving her mad.

    "Fuck, I'd love to lick that young pussy. I see her in here and just want to jump on that hot body. First you bottle fuck her and now this. Lauren's little protege. I know how dirty your mind works. What have you got in mind next for our little fuck toy?" Asked Robin loving how hot and wet Lauren was.

   "Not sure yet." Said Lauren beginning to cum and squirting hard. "Fuck, how the hell do I walk out of here now like this?" She laughed.

    "Don't worry. I'll get a towel to wrap about yourself." Said Robin who was beautiful with her short cut hair and tattoos. "Don't let Becky know what you're doing. Girl has a thing about submissive women and your girl is sure one of them. She'll have Sheri tied up and being used by every guy and girl in the city."

     “Mmmmm, I’ve thought of that. She’s to sweet for Becky right now. Besides I want her just as she is.” Said Lauren kissing Robin.

    “ I’d like a taste of her.” Said Robin humping against Lauren.

    Lauren thought about sharing the girl, making her understand that they were not committed to each other. They could find other lovers. Lauren suddenly felt jealous about letting Sheri become someone’s lover. Robin wanted her and they had been lovers for years sharing every girl they ever fucked. But something was different about Sheri. A certain innocence that Lauren did not want to lose.

    “ I’ll try to convince her to try others.” Said Lauren.

    “ Good I really want to fuck your daughter.” Laughed Robin kissing Lauren hard.


    Sheri could not stop thinking about Lauren. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Only months ago she was leaving home for the city. A new job, apartment and lover changed her life completely. It was the weekend and Lauren said she would join her later that Saturday. Meanwhile Sheri moved about the apartment cleaning and getting things ready. She liked being naked and often touched herself. By the time Lauren showed up she would be insatiable just the way Lauren liked her.

    Sheri stood before the couch where Lauren first had her. The memory of their lovemaking made her so horny. Had she really been fucked by a bottle? She giggled at the thought of doing such a thing and yet it was so erotic. Her pussy was opened up so wide for Lauren. She loved her and would do anything for her.

    Their role playing was another big change in her life. Mother and daughter. It made Sheri want to cum every time she thought of it. Her mom would call her weekly not realizing that her daughter was naked and fingering herself thinking about her fantasy. Sheri's mom was a stunningly beautiful woman that truly influenced her life. Often her mom held her hand, hugged her and kissed her cheek in love. As Sheri grew older her mom no longer kissed her cheek but lightly kissed her mouth. At first Sheri thought it only because they were older and her mother didn’t want to treat her like a child.

    Now Sheri thought of those moments differently. She couldn’t help it. She was deriving pleasure from the fantasy and Lauren made the most of it pushing her deeper into it. Lauren wanted her to open up more sexually. Learn to seek pleasure everywhere. She was trying to help Sheri understand her body and her needs. That was why Sheri loved her.

    She moved toward the couch touching it softly. Lauren fucked her on it. Sheri moved over one of the arms of the couch mounting it and closing her eyes. She could feel the rough fabric teasing her clit. She moved slowly rubbing herself upon it. Leaning forward she brushed her nipples against one of the large pillows. All of it felt incredible. Was she doing what Lauren wanted her to do? Opening up about sex and enjoying everything, anything? She would never imagined doing such an act only months ago but now...she wanted it. She moved faster rubbing her pussy against the couch arm feeling the material make her clit swell in pleasure. She thought of Lauren and her beautiful body. Then her moms face appeared before her in her mind. Her moms lips and body in place of Laurens.

    "Ohhhh, god..." She cried out as she started to squirt her hot cum all over the couch. Her nipples were so sensitive as they swayed above the pillow touching the tips of her breasts. She moved her ass faster, grinding down harder. She wanted to fuck everything. She cried out again squirting hard as she pushed down against the sofa arm. Slowly she finally stopped laying upon the arm. It was soaked through and she would need to clean it before Lauren arrived. Then she thought it over and changed her mind. Lauren would want to see it and know her baby girl was being a very naughty daughter.

