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(Apologies for errors I may have missed)
Stepping out into the sun, Shy smiled as the warmth washed over her. It was a perfect Saturday to be spending by the lake with her friends. She had been waiting for a day like this since early spring and she was going to make the best of it. Her friends and her have been planning this day all week and were so grateful the weather was going to be perfect for it. She just smiled and kept thinking, what could be better than spending the day at the lake?
Near giddy with excitement she rattled her keys in one hand and held her small pack in the other. She had bought a new bikini just for today and wore it under her shorts and tank top. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her sunglasses resting easy on her face, she started walked towards her car.
She was slightly embarrassed by the small rusty vehicle, but it was all she could afford on her part time job. She wished she could afford to at least paint it, but she was able to buy it, pay the insurance and keep gas in it. So even though it was an eye sore and a pain to keep going, she took pride in that she did it all on her own without any help from parents or other friends or family.
As she passed in front of the garage, she was thinking about having to fill up on gas on her way to the lake when she noticed a quick flash of light from inside. It have her pause as she stood looking at the darkened window. She could not see beyond the glass, but she waited to see if the flash happened again. When it did not she began walking to her car. Placing the key on the lock to open the door, she again saw a quick flash of light out of the corner of her eye. This time she stood frozen , her eyes scanning the small windows that lined the garage door.
Curiosity started getting the better of her and she withdrew the key from the car door. Slowly she began walking towards the large garage door, with her eyes locked on the window that she assumed had the flash. As she approached the door, the thought of danger crept into her mind, but it didn’t slow her feet from taking step after step. Urged on by wonder, she made her way closer to the small windows that were perfectly head level.
Using one hand she wiped the glass from dust and removed her sunglasses with the other. Leaning in she laid her forehead tangent the glass and shaded her eyes from the light. Inside was a mess of boxes and random items. Looking left and right she scanned the jumble of items trying to find anything out of the ordinary, but everything looked to be out of order and chaotically placed. Leaning back away from the window, she began to turn away when the flash hit the corner of her eye.
Whipping her head towards the glass, she stared at the back corner of the garage where a pile of rags and old sheets lay on top if random boxes. The were an odd feeling about this that she couldn’t explain. She felt that she should be nervous or even scared but all she felt was a calmness that surprised her almost as much as the odd flashing light. She took note that even though the sun was still low, the light of it never reached the pile old cloth, so it could not have been a glare.
Without thinking she bent down and twisted the old handle of the garage door. The chains inside rattled against it as the pulled the pins free, and she was able to lift the door open. The heavy springs made a small racket as they bounced against the tracks as the door was pulled upwards. The door recoiled slightly when it reached the top and then since settled in the open space. She stood motionless and quiet fixated on the back corner waiting for any sign of movement. When nothing stirred she walked towards the pile of old tattered blankets.
Studying the pile of sheets and mystery clothes, she realized that it was once all held inside a box but the box had either ripped or fell over spilling the fabrics everywhere. As she scanned the unruly pile, she noticed a tire sticking out near the bottom. Looking up from the tire she noticed what looked to be just a small piece of shiny plastic sticking out. She finally reached the pile and using both hands began pushing back the dirty old sheets and slowly uncovered the handlebars to her old mountain bike. The piece of plastic turned out to be the front reflector that gave off a quick flash of light when she fully exposed it.
It was an odd flash of light, no only because the sun didn’t reach that far, but she suddenly felt very calm and relaxed. She tossed the sheets to the side and gripped the handlebars. The grips felt delicate yet firm in her grip as she stepped back and pulling her old bike free from the tangled mess. A few boxes fell once her bike was free, but she couldn’t have cared less about what fell and what may have broken. A broad smile spread across her face and she felt a new energy in her legs as she walked the bike out of the shadows and into the bright summer sun.
The purple metallic paint with flecks of glitter sparkled once it was out of the dark. She found herself surprised at the lack of dust, dirt, and even rust that she felt should have been there. Perhaps all that time didn’t matter because it had been covered up and protected from such things. Even the chain and gears looked like they had been freshly oiled and kept free of dirt and grime. The back tire needed a little air, but otherwise her bike looked practically brand new. Leaning the bike on its kickstand, she turned and with a happy little giggle, went back into the garage.