    Sheri heard the door to Lauren’s apartment open and rushed to her door opening it. She stood rooted in place seeing Lauren kissing her friend Robin from the gym. Robins hands were everywhere on Lauren. Sheri watched seeing her lover with another and quietly went inside closing her door behind her.


    She could hear Lauren having sex. The moans and cries of pleasure. Sheri in tears went to her bedroom and would remain there until they were finished. It wasn’t until late night when Robin left. Sheri waited for Lauren to come and she did knocking at Sheri's door. Sheri let her in but there was no hug or kiss as she usually did. Lauren could see the tears and took her hand leading her to the couch sitting close to her.

    “You saw Robin and I together” She asked.

    Sheri nodded. “Yes I saw.”

    “Baby girl you know that we’re not in that kind of relationship. No commitments, remember? I still have other lovers.” Said Lauren hating herself for sounding cruel to this young girl. She really didn't want to hurt her but needed her to be with other lovers.

    Sheri knew this but wished that they could simply remain together always. She realized how foolish she was being. Lauren was her lover not her partner.

    “I know, Lauren. I guess…wished we could be more.” Said Sheri.

    “Sheri you need to have lots of lovers. Lots of experiences. Become a better lover. I will always be with you.” Said Lauren hugging her close.

    Sheri wiped her eyes and nodded, smiling, knowing how right Lauren was. “You must think me silly.”

    “No, baby girl. I love you and would never think that. You have no idea how many of the girls at the gym want to go with you. I should tell you that Robin is hot for you.” Said Lauren kissing Sheri. “She’s had her eyes on you ever since you joined the gym.”

    “She does? She wants me?” Asked Sheri surprised. "Others want me?"

    “You should see her. She’s a very good lover. She wants to fuck you so badly.” Said Lauren leaning towards Sheri kissing her tenderly.

    “I could hear you both. It sounded like you were enjoying yourself.” Said Sheri sounding jealous and then laughing.

    “Do you want me to tell her you want her?” Asked Lauren feeling like a pimp. Not really wanting Sheri to say yes and keeping her for herself but that would not fit into her lifestyle. Sheri imagined Robin and her together. Would she like making love to another girl? Did she feel like she was cheating on Lauren? She wasn't sure of anything. So many wanted her and she hadn't even noticed because of Lauren who filled her mind all day long.

    "You think I should let others fuck me, Lauren?" Asked Sheri feeling Lauren pull her close kissing her neck and then her mouth. The feel of Laurens body against hers took her breath away every time.

    "Yes, baby girl. Mommy wants you to let them all fuck you. Then you can come back to me and tell me all about it." Said Lauren smiling. This made Sheri laugh.

    "You want your baby girl to tell you everything they do to me? All the naughty things, mommy?" Asked Sheri loving the roleplay again.

    "Yes, baby. I do. Let me call Robin and tell her to come back here. I bet she runs the entire way." Said Lauren hesitating picking up the phone. She kissed Sheri hard rubbing her hand between her legs making the girl moan so nicely. Robin will fuck her good and hard. It was her nature to rough up her girls a bit. She would make Sheri do some very naughty things indeed.

    "I will if you want me to, mommy. I feel so excited. You don't mind? Robin will make love to me and you're Ok with it?" Asked Sheri making sure her lover understood.

    "I want you to experience everything, baby girl." Said Lauren licking Sheri's ear and neck heating her up for what was to come. She called Robin who said she would be there in a heartbeat. Lauren told her that her usual rough sex was not going to work on this girl right now. Slow and easy. Robin promised but knew that any girl who would fuck a bottle of wine was ready for harder sex.

    Lauren turned to Sheri. "She'll be here shortly. I'll be next door if you need me, but I don't think you will. Now you can pay me back with your hot sexy sounds." Said Lauren leaving Sheri all hot and bothered and ready for another new experience.


    The knock came fifteen minutes later and Sheri opened the door to see Robin standing there looking sexy. The short cropped hair and her tattoos made her look more butch than she really was. She had a tight body and her training at the gym showed.