A few moments later, she found her tire pump that matched her bikes paint, and was nearly bouncing on her toes with excitement. She couldn’t remember the last time she had ridden her bike, but she remembered that she used to love riding. It had been her favorite thing to do for years, but once she bought her car, the bike rides got less and less, and soon they just apparently stopped. She should have never stopped riding, and as she pushed her foot down on the pump to fill the tire, she knew then and there, she was riding her bike to the lake.
She disconnected the tube and used her hand to check the firmness of the tire. She took a few steps away from the bike, dropped the tire pump in a basket full of random items sitting just inside the garage, and pulled her phone out of her pocket. A few quick swipes on the screen, and she called her bestie to tell her she was going to be a while getting there. Her friend didn’t understand, and was relatively annoyed by the fact she wanted to ride her bike. They weren’t small children anymore, and she had a car so just drive, and get there, because what’s better than spending the day by the lake?
Not wanting to carry too much while on the bike, she went through her bag taking out things she figured she wouldn’t need and set it in the basket next to her tire pump. Shed take it out when she got back home in the evening, and kept the basics of what she figured she’d need which left her bag near empty and half the weight. She closed the garage door and relocked it before cross slinging her bag and settling it comfortably in place. Still with the smile on her face she stepped through the gap between seat and handlebars, and placed her foot on the pedal. With one hopping push with her other foot, she settled onto the seat and was on her way.
There were a few rough chunks of the chain and gears getting settled where they should be, and a small wiggle to the handling while she adjusted herself into a comfortable position. However, it took no time at all before she was rhythmically and the bike was riding smooth down the road. He seat was so comfortable that she was instantly reminded that she had spent a lot of money getting one that was perfect. The original almost gave her saddle sores, so she made she got the best she could. This also went for the grips on the handlebars, as well as the levers for the brakes. She had customized her bike to fit her perfectly, and it made for a very comfortable ride.
The few bumps she hit while making her way to the edge of town hardly registered to her because of the quality of the custom parts she had selected. She found herself pedaling fast and enjoying the wind in her face, and the ride remained as smooth as could be. She soon found herself leaving the small town, and entering the countryside. Soon the sounds of the small town were behind her and all she heard was the hum of the tires on the road and the occasional rapid clicking of the gears when she stopped pedaling and coasted.
As the miles of the road moved smoothly underneath her, she thought back to how she used to ride all the time. It wasn’t just for exercise or to get somewhere, a lot of time it was to get away. Spending time just riding down a road or a park trail were some of her most relaxing moments. Whether she was listening to music, or the nature around her, there was something extremely therapeutic about being on her bike and just going. She began to reminisce about some of her favorite times when a memory came flooding back to her and she blushed and wobbled slightly.
She remembered one particular ride down a road that was being redone. It was gravel and covered with ruts from machinery, and the way the bike bounced and moved beneath her made the ride very intimate. The continuous bouncing and shaking from the stones aloud her bike seat to have it’s way with her. Its pressed her in all the wrong places which in truth turned out to be all the right places. She had lost control of her bike that time and ended up walking home with scratches and scrapes on her legs.
Almost as if the bike read her thoughts, the back tire bounced slightly causing her seat to move just right. Her breath caught and her already flushed face burned at the sensation. Her hands gripped hard on the handlebars as she stood up on the pedals. She let her breath out and looked around concerned if anybody had seen it. She knew that it was a ridiculous concern, but it didn’t stop the nervous glances. After coasting a while she slowly sat back down, extremely aware of how the seat rested and pressed against her.
She resumed pedaling and tried to put the thought behind her and wondered as to why the front tired hadn’t moved like the back tire. Again as if the bike could read her mind the back tired popped up once more driving the seat up. An audible gasp escaped her as she applied the brakes, stopped and stood on the ground straddling the bike. She let her breathing go, and she could feel her heart starting to beat faster. Putting down the kickstand she got off the bike and let it lean where it was. She stared at the bike seat for a couple seconds before looking at the road that she had passed to see what it was that made the bike hop, but she saw nothing.
As she scanned the road, she caught a quick flash of light from the bikes front reflector, drawing all her attention back to the bike. Her eyes moved back and forth between the reflector and the bikes custom seat. She half expected to see some kind of moisture on the foam rubber saddle, because she could definitely feel it building up between her thighs. The utter ridiculous idea that the bike was doing it on purpose nearly made her scoff at herself, but there was a tiny voice in the back of her head that kept saying, it isn’t all that ridiculous. Slowly she swung a leg back over the bike, picked up the kickstand and stood there straddling the bike holding the handlebars steady.