    "Hi, Sheri. I'm so glad you called." Said Robin in her gritty voice. She came in and looked around. "Nice place." Sheri brought out a bottle of wine and two glasses pouring for the two of them. She was so nervous. Robin was very popular among the women at the gym and here she was in her apartment. Not only that, she knew why. Robin wanted to fuck her and she was willing.

    "Glad you like it." Said Sheri handing her the glass. Robin took it staring at her with her deep blue eyes that seemed to penetrate right through Sheri. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her body tingling with anticipation.  Robin sat close to her. She smelled incredible of leather and spices.

    "Lauren tells me you are an incredible girl. I can see why. You're beautiful, Sheri." Said Robin putting down her glass and licking her lips. Sheri was breathing faster her nipples were hard and so sensitive and her pussy was so wet.

    "Thank you. You're beautiful to, Robin." Said Sheri. Robin moved quickly kissing her hard her tongue in her mouth tangling with Sheri's who moaned in pleasure.

    "Fuck, girl you are something." Said Robin reaching between them and grabbing Sheri's breasts making her close her eyes in pleasure at the woman's touch. Robin pinched her nipples and began to pull them making Sheri want to cum already. "We have to get these clothes off, honey. I want to see that rockin body of yours. I could only imagine what it looked like." Said Robin shedding her clothing so fast that Sheri laughed. Both naked Sheri marveled at Robins tight body. Small breasts like hers with hard long nipples. She had tattoos down one leg and across her shoulders touching her neck. They were beautiful. Her pussy was smooth like hers and she could see that Robins clit was enormous. It had to be at least an inch or more all swollen with excitement.

    They pressed their bodies together loving the feel of each other skin to skin. Robin took control immediately and Sheri liked that. She wanted to be used. Robin laid her on the couch spreading her legs wide. She was looking at her in amazement.

    "Baby you look so good. God your pussy is dripping wet. Let me fix that." Said Robin moving between her legs and licking over her pussy. Sheri closed her eyes, her mouth open in absolute pleasure. She could feel Robins tongue probing her asshole and then licking deep inside her pussy and lastly sucking her clit. She was in heaven. "Feel good, baby?"

    "Yes, I love what you're doing to me." Said Sheri spreading her legs even wider. Robin smiled at the sight of it. So young and ready. She went at her pussy again licking and delving deep. Soon Sheri arched her back squirting hot cum into Robins waiting mouth. She felt Robin push her fingers inside her pussy making her grunt in appreciation. Robin didn't hold back seeing the girl in the throes of lust. She was hers for the taking anyway she wanted despite what Lauren led her to believe.  She had three fingers dep in the girl fucking her fast and hard and Sheri was pushing back wanting more.

    "That's it, Sheri show me how much you want it." Said Robin twisting and ramming those long fingers that were covered in the girls juices. She pulled them out placing them against Sheri's mouth. "Lick them, baby. You're going to love the taste of your pussy."

    Sheri did sucking at the three fingers tasting her juices and licking each finger clean. Then Robin pushed inside Sheri's asshole feeling how tight the girl was. Sheri moaned in pleasure pain from the three fingers but moved her ass up and forward capturing more. They moved together like seasoned lovers tasting and licking and fucking. Sheri started to lick Robins pussy and could smell the spices enveloping her. She noticed a tattoo she had not seen at first on Robins inner thigh close to her pussy. It was a pawprint. She licked Robins huge clit sucking on it like a small cock. Robin moaned and cried out in orgasm.

    Robin made her lie flat on her back and moved above her scissoring their thighs. They were pussy to pussy and Robin began to move slowly grinding down on Sheri. Sheri loved the feeling. Robins huge clit was rubbing against her making her rotate her hips to meet Robins.

    "Bring your legs back more baby, tip your pussy up." Said Robin adjusting her position better. Then Sheri felt it. Robins huge clit was inside her pussy. She was actually fucking her. She could feel it just inside her and she pushed up to meet her every thrust. She was going to cum hard and did making their connection more slippery. Robin moved faster grinding into harder her clit rubbing nicely inside the girl. Both orgasmed together.