Standing there holding the grips and looking down at the back of the handlebars, the urge to start riding again grew constantly in her mind until it was all she could focus on. Putting a foot back on the pedal she started moving again. It took no time at all before the back of the bike popped up again. She sucked air in as the seat pushed up to her bumping and rubbing at the perfect angle. She didn’t stop peddling this time as the swaying of her hips made her rub constantly again then intruding seat. The two pieces of fabric between her and the seat slid easily against each other allowing her to move herself easily around on the seat. Her breathing began heavy as all the motions combined to form a symphony of continuous pleasure. Her hands gripped hard on the handlebars as her vision began to lose focus and her head started to spin. She had barely gotten anywhere before her foot slipped from the pedal and she nearly fell.
Planting both feet on the ground she leaned forward over the handlebars gasping, mouth open and eyes closed. She thought for sure she was going to tip over to the side, but with her feet planted and the bike helping with support she was able to stay in place and wait for everything to slow back down. A few more seconds and she would have been overcome with an orgasm which probably would have lead to her crashing.
She stood up straight and let her head roll back until her face was pointing at the sky. The sun beat down on her flushed face as she took deep controlled breaths. The sweat that started forming on her body was hit with a breeze that sent goosebumps racing along her skin and forcing her nipples to fight against her top. She was very aware of her bikes seat pressing against her butt cheek, as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening.
She thought back to that one ride that had become much more than it should have been. Her riding through town on a road that was being worked on. The gravel causing the whole bike to shake beneath her bringing to a very confusing moment in her life. It was all so vivid in her mind as those same sensations were currently subsiding in her body. Unlike last time however, she was not bothered or embarrassed, but excited.
She climbed off her bike and without a care if anybody saw her, she pulled her shorts down exposing her bikini bottoms to the world around her. While she bent over to work the shorts past her shoes, a slight shiver went through her as a tiny breeze blew past the moisture that was clearly visible on her inner thighs. Taking a few seconds to put her dampened shorts in her little bag before swinging her leg back over the bike. She leaned forward and whispered to her bike that she was ready for a real ride. With one foot on the pedal she pushed off with the other and settled onto seat.
The difference from not wearing the shorts was pleasantly obvious. Her small bikini bottom did nothing to guard her from the invasive nature of the seat. It pressed and worked it’s way into spaces it should not be, but were completely welcome. She paused in her peddling and her toes curled in her shoes as the seat was hugged by the sensitive bits of her body. The warmth of the sun beat down on her now partial exposed butt in a way that made her think it was cupping and holding her. The cool breeze in her face swept beading sweat from her face, neck, and chest as she turned her face to the sky and allowed herself to enjoy this unusual pleasure.
Sucking in a deep breath she stood on the pedals and began pedaling hard. She want speed and more motion from the bike beneath her. She steered herself off the road and onto the grave shoulder and then forcefully pushed crotch onto the seat. Instantly vibrations from the gravel shot through the bike, straight into her, and made her moan out loud. Her moan was followed by other smaller breathy moans and groans, fitting in perfectly with the bouncing vibration of the seat. She suddenly found herself leaning forward again but this time grinding her hips hard. She quickly glanced down to see the nose of the bike seat poking out from underneath her bikini clad crotch, and it was very apparent that the swimsuit had absorbed a lot of moisture. She was only half surprised that she found a rhythm that fit perfectly with the bike.
She pushed her self to the edge and braced for the impending lightning strike, but it never came. She found her self desperate for the release, but it teased her and tortured her as she wobbled unsteadily, but it never came. She needed more. She needed it inside her. She begged and screamed in her own head how she wished the seat could move and mold itself to give her what she fully wanted. It was all for nothing and driving her mad how close she kept getting but never reaching that peak. Finally her momentum stopped and she slid from her soaked seat to stand on unsure legs. She pressed her butt hard against the tip of the seat and it wedged her bottom into her butt with pleasurable sensations.
She needed it bad, and the seat was not able to give her what he wanted. It was not made or shaped for that type of job, but she could not continue on, or she would completely lose her mind. She needed to finish this and being out in he open vulnerable to any who happen by made her excitement only climb. She didn’t think she would be able to control herself if some random guy stopped to se if she was ok. It was like she was on some kind of drug and hardly able to control her own urges and desires. Yes, she needed to finish this now.