    They lay together in a tangle of flesh satisfied. Sheri was happy and realized how right Lauren was about getting more experience. She felt Robin licking her nipples and then sucking one then the other making her ready for more. Lower went Robin kissing every inch of Sheri along the way. When she got to Sheri's pussy she looked up at her and smiled.

    "Trust me on this, Sheri. You're going to love it." Said Robin spreading the girls legs even wider. Robin licked her clit and lower running her tongue along the girls slit to her asshole. Then back up. She opened Sheri's vaginal lips seeing her wet pink inside and started to run her tongue inside it. Sheri was moaning anew loving what Robin was doing to her. Then Robin began to lick Sheri's pee hole her tongue darting against it pushing inward. She flicked Sheri's clit all the while she probed deeper.  To Sheri it felt strange at first. It wasn't bad just different and Robin rubbing her clit at the same time made it much better. Robin used her finger to rub over her pee hole using her spit to push slightly inside it making Sheri moan in pleasure.

    "What are you doing to me?" Asked Sheri feeling Robins finger slip inside her urethra. It was feeling better all the time.

    "I'm getting you ready to fuck, baby girl." Said Robin moving the tip of her finger in and out. Sheri liked this new feeling and moved her body in rhythm to Robins pushing so that Robins finger slid in deeper.

    "I like it." Said Sheri reaching up to pull her own nipples. She sighed in pleasure. Robin had half her finger inside the girl and that's all she needed.

    "Ok, Sheri, I'm going to raise your ass up higher with pillows under you. Then you're going to feel something incredible." Said Robin excited doing something this kinky with the girl. With the pillows beneath her her pussy was positioned upright and Robin got into the scissor position again but this time she aimed her huge clit at Sheri's pee hole that was open and wet. She pushed down and felt the girls urethra accept her clit. Sheri felt it and knew she was going to be fucked by Robin. Robin pushed harder feeling her clit slide inside the girl and began to fuck her.

    "Ohhhh, Robin..." Cried out Sheri. She felt the woman's clit moving in and out so sweetly. It felt incredible.

    "Like what I'm doing, baby? Like my girl cock inside you?" Said Robin ready to cum from fucking her. The girls pee hole was squeezing her clit each time she penetrated it making her insane with pleasure. She was actually fucking Sheri.

    "Fuck me, Robin. Push it in deeper. I want all of you." Cried out Sheri starting to orgasm. Robin began to squirt hard all over Sheri. Her clit was so swollen that it seemed longer. When she pulled out she replaced it with her finger sliding it all the way inside the girl.

    Sheri had never felt anything so hot before. Now Robin was finger fucking her pee hole making her grind against her finger. Her ass was rising off the bed making the finger slide even deeper. She came hard, her body shaking as she squirted.

    Later they lay together and Robin held her close. There was no question that the girl was special. She was open to anything. What she did to her she only did with the more hardcore girls. Sheri took to it easily.

    "Robin. What does the tattoo mean inside your thigh?" Asked Sheri whose head was against Robins chest. Robin smiled wondering if Sheri had actually seen it.

    "That's a story for another time. When you get more experience, darling." Said Robin kissing her.

    "So it's something only very experienced girls do?" Asked Sheri not giving up.

    "Yes. Someday maybe you'll do it to." Said Robin.

    "Lauren doesn't have the tattoo. Does that mean she's not experienced enough?" Asked Sheri.

    "No. She could if she wanted to. She's just not interested. Not every girl wants to try it. But I can tell you if you decide to you'll find yourself in a whole new world sexually. You come see me when you think you're ready." Said Robin kissing her again.


    "You did all that to her?" Asked Lauren surprised. She knew that Robin would push her limits but never that far.

    "Now I know why you're trying to keep her to yourself. She is amazing. She loves fucking and will do anything once you have her horny as hell." Said Robin.

    Lauren was shocked but also pleased that Sheri was so willing. She only wished she was present when Robin fucked her pee hole.

    "She's learning very fast. I guess she took my words to heart about gaining experience. At this rate she might be ready for Becky." Said Lauren.

    "I know she is. She even asked about my tattoo. I didn't explain just told her she wasn't ready yet for that. But I can guarantee you the mistress at the Dog Pound might think differently." Said Robin smiling. "I think your girl is learning way faster than you expected." Said Robin.

    Lauren wondered if Sheri was trying to hard to please her? Was Sheri in love with Lauren, so much so that she would do anything for her? Lauren imagined it to be a possibility.

    "So, what now?" Asked Robin more than willing to see Sheri again. The girl was everything she wanted her to be and more. Fucking her was incredible.

    "I don't know. I know what you'll tell me. You want to deliver her to the Dog Pound Club and its mistress Nora Chaplain. You wouldn't be satisfied until you had her on that stage fucking dogs in front of everyone." Said Lauren remembering being invited and seeing the beautiful women fucking every animal in the place. It wasn't her thing. But Sheri thinking that it might please her would make it her thing and Robin knew it. She knew Nora. She was an extraordinary beautiful woman who was friendly to all the girls. She had nothing against her.

    "Look its not for me to say where you want her to go sexually. It's obvious you want to train her so do it. But I want another session with that beauty. She is special, Lauren." Said Robin.

    Word would get out quickly about Sheri and she would have endless offers to have sex with other women. Lauren knew that she created this problem for herself. If she was truly falling for this young girl she should not have pushed her in that direction. But she was selfish and wanted to be free to live her life. She might not ever see another like Sheri ever again.

   "Let me think on it, Robin. Until then I want her for myself for awhile." Said Lauren making it clear that she didn't want Robin to advertise the girl just yet.


    The next day Lauren knocked on Sheri's door and she answered it completely naked. Lauren could see that she had interrupted her in whatever sexy playtime she had going. Sheri pulled her in and kissed her hard their bodies pressed together making Lauren moan.

    "I'm so glad you came over." Said Sheri showing her a small pink dildo. It was about six inches long and as thick as her middle finger. "I've been practicing. Robin told me to."

    Lauren smiled and bit her bottom lip wondering what Robins influence was having on the girl.  Sheri took her to the couch and told her to sit opposite her.

    "Watch this." Said Sheri spreading her legs wide showing her beautiful pussy all pink and wet. She took the pink dildo and ran it up and down her slit getting it lubricated and then stopped at her pee hole. Slowly she pushed it inside her. The pink dildo slipped into her half way making Sheri moan in pleasure. Lauren was amazed. Her pee hole could now take a small cock. "Hot, isn't it?" Said Sheri slowly fucking herself before Lauren,

    "You look beautiful, darling. Show mommy how much you can take." Said Lauren standing and shedding her clothes. Once naked she sat again spreading her legs wide for Sheri and began to play with her clit.

    Sheri obeyed pushing the small cock deeper taking another inch and moaning from the feeling it was giving her. She rubbed her clit as she fucked herself. Lauren watched the girl loving her incredible body and how she took to such hot things. She could hear the wetness as Sheri pushed the cock in and out.

    "Deeper." Said Lauren pushing Sheri to take every inch.

    Sheri groaned as she pushed harder feeling the pink cock slide ever deeper inside her. A few inches remained and Lauren wanted to see it disappear inside the girls pee hole.

    "Deeper, baby girl. Show mommy you can fuck it all." Said Lauren pulling on her clit as she pinched her nipples. Sheri raised her ass from the couch grinding upwards to meet her plunging dildo until finally she barely had a hold of it. Only the end of the dildo showed. "Now turn it on baby girl."

    Sheri did and felt the intense vibration run straight through her. She began to orgasm immediately. The plastic cocks vibrations shook her to her core making her keep cumming. Lauren watched as Sheri went through the throes of orgasm over and over. She moved toward the girl and began to lick her pussy grabbing the end of the dildo with her teeth pulling it out of her pee hole. The dildo fell to the floor as Lauren licked Sheri's clit and then her pee hole which was open driving her tongue deep into it over and over making the girl squirm in delight.