With a quick look around she saw off to the right an access drive that led deep into a field. On one side of it was open to the world, but along the other was a fence with thick growth going along it. Tall grass and trees made for a nice cover from any traffic that may approach. The gravel crunched beneath her feet as she quickly made her way to the driveway. Her thighs rubbed together and she couldn’t stop her hips from a subtle thrusting which was just enough to keep her lust from taking full control. She was not that far from the spot she had picked out, but it still seemed miles away as her need continued to cloud her better judgement and sense of decency. Riding the bike that short distance with all those sensations pushing her but no release was nothing short of torture, so the slow walk was her best option.
She made her way down the drive to location she had chosen. Her hand would sometimes leave the handlebars and her fingers would snake their way into her bikini bottoms, but her walking paused, she would quickly remove it and keep going. The spot she had chosen was filled with tall grass about knee high but with a large shrub between the grass and road. It was not ideal, but at that particular moment she didnt care, she just want to indulge herself. She wheeled her bike into the grass, which was far softer than she anticipated, and with a quick look around, she removed her bag, tossed it haphazardly to the side, and dropped her bottoms. She barely let it hit the ground before she had her hand working. Her fingers working quickly over her clit with a long moaning breath of pure satisfaction rushing passed her lips. Pleasure denied finally encountered.
Her entire lower body was completely exposed to the world. The slight breeze moving playfully past her wet areas of her thighs and crotch. Her body already covered in goosebumps seemed to grow tight as the shivers rolled through her. Her nipples became so hard all logic said it should almost be painful, but all she wanted to do was play and pinch them, so she pulled her tank, and bikini top up and exposed her small breasts to the daylight. The heat from the sun felt amazing on her chest and her fingers were delightful as she groped herself and pinched her nipple between the knuckles of her index and middle finger. Her other hand continued to work hard on her clit causing her knees to want to give out making her making her think she was going to fall over soon. She had squeezed her eyes shut when she had started, but now she opened them and looked at the bike she had set down on its side. She decided that it was the bike that had gotten her here, so the bike should also be apart of this as well.
Taking a few steps, and turning she bent at the waist and let the sun shine on her exposed sex. Being bathed in its warmth was such a wonderful feeling she nearly reached behind to open herself up to it, to let it in. With slight reluctance she squatted and gripped her bike with wet fingers. Even squatting down, and feeling the taller grass on her butt and labia made her smile and moan slightly with pleasure. Seemed that anything touching her was enough to set her lust climbing. She very nearly started masturbating again as she was, but she wanted something else even more.
Standing, and holding the bike by its handlebars, she put her leg over the bike and straddled it. Placing her foot on the pedal, she leaned the bike to one side, bent at the waist, and pushed back against the seat. Feeling the seat slide along her, she opened her mouth, letting out a slow breath she dropped her head and looked beneath her. She watched when she pushed her hips back how the seat easily slipped between her labia and pushed against her sensitive clit. When she rocked her hips forward the seat slipped out of sight and pressed against her eager opening. How she wished she could just sit bac and allow the seat to violate the depth of her body.
Eyes now closed she rocked and rotated her hips grinding on the perfectly formed seat. Her lust growing to a point she didn’t care if it would hurt, she needed that wonderful sensation of being opened and penetrated. Holding the bike with one hand, she reached between her legs with the other, and rested her forehead against the center of the handlebars as she felt her muscles start to weaken. She introduced her hand into the mix and immediately began working her fingers in quick little circles over her clit. A deep moan escaped her lips along with a small bit of saliva. Normally she’d be embarrassed about drooling everywhere, but not this time, this time she blocked everything out and focused only on lust and pleasure.
Panting and moaning louder, she would push herself against the seat feeling it begin to stretch her open, but would stop just before it got uncomfortable, and pull forward again. She would then replace the seat with her fingers letting them slide easily inside her body. The palm of her hand felt like fire against her clit making her hold her breath for a bit, biting her lip. When she would withdraw her fingers, she would again start moaning, and press back against the seat. The smooth, slick surface was a delicious match for her quickly moving fingers. This pattern made for the perfect mix she didn’t know she would absolutely love, and her moans, became groans from deep inside, and echoed in her ears. The sun, hot on her back, helped pull beads of sweat out of her to rolling off her skin. Every now and then a breeze would hit her taking heat off her body and sending chills and goosebumps to cover her from head to toe. Her nipples straining against her own skin and her body tightening against itself. The sliding seat and continuous familiar rotation of her fingers helped her climb ever closer to ecstasy. Her body would tense when she would draw breath and quiver making her butt and breasts shake on ever vocal exhale.