    Yessssss...." Cried Sheri feeling that marvelous tongue inside her. Then Lauren slid a finger into her pee hole finger fucking the girl fast and hard. Her finger went in so easily that she decided to add another making Sheri cry out, not in pain but absolute pleasure. Fingering her and licking her clit drove Sheri insane with passion. Soon Lauren pulled away her pussy a wet mess from several orgasms.

    "Baby, you're so ready for more.  I can see that now. Your body is demanding so much more." Said Lauren pulling Sheri to her making the girl lie upon her as she kissed her.

    "I can't seem to stop." Said Sheri loving the feel of their bodies pressed together. "It's all I think about, mommy."

    Lauren smiled. Even now she was still so hot that she was immediately into roleplaying. They kissed and moved against each other slowly, sensually.

    "You love sex don't you baby?" Asked Lauren already knowing the answer.

    "Yes, I do, mommy." Sheri ground her pussy against Lauren making the woman moan.

    "I want to send someone to you. Another woman that will take you to the next step in your training. Her name is Becky. A beautiful woman who is into very perverted sex. Remember what I said about trying everything to decide what you like and don't like?" Asked Lauren meeting Sheri's movements rubbing against her pussy.

    "Yes. You want me to try what she likes?" Asked Sheri feeling Laurens clit against hers.

    "I think you should, baby girl. Mommy would like you to join her, have sex with her and let her teach you more." Said Lauren moving faster.

    "Robin said I wasn't ready for her yet. Now you're saying I am. What does Becky do, mommy?" Asked Sheri building up her momentum and almost ready to cum.

    Lauren had to tell her. It was the ultimate perversion and Becky was good at hunting out girls who she could turn making them life long members of the Club. Most were now converts to that lifestyle. Sheri would be easily converted.

    "She likes to have sex with dogs." Said Lauren straight out. Sheri stopped moving. The look of surprise was on her face. Now she understood the small paw tattoo on Robin. She was doing what Becky was doing.

    "Like, real dogs?" Asked Sheri still trying to understand but realizing that it was true.

    "Yes, baby girl. They have a club that specializes in dog sex. Many women belong to it. It's called the Dog Pound. Several actresses belong to it and you have to be invited to join. The club is hidden in the city and no one knows about it except those who belong to it. That's where Becky will take you. If you like it they will determine if you can become a member." Said Lauren seeing Sheri nod slowly.

    "Robin told me that you weren't a member, is that right?" Lauren nodded. "Why?"

    "Just not my thing. I can understand why so many women like it but I just can't see myself living that lifestyle. Maybe someday but not right now." Said Lauren feeling Sheri start to hump her again.

    "You think I would? You can see me being fucked by a dog?" Asked Sheri moving faster. Her pussy was grinding down on Laurens.

    "Honestly? I think you'll love it, baby girl. You are so open to new sexy things. Try it for mommy. Then come home and tell me all about it." Said Lauren moaning. She lifted her ass harder. faster meeting Sheri's thrusts. Both came together squirting and making such a mess on the couch.

                                                                                                      NEW LIFESTYLE: 6 months later

    They ordered out getting Chinese food. Lauren sat watching the TV as Sheri grabbed more food. She was starving. Both were naked. Lauren watched Sheri move about. She could not take her eyes off the girl. Her body was exquisite.

    "How did it go last night?" Asked Lauren realizing she had not talked about it. It was a very special night for Sheri at the club. She did her first performance on stage before all the members. Rumor had it she pretty much set fire to the place she was so hot.

    "It was sexy. You really should have come to see me, Lauren. I would have liked that." Said Sheri.

    Lauren probably should have but knew that if she entered the club she might want to join herself. That she would never do. She wanted to be free and so far Sheri was her only vice. She didn't need another one.

    "Maybe someday I will." Said Lauren looking at the new tattoo on Sheri's inner thigh. It was a paw print exactly like Robins.

    "Good. I'll keep after you about that." Smiled Sheri turning to watch TV.

    Lauren knew she would. Until then she had a hot young nymph to keep satisfied.

                                                                                                                          THE END









« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 08:20:48 PM by Foxihotgirl »