With little warning the firestorm erupted from her core and rushed outward through her body. Her legs failed and she collapsed sideways still straddling the bike. Her impact on the ground was softened by the tall grass, but she was near oblivious that she even fell at all. Her mind swirled and swam as her body took control from her and acted of it’s own accord. The bike seat pressed hard against her as her orgasm continued on, and her teeth closed around the firm rubber of the handlebar, and that’s how she stayed for what seemed eternity.
Slowly her head started to clear and her eyes started seeing the red from the inside of her eyelids. Her breathing was slow and deep and she could feel everything that touched her. The grass didn’t fee as soft and every poke started to annoy. Her eyes finally opened to he world and she tried to focus against the brightness. Movement caught her eye, and she lazily turned her attention to left only to find several cows standing there watching her. She giggle softly to herself and wondered why she hadn’t been more shocked to find she had had an audience. She had just done something she’d never had expected, so why not put on a show, even if it is for barnyard animals.
She laid there enjoying the sun beating down on her nearly completely naked body until she felt a few bugs begin to crawl on her. That’s all she needed in order to get back on her feet. She had pretty successfully tangled herself in the bike’s frame but even so, was able to quickly get herself on her feet. The seat had rubbed her twice as she climbed her way out which sent jolts of pleasure pains through her. Getting bike up and on its kickstand, she stood for a short while just staring at it, remembering every detail of what just occurred.
Shaking her mind free, she scanned the area for her belongings and started collecting her scattered items, and getting dressed. Grass stains had found their way onto her clothes and even on parts of her body. She had no way of getting rid of them, but to be honest with herself, she didn’t even really care. Although she did use whatever reflective surface of her bike to try and settle her hair a little better and make sure her face wasn’t covered in dirt and grass.
Making sure all her items were collected she looked at her phone to see several missed messages. With a quick scan it was her friends asking if she was on her way , and to see if she was ok. She selected a text at random and replied with a quick text saying she was fine and on her way. Before her phone went back into the bag, it was chiming again with replies. She ignored them and with very loose legs began pushing her bike out of the tall grass and down the dirt path to the road. She decided walking was best for now, at least u till she knew she could handle the sensations of being on that seat.
Back on the road she came to the realization that she had a couple of miles to go before getting to the lake. She didn’t want to take any more time away from the lake and her friends but with her legs still wobbling she would not be able to keep herself off the seat. With a look at the seat she could see her body fluids shiny off the surface as if beckoning to her to have a seat. To sit and enjoy the ride to the lake. Her orgasm hasn’t fully subsided, but her hunger grew for another ride. She knew it would be torture, but what wonderful torture it would be. Throwing cautions on judgment to the wind, she slowly climbed back onto the bike and with effort to get her legs going, she began peddling.
Immediately the rough road and rocks made the bike seat violate her in ways she has never experienced before. The bouncing and vibrating. The quick shifts left to right rubbing, grinding, and bouncing against her made her grunting and groan. With ever bit of will she had, she continued to peddle to keep her moving closer to her destination. By the time she had a good speed she was grinding her hips against the motion of the seat begging for it to make her cum again. She continued to get closer to her destination, but if she didn’t arrive soon or have another orgasm, she would lose her mind.
The trees began to get thinker on the sides of the road and finally with a praise to the powers that be, she saw the glimmer of water up ahead. Lifting her bottom off the seat she could feel moisture running down her legs. Her entire pelvis felt like a sauna of her own making. She worried about what her friends may say but looking over her body she was sweating from head to toe and her entire body as flushed red. Coasting the last bit of distance her friend came into view and she was finally there.
Everybody turned to see her approaching, and watched as she came to an slow stop and nearly fell to the side. Clumsily she dismounted the bike and let it lay on the ground. She stumbled a few steps and removed her bag from her shoulder and began making her way to the water.
One of her friends approached her with concern on her face, “holy shit! Are you ok? Did you get hit by a car or something?”
She looked down at herself and realized she was a total mess with sweat, dirt, grass stains, and body red and hot. She didn’t feel like talking, she just wanted to get to the water she just shrugged and began walking past her friend, “No… I’m fine…”
Her friend was shaking her head watching her stumble to the cold refreshing water, “I told you it was dumb to ride that bike. You could have been hear hours ago!”
Pausing in her step she turned back to her friend, and then glanced at the bike. The front tire slowly turned and reflector gave off a small flash of light that made her smile, “Dumb? Sometimes it’s about the journey.